The next two weeks, calm and tranquil.

Zhang Ping's life is very regular. I get up in the morning to practice forging skills, then eat breakfast, go out for a run along the community, and finally arrive at Guilou.

At noon, he will eat in Guilou.

After dinner, he will study with Liu Sishan the knowledge passed down from generation to generation by the investigation team, or study his own superpowers on his own.

After dinner.

Because the investigation team does not have a mission for the time being, it is considered off-duty time.

In addition to studying superpowers at home, Zhang Ping occasionally goes to the "ground" for drinking, or goes to the Beastmaster Fist Hall to learn Beastmaster Fist from Bai De.

The patrol team is divided into day and night shifts.

Bai De's team, the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and the second, fourth, and sixth are day classes, so in the day class, he will start classes at night.

After all, when they left Pearl City, many students paid the tuition but did not finish the first three styles, so Bai De had to take time to teach.

Although Zhang Ping has more and more abilities, Beastmaster Fist is already dispensable.

However, he has more skills and does not press his body, and his body strength is getting stronger and stronger now. Beastmaster Fist is a general technique that he has learned.

During this period, in addition to daily learning and researching superpowers, there are probably two things worth mentioning.

First, Zhang Ping took the time to accompany Qiu Qiang to meet Liu Tiefeng.

Liu Tiefeng also specifically tested Zhang Ping's forging skills. After confirming the qualification, Qiu Qiang was asked to continue to teach Zhang Ping the remaining skills.

The second is that Wang Jieming joined the Gui team and is currently a trainee.

When Zhang Ping thinks he is qualified, he will take him to the place of experience.

According to the tradition of the investigation team, only by completing one of the missions in the field of experience, can they be regarded as a real official team member.



The sun shines through the windows and falls on the floor.

The library of Guilou, exudes a good smell, that is the smell of Gui Nanhua.

Zhang Ping right hand propped on the long table, gradually falling into sleepiness, and finally lying on the table, covering his face with a book, his breathing became long.

The quiet library, only the sound of pages turning.

Liu Sishan held a book in his hand, glanced lightly at Zhang Ping who was sleeping next to him, and then continued reading casually.

Her face has already been cured by Zhang Ping, she doesn’t usually need to wear a mask, she is not that kind of particularly beautiful woman, at least the first side will not give people an amazing feeling, but the time to get along The longer, everyone will find that she looks better and more attractive.


After half an hour, Zhang Ping sat up slowly.

Even if it was noon, he would wake up very quickly if sleepiness struck.

The main reason is that his energy recovery speed is too fast. After squinting for a while, he is full of energy, just like Erha with nowhere to vent, his body can't wait to run wild.

"I'll wash my face!"

Zhang Ping rubbed his face, then stood up and said.

He likes this leisurely time very much now.

I even sincerely hope that Pearl City can be so stable in the future.

According to the analysis of mind power, he is only sixteen years away from Level 20. If he exercises superpowers every day and eats food that can reduce the time of advancement, then he will enter at the most in another half a year. The order is high level awakened.

He bought all the ingredients that Pearl City can buy and analyzed them once.

Currently, the recipes of each member of the investigation team are different. Whether it is delicious or not, it is important to reduce the time required for promotion.

Coming out of the small library, he yawned, then walked into the bathroom and washed his face.

"Where is Zhang Ping?"

Zhang Shouzhong's voice came from outside the door, and Zhang Ping knew through his voice that Zhang Shouzhong is now in the small library.

He walked out of the bathroom just when Zhang Shouzhong was also kicked out of the small library.

Zhang Shouzhong eyes shined and immediately said: "Zhang Ping, I heard that there is a major event."

"What major event?" Zhang Ping walked to the lobby and sat on the sofa. Then he asked.

Zhang Shouzhong sat down, subconsciously picked up an apple, then just wanted to take a bite, suddenly thought of what he was going to say, so he stopped and said: "The investigation team came back yesterday, this morning, It’s said that the Captain of Team D didn’t accept Jin Bo City Lord and went to City Lord’s Mansion to fight with Jin Bo. Do you think it’s a major event?"

After solving the Heavenly Fox incident, Jin Bo ordered Convene all investigation teams to return to Pearl City.

The problem is that the investigation team does not mean that they all return instantly as soon as they are called. The entire process itself takes an extremely long time.

Zhang Ping, they have no mission and have been staying in Pearl City. In fact, it is because the investigation team has not all returned yet.

Currently, there are only five teams returning to Pearl City.

If you count the Gui team and the 22 investigation teams that were originally in the city, the Shen team, Xu team, and Hai team, only nine teams are in the city, and the rest have not yet come back.

"Team D? Why don't they obey Jin Bo City Lord?" Zhang Ping wondered.

Zhang Shouzhong took a bite of the apple and said with a smile: "Nowadays, many awakened are spreading. Jin Bo City Lord is very dissatisfied with the investigation team because of the Heavenly Fox incident, and may have to clean the investigation team.

Think about it, if you leave the city and come back again, the City Lord will not only change a guy you don’t know, but this guy is also ready to tell your team. Are you happy?"

"In short, Jin Bo City Lord is not prestigious enough. Team D is not convinced, so he went to make trouble?" Zhang Ping suddenly said.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Yes, it's actually the same thing. When more investigation teams come back, I'm afraid there will be a good show this time."

"Good show ? I'm afraid we can't stay out of the matter." Liu Sishan came out of the small library, lightly saying.

She walked up to Zhang Ping and sat down and said seriously: "Although we all know that our position is appointed by Captain, the outside world does not think so. In the view of overwhelming majority awakened, we are made up of Jin Bo City Lord appointed."

"In other words, we will also become their targets?" Zhang Ping speculated.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "Yes, in the eyes of those teams, we and the patrol team are both Jin Bo people. The problem is that Fenglaixian in the past is quite famous. Those investigation teams may not You will find trouble with Fenglaixian, but Zhang Ping you, not only young, but also far less prestigious than Fenglaixian..."

"How can Zhang Ping's reputation be inferior to Fenglaixian, awakened who doesn't Know the giant, Sisi, you are out of date." Zhang Shouzhong interrupted Liu Sishan and corrected.

Liu Sishan shook his head and said: "It's hard to say that they are believing or not, and Zhang Ping's ability is not without weakness. What if someone in the investigation team happens to restrain Zhang Ping's ability?"

"Then what do you say?" Zhang Shouzhong gave up arguing.

Liu Sishan thought for a while, opened the mouth and said: "I look for information on other investigation teams, first know yourself and know your enemy, fatty, you pay attention to the situation of the investigation team in the city, If other teams come back, remember to tell us."

"Okay, I will pay attention!"

Zhang Shouzhong thought for a while, nodded agreed.

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