People are very complex creatures.

Wang Wei knew that the medicines bought on the black market had problems.

He also told Ma Cheng that these medicines are still defective and there are unknown dangers in taking them.

So he never gave the medicine directly to the user, but first gave the horse to the horse, and then the horse to the user.

He deceived himself in his heart. Those people voluntarily drank the potion. If something went wrong, it was also Ma Cheng's fault. Their death had nothing to do with him.

But this time he can't deceive himself anymore.

Zhang Ping took a look at the potion, and then asked: "Do you remember the person who sold your potion in the black market?"

"The opponent was wearing a green mask, but Hearing the voice, he should be about the same age as me. At that time, we talked for a while. He said,'Old Guy like us,' so he is not Cheng Xuegong, he may be the person behind Cheng Xuegong." Wang Wei His mind was sober for a moment, and he quickly replied.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "I know, you stay here well, think carefully about any clues, if you have clues, you can write them down, and then give them to me when the time comes."


"Yes, my lord, I will definitely think about it." Wang Wei nodded and said.

Zhang Ping left the detention room with the potion, he returned to the hall to sit down, and directly used the Appraisal Technique on the potion in his hand.

[Successful identification]

[Exotic Beast Concentrate: A mysterious liquid made from a large amount of extraneous animal marrow blood refinement. After taking it, there is a probability of getting a certain kind of Innate Ability of an alien animal . 】

next moment, Zhang Ping seems to be in a gray stone house.

In the room, a strange old man covered in green liquid is extracting the blood in the bones of the alienated beast. He seems to have a certain superpower that can constantly temper the blood essence to make it qualitatively change.

Unfortunately, the screen is very short, Zhang Ping only saw half of it, and the screen ended.

"For this kind of stone house, there are no one thousand and several hundred in Pearl City, is rarer if there is no window. You can ask Sisi sister to check it. The sweeping team should know this information." Zhang Ping opened his eyes and thought to himself.

He looked at the potions, thought about opening the lid of one of the potions, and swallowed it directly with his head up.

The taste of this medicine is better than expected, a bit like a thick soup.

Probably related to super powers.

Anyone who drinks the medicine will quickly absorb the medicinal power of the medicine, and the next moment Zhang Ping will feel a new change in the body.

He uses his will to suppress the changes in his body, and directly uses Appraisal Technique on himself.

In fact, during this period of time, his level has been slowly increasing. He was upgraded from Level 16 to Level 17 three days ago. He didn't expect that after drinking this potion, his level directly broke through to level 19. .

At this time, he is only one step away from the high level awakened.

Also, after he finished drinking this potion, a new Innate Ability was added.

【Savage body: The body becomes stronger and stronger, with the intuition of wild beast, the body can enter the state of wild beastization, which greatly improves the physical fitness. 】

Zhang Ping can feel his body become stronger, but there is a saying, this ability is not very helpful to him, after all, he is very strong, after using the metal coating, the strength Far stronger than wild beastization.

But this ability may also be able to play a role at some moments, so his evaluation of the ability is: better than nothing!


Naturally is the more the better.

It is best to be strong in all directions without any weakness.

Zhang Ping knows very well that he acquired the savage body not because of potions, but because of alien eaters.

If an ordinary person dared to drink the potion like him, 90% of them would be like Ma Cheng and they would die miserably in the end.

He looked at the remaining two potions, and simply opened the lids, and then drank them one after another.

He never has too much power.

Even if the ability is useless now, it is impossible to say when it will be useful in the future.

Sure enough, after drinking the potion, he soon gained two new abilities:

【Five sense enhancement: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are greatly improved, At the same time spirit strength becomes more acute. ]

[Communicate with everything: You can communicate with everything without barriers, even if it has no life. 】


The first ability is very good.

Zhang Ping suddenly felt his ears and eyes clear. He could see the morning sun spilling on the floor through the window, and a particle of dust floating in the air, and even small shadows on the back of the dust could be seen.

He heard a bird approaching in the distance, chirp chirp twitter twitter...swearing.

"Damn Tyro actually snatched my bug, I hate it."

"Stop talking, I was almost killed by the group of bastard below, I Put shit on their heads and let them eat shit."

"We shouldn’t be so close to human beings. Go and go."

"Wait, I have to come. That's it!"

Next, Zhang Ping heard someone outside yelling at the bird in the sky and shit on his head.

"I should eat a few more wings."

At this time, Bai De walked into the house angrily, with a little bird's stool on his head.

He sat opposite Zhang Ping, took the tissue and wiped the bird droppings on his head. Zhang Ping then heard the angry voice of the tissue: "Damn, you wipe it so dirty with my pure body Dirty things, won't your conscience hurt?"

"What's the matter?" Bai De asked Zhang Ping strangely when he looked at himself.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "Nothing, any clues?"

"There are really clues. One of the Weilipai members once saw the process of learning attack in Baiyun District. I suspect that Cheng The old nest of learning attack is in Baiyun District." Bai De threw the tissue in his hand into the trash can, then nodded and said.

While speaking, he opened the map and continued: "Except for Cheng Xuegong, the rest of the Weili faction have been controlled. If someone is secretly involved, then Cheng Xuegong is most suspected. ."

"Well, it is indeed Cheng Xuegong. Those who gained the ability are all dead." Zhang Ping calmly nodded and said.

Bai De was taken aback, frowned: "They are all dead, how did they die?"

"I killed it." Zhang Ping looked at Bai De and said helplessly.

Bai De frowned, he thought for a while, and said: "Really not saved?"

"Instructor Bai De, you know my abilities, if they have a way to survive, I will Not kill them.

Their bodies are completely hopeless. Even if I cut off their heads and shape them a body, they will still die.” Zhang Ping rubbed his hands on his face, took a deep Said seriously after the breath.

Bai De sighed after listening, said with a bitter smile: "Then this is their fate, but so many people have died, this case must be investigated to the end, and all secret masterminds must be found out!"

"Well, I think so too." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Bai De said in distress: "That Zhou Dahao's case..."

"For the time being, let’s take care of the Weili faction first. For Zhou Dahao’s death, 80% of the actions were taken by the Yuju Zhu Family. Otherwise, it is impossible to make it so clean." Zhang Ping decided.

Bai De thought for a while, nodded and said: "Sure, what do you think should be done with the remaining Weili faction members?"

"For the crime of obstructing the investigation, all Imprisonment for a month." Zhang Ping said.

Actually, imprisonment for one month also means to protect these people.

After all, the murderer was very frantic. If the opponent did not leave Pearl City and asked him to cast purple mist again, I am afraid that more people would die because of the ability.

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