It was another few days in a flash.

The investigation team that went out and did not return, returned to Pearl City one after another.

Unsurprisingly, the conflict between the investigation team and City Lord's Mansion deepened.

Captain Cao Xuxing of Team Mao and Captain Gao Yun of Team B have both clashed with Jin Bo, although they were both suppressed by Jin Bo.

Situ Shibai will not intervene in such trivial matters and can only be handled by Jin Bo himself. Otherwise, even if Jin Bo continues to serve as the City Lord with the support of Situ Shibai, the people under his hands will not really obey him. he.

In fact, these investigative teams that have just returned are also full of internal contradictions.

Some members of the team’s family members were killed by Heavenly Fox and even questioned Captain’s original decision. Although it is not yet split, the entire team is like a gunpowder keg, which can explode with just a few sparks.

"I don't think we can stand on the sidelines anymore."

At night, everyone in the Gui team gathered for dinner in Guilou, Liu Sishan said midway.

Zhang Ping took a look at Liu Sishan and asked, "What’s the problem with the investigation team?"

"Although the investigation team must have a problem, most people are still facing Pearl City. If this continues, I'm afraid there will be more troublesome situations." Liu Sishan nodded and said.

Zhou Qingbai, they can go back to Pearl City, these teams can also, and if they occupy a place of experience, I am afraid that they will soon form a large force.

Around Pearl City, such forces are absolutely not allowed to exist, so war is very likely to break out.

Zhang Ping frowned: "It should be okay if Captain is there?"

"Not good said, Shi Jun and Bai Yating have not come back so far, Captain It shouldn't be a shot ." Liu Sishan shook his head.

Zhang Shouzhong put down his bowls and chopsticks and analyzed: "Shi Jun is the head of the ten heavenly stems, and Bai Yating is the head of the twelve earthly branches. They have great prestige in the investigation team. If they come back, whether they support Jin Bo The City Lord still opposes the Jin Bo City Lord. The investigation team will probably support them. Their attitude is the most important. However, the two team has not come back so far. It is suspicious and very suspicious."

"They may be there. Near Pearl City, sit and watch other investigation teams open strife and veiled struggle with Jin Bo." Cheng Xuejie said.

Liu Sishan calmly said: "In fact, in the past two days, it was not that the investigation team wanted to use us to demonstrate to the Jin Bo City Lord, but the Jin Bo City Lord blocked all of them."

"Fuck, there is such a thing?" Zhang Shouzhong widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

Liu Sishan nodded and said: "The information provided by Man Ni can't be wrong."

"Then I can't bear it anymore, Jin Bo City Lord talks about loyalty, we can't do it Coward, Zhang Ping, go, fuck them!" Zhang Shouzhong filled with outrage.

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and asked: "Sister Sisi, which teams want to attack us?"

"Gao Yuan from Team G, and Team Yin Sun Rong."

"Gao Yuan’s ability is a lightning gem. There is a purple round gem on the back of his hands, chest, belly button, and vest, which can generate lightning. The advanced ability is thunder armor. "

"Sun Rong's ability is the breath of poison mist. He can spray white poison mist, and even manipulate poison mist into various poison mist creatures to attack enemies."

Liu Sishan is like a treasure, telling the information of the two.

"After the meal, we will go to them to have a good chat, and eat up by the way." Zhang Ping decided directly after listening.

Zhang Shouzhong said with a smile: "Sun Rong will give it to me, and I promise that his father who beat him will not know him."

"Then Gao Yuan will be handed to me." Cheng Xuejie Quickly opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "How Gao Yuan said it is also top awakened, let me come."

Although Cheng Xuejie’s biological force field is very strong, there is one thing she said. No matter how powerful it is, there is no skipping grades to kill monster. It is difficult for her to cause damage to the top awakened.

"Then why is fatty?" Cheng Xuejie refused.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "fatty he hid in the deed, do you think you have beaten Alloy Overlord?"


Cheng Xuejie clenched her fists and stared at Zhang Shouzhong with gnashing teeth.

But she must admit that Zhang Shouzhong was invincible by hiding in the deed and fighting with Alloy Overlord.

Unless there is a way to destroy the deposit deed, Zhang Shouzhong can continue to repair the alloy overlord in the reserve deed. The alloy overlord can't be destroyed at all, and it can start again no matter how many times it is destroyed.

Therefore, Zhang Shouzhong really has the ability to skip grades to kill.

After dinner.

Everyone packed their things, Zhang Shouzhong created the Alloy Overlord, and then set off directly.

All investigation teams have their own office buildings, and the style have nothing common with each other. The location of the Gui team’s office building is relatively remote, while the Yin team is closer to a public arena. s position.

"During this time, all the members of the Yin team stayed in the Yin Tower. Under normal circumstances, they will not be scattered and go out. I am probably afraid that Jin Bo City Lord will take the opportunity to disadvantage them." Liu Sishan said as he walked. .

Zhang Shouzhong said with a sneer: "It is purely the heart of a villain. I secretly want to attack other people, so I worry that other people will also attack them."

" Wait a minute, fiercely beat them!" Cheng Xuejie eagerly said.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "As long as no life is lost, even if it is a broken hand or foot, it is okay. There is no need to have any scruples."

He has the ability to heal, Even if the opponent is beaten half to death, he can be rescued.

Even only his head is left. As long as he doesn't stop breathing on the spot, he is sure to save him.

Of course, if he died because of his ability like Weilipai, and he was a bottomless pit type, then he would be fine.

Ten minutes later, everyone came to Yinlou.

Yinlou is a quaint stone building, a bit like the old church of Zhang Ping previous life, very thick and old.

When Zhang Ping walked to the entrance of the wall, the members of the Yin team had already gathered. Obviously they first noticed that Zhang Ping was coming, so they gathered here.

Sun Rong is a not tall, but very sturdy fatty, a bit similar to Sammo Hung, the martial arts star of Zhang Ping previous life.

He looked at Zhang Ping and said arrogantly: "What kind of giant are you? It doesn't look very good. We haven't gone to you yet, so you dare to come here, it seems... It’s the very good that Jin Bo protects you."

Although he knows that Zhang Ping saved Pearl City and killed the Heavenly Fox that harmed Pearl City, in his opinion it is just Zhang Ping good luck. It's just the ability to restrain Heavenly Fox, not how strong Zhang Ping is.

A giant of a thousand meters?

Sun Rong doesn't care about this, his poison mist can erode all living things, even if Zhang Ping becomes a giant, he will become a dead person under his poison mist.

The weak should have the self-knowledge of the weak.

A rookie who is not even high level awakened, makes a little insignificant contribution with good luck, why should he be on an equal footing with him?

Sun Rong looks at Zhang Ping's eyes, there is a murderous aura!

"Fatty, let this guy give it to me!"

The pupils in Zhang Ping's squinted eyes have already quietly turned into triangles.

Mutated eyes have the ability to peek into the hearts of others when their pupils become triangles.

Zhang Ping is very clear at this moment that Sun Rong really wants to kill him and raise his power, even if it would completely offend Jin Bo.

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