At this moment, both sides are filled with a medicinal smell of fire.

Sun Rong sneered, and his killing intent became stronger. He didn't care how much Zhang Ping made, or how many people Zhang Ping saved, it had nothing to do with him.

He just wanted to give Jin Bo a stab at him. He really thought he could act wilfully by becoming the City Lord?

The awakened world, after all, strength is respected.

Rules, which are used to restrain the weak.

Jin Bo is really good, but now the investigating team is back, eight of the ten teams are not convinced Jin Bo, even if he kills Zhang Ping, what can Jin Bo do?

It really started, Jin Bo has played eight top Captains?

So he dared to kill Zhang Ping, and believed that even if Jin Bo knew that Zhang Ping was killed by himself, he could only swallow this breath back into his stomach, suffocating obediently and honestly.

What is powerhouse thinking? This is powerhouse thinking!


At this time, Sun Rong gave an order.

A red light swept past suddenly.

As soon as the members of the Yin team were about to take a shot, their legs were cut off by the red light, and they fell to the ground one by one, their faces twisted.

However, the official members of the investigation team are indeed hard-hearted, and there is no crying and crying, but they all face deathly pale, looking at Zhang Ping in horror.

Sun Rong fell to the ground as well, but he reacted and immediately roared and opened his mouth to spray out a lot of poison mist, but two red lights instantly penetrated the poison mist and painted two on his chest Circle.

Under the severe pain, poison mist suddenly lost control and quickly dissipated.

"Who told you that I will only turn into a giant?"

Zhang Ping stepped forward slowly, stepped on Sun Rong's chest, looked at Sun Rong and asked.

Mutated eyes are changing every second.

If the ability of the same function is mutated, then the two same abilities will merge with each other and become more powerful.

Although the mutant eye also mutates many useless abilities, it also has many powerful abilities of formidable power.

For example, the laser eye used now, after countless times of stacking, the formidable power has far exceeded the category of awakened, even the top awakened, if there is no corresponding defensive ability, it will not stop the laser eye. attack.

In fact, his eyes now have a more powerful purple light eye with formidable power.

The external performance of this ability is not much different from the laser eye, but the rays of light emitted are purple. Once it falls on the target's body, the target will instantly die due to cell lysis.

So Zhang Ping basically does not use purple light eyes, laser eyes are enough for him.

Zhang Ping turned around and sighed: "It seems that the very good that the wild protects you has made you forget, Pearl City has rules, fatty, hang them all up, let's go The next one."


Zhang Shouzhong immediately stepped forward with a grinning smile, and hung the members of the Yin team one by one at the entrance of the Yin building.

"You are dead, I really think you can act wilfully if you have the ability, Shi Jun boss and Bai Yating Captain will not let you go." Sun Rong opened his eyes with difficulty at this time, glaring at Zhang Ping and roared. road.

When he roared, blood was constantly flowing out of his nose and mouth, but he didn't care, there was only hatred in his mind.

"You think you can kill me, but the result is not as strong as me. Now I let you go. If you don't know how to repent, even if you dare to threaten me... when I dare not kill you?" Zhang Ping stopped, turned scarlet's eyes to stare at Sun Rong, and spoke slowly.

Sun Rong’s eyes are bloodshot, angrily roared: "Kill me if there is a kind, I am afraid of you?"

He at first thought Zhang Ping would kill himself, but it turned out Just beat them seriously.

So, he made a judgment in his heart, Zhang Ping is standing up for Jin Bo, Zhang Ping absolutely dare not kill himself, because once he dies, other investigation teams will quickly unite and host Jin Bo's leadership. Pearl City.

"Zhang Ping, I will kill him." Zhang Shouzhong controlled Alloy Overlord to step forward and grab Sun Rong's hair, coldly said.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and shook his head: "No, he was right. I will not kill him. Although he has a bad brain, he is not guilty of death."

"Zhang Ping, don't be soft-hearted now, don't kill him at this time, he will definitely get revenge on you when he turns around." Zhang Shouzhong said strangely.

Zhang Ping opened his eyes, four small squares were rotating around his pupils, he looked at Sun Rong, coldly said: "But... the death penalty is forgivable, the living sin is hard to forgive, I curse you, Every time you use your abilities in the future, you must do a hundred good things that day. If you can’t complete the task, you will suffer immensely, and you will never be at peace."

Curse the eye, when the target cannot resist, Looking directly into the eyes of the opponent, you can impose a curse on the target body. The greater the spirit strength it consumes, the stronger the curse effect.

This is a very interesting ability, mutated about a week ago.

Zhang Ping specially looked for the cute Little Rabbit to do an experiment. Different curses consume the same spirit strength, and the effect is strong or weak.

For example, curses such as destiny and luck may not be effective even if it consumes a lot of spirit strength, but spiritual curses are extremely effective.

For example, making the goal empty, the depression and pain of the Spiritual Plane, even with very little spirit strength, can produce extremely strong effects.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Ping finally glanced at the surprised and angry Sun Rong, lightly saying.

Other people have followed up. Zhang Shouzhong curiously asked: "Zhang Ping, can you really curse him?"

"Well, do you want to try the ability you got some time ago? "Zhang Ping said with a smile, squinting.

He doesn't care that Sun Rong hates himself. After all, Sun Rong has been impossible to beat him in his life. If Sun Rong dares to die again, then the next curse will be more terrifying.

Of course, there are only three things.

If Sun Rong wants to kill him for the third time, don't blame him for defending.

Zhang Ping was not a murderer. He killed Cheng Xuegong and Pan Fu because they killed many people indirectly and directly. But what Sun Rong said was also the Captain of the investigation team. Although he is not a decent person, he has also contributed to Pearl City.

Zhang Ping will not kill the opponent before he touches the bottom line of Zhang Ping.

Next, everyone went directly to Team G.

When Zhang Ping and the others came to the office building of Team G, it was true that everyone in Team G had already been waiting.

The image of Gao Yuan is completely different from that of Sun Rong. He is tall and thin. He wears casual clothes with a white background and blue stripes. Compared with Sun Rong at first, he shows a hostile attitude. Instead, Gao Yuan smiles. The appearance of making money in harmony.

"The old saying goes, Heroes come out from the Youth since ancient times, Zhang Ping, the giant god, always admiring!" Gao Yuan laughed opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes and opened a gap slightly, said with a smile: "Sure enough, there is only the wrong name, no wrong nickname, the source of laughter, it really opened up my younger generation Vision!"

"Many people are telling you that you are infinitely awakened. It seems that there is no reason behind it. Since you are determined to stand up for Jin Bo, then... See you below. It’s a real chapter.” Gao Yuan gradually put away his smile, his hands glowing with jewels, lightly saying.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "It would have been better if it was this way!"

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