Zhu Family of Royal Animals.

patriarch Zhu Taihao is one hundred and fifty years old.

In these years, he gradually stopped holding power tightly in his hands.

It's even getting more and more indifferent.

So, the following nine Elders gradually become the true leaders of Zhu Family.

Because Zhu Taihao is not dead yet, all struggles are going on in secret now, but Zhu Family is no longer the monolithic Zhu Family in the past.

In order to compete for the future Position of Patriarch, the nine Elders do not know how many open strife and veiled struggles, and the family members under the Elder have also stood in line to fight for their own interests.

For Zhu Wuneng, as long as the eighth Elder is not in the top position of Zhu Chengmian among the nine Elders, nothing else matters.

Because other Elders are between ninety and one hundred years old, only Zhu Chengmian is fifty years old. If Zhu Chengmian is in the position, then Zhu Wuneng will miss the Position of Patriarch in his lifetime.

Moon Prince fell into Zhu Chengmian's hands. No matter what Zhu Chengmian wanted to do, such ambitious people as Zhu Wuneng had only one idea, and that was to destroy Zhu Chengmian's plan!

"Zhu Shi, really good plot against."

Zhu Wuneng is very clear, Zhu Shi also has ambitions, Zhu Shi will tell him this news whether it is a deal or not.


But it's not a loss.

Zhu Shi wants to make trouble in Pearl City, Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping also not to be trifled with, he may not be pleased.

In fact, if you want to board the Position of Patriarch, the easiest way is to recapture Pearl City. This is enough credit for Zhu Taihao to make an exception and even voluntarily give up the Position of Patriarch.

One step back, if it can kill Situ Shibai or Zhang Ping, it will also be a great achievement.

Pearl City.

Those who don’t need unlimited abilities!



Zhang Ping returned to Pearl City.

He finished his lunch in Guilou, and then took a bottle of wine back to the place where he found the purple mist.

"Brother, I am coming!"

Zhang Ping sat on the ground, patted the ground, said with a laugh.

The ground was shocked happily said: "Brother, are things going well in the morning?"

"Smoothly, quite smoothly, those two scumbags, I punched one, one I stomped one to death, thanks to your guidance, otherwise I really don’t know where they are going." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Sorry on the ground said: "I can only help with this. If I can move, I will definitely accompany you to clean up the bad guys."

"It's okay, I'm the one. People can solve them, come and drink!" Zhang Ping said with a smile, and then poured the wine in his hand on the ground.

The ground suddenly yelled: "What is this, so exciting."

"Waste, too waste, do you know how I was born?" The wine fell on the ground , Protested dissatisfied.

Zhang Ping took a sip of wine, said with a smile: "Isn't my brother worthy of drinking you?"

"It doesn't have a mouth, how can I drink me? I'm going to ascend to heaven. Ah, I am going to heaven!" Jiu Shui shouted from the ground.

The ground said depressed: "I really don't have a mouth. I'm sorry, brother, I can't drink."

"It's okay. If you don't have a mouth, you will have a mouth." Zhang Ping drank. A sip of wine, laughed and said with a smile.

Then he patted the ground, and a crack appeared on the ground. All the wine immediately flowed into the crack, and the crack slowly closed.

"I drank it, I really drank it!" The ground yelled in surprise.

Zhang Ping was taken aback for a moment, then blinked, and said in surprise: "You really have a mouth?"

"Hey, did I have a mouth?" The ground was also shocked. Shouted.

Zhang Ping looked at his right hand. He just took a random shot just now. Why did the ground really crack?

In fact, the ground cracking itself is normal. After all, his strength is quite large, and the cracks that can be opened can heal automatically, which is abnormal.

"Is there any hidden effect in communicating with all things, or is the hidden effect of other abilities combined with the hidden effect of communicating with all things, so other abilities are produced?"

Zhang Ping touched the ground with his hand, trying to reproduce the ability just now, but there was no change in the ground.

"I was drunk, I drank too much, brother, thank you for the wine, I feel great, I have never been so good, it turns out that the taste of wine is this, it’s the first time for me I know."

"I have had enough, why am I on the ground, why anyone can step on me, I will be the highest...ground!"

The ground drank Wine, obviously drunk.

Although Zhang Ping doesn't know why he gets drunk after drinking.

He lay on the ground, said with a slight smile: "Actually, it is also good to make the ground, at least the cornerstone of the world. The world can have no humans, animals, plants, but no ground, no Is it?"

"Brother, what you said is so right, I want to make the ground, I want the best ground!" The ground yelled.

At this time, many pedestrians saw Zhang Ping sitting on the ground, and they seemed to be talking to someone, all a little far away from where Zhang Ping was.

"Isn't that the giant Zhang Ping? He's crazy?" Awakened recognized Zhang Ping, whispered whispered.

Another awakened quickly whispered: "Don’t chew your tongue."

Not to mention the strength of Zhang Ping, now Zhang Ping is the Captain of the investigation team Kui, I want It's too simple to fix their awakened.

Even if the City Lord will punish Zhang Ping afterwards, what's the use?

So, the most important thing for awakened is to learn to respect powerhouse.


In the evening, Zhang Ping returned to Guilou.

He lay lazily on the sofa, and soon fell asleep.

"What did Zhang Ping do at noon?" Liu Sishan came down from the second floor, glanced at Zhang Ping who was still sleeping, and then asked Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Shouzhong complained: "Zhang Ping, he went to find his brother on the ground to drink. Obviously I came first. He actually calls me brother and brother with the ground, and he doesn’t call me when he drinks.”



Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie, who had just come down, looked at Zhang Shouzhong speechlessly, and couldn't help but complain. What kind of jealousy are you eating?

"In fact, Master Zhang Ping didn't want to kill the person who invented the potion, but the other party was too much." At this time, Chen Shuang came over with the sober soup and said to the three of them.

For the overwhelming majority, Pan Fu is a dangerous existence, but for Zhang Ping, Pan Fu is simply a lucky star.

The three potions made by Pan Fu directly give Zhang Ping three more abilities, plus the mutant eyes previously obtained from the purple mist, that is, four abilities.

So if there are not so many people dead, Zhang Ping really wants to include Pan Fu, even if it is controlled by the contract gem, it is also a good choice.

It's a pity that the other party is too hateful, and he still doesn't know how to repent until he died.

Zhang Ping couldn't bear it, and finally hurt the killer, but after the killing, he was also very heartbroken, so the perfect source of ability was gone.

Some people may ask, if you don’t kill and control it, it’s okay to let him die.

The problem is not to kill him.

Zhang Ping feels sorry for those who died.

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