Zhang Ping takes a look and closes the attribute.

He knows that Bai Yating has also seen him, even his attributes.

There is no evidence.

This is pure instinct.

"Zhang Ping, is Bai Yating looking at me just now, is she looking at me?" Zhang Shouzhong said excitedly.

Wang Jieming blushed and said: "Maybe you are looking at me."

"Then you guys come on!"

Zhang Ping is not interested in Bai Yating, mainly Bai Yating is too tall.

The one-meter-nine-meter woman, standing by her side is like Mrs. Hachichi, too terrifying.

Furthermore, Bai Yating’s attributes looked the same as if he hadn’t looked at it. He still couldn’t determine what abilities Bai Yating possessed and how he would fight.

"Zhang Ping, if Bai Yating really troubles us, let me come!" Zhang Shouzhong said, sitting next to Zhang Ping, with a serious face.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, if you can beat her, that would be great."

"hehe, when the time comes, I hid in the deed, Controlling the Alloy Overlord to fight, what can Bai Yating do even if she is stronger than me, I will let her startled, and then indulge in the mighty arms of my Alloy Overlord." Zhang Shouzhong's eyes glowed.

Zhang Ping poured himself a cup of tea, said with a smile: "Then you come on!"


Wang Jieming sitting in Zhang On the other side of Ping, thinking of her own strength, she suddenly frowned.

"Xiao Wang, don't be discouraged, sooner or later you will meet your Goddess. Remember, Pearl City's rules are...beauties are only worthy of powerhouse!" Zhang Shouzhong said with a confident face. smile.

Zhang Ping is unable to complain, and beauty only deserves powerhouse. Is this an old stalk hundreds of years ago?

At this moment, the waiter of Yunzhongke knocked on the door and waited for Zhang Shouzhong's approval before opening the door and filed in. One after another dish was quickly placed.

"Is this breakfast or lunch?" Wang Jieming had no appetite, looking at the dazzling array of dishes, he couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Shouzhong as it should be by rights said: "Of course this is morning tea."

"Eat, eat, Bai Yating is back, it is estimated that the investigation teams will soon be restless again. After eating, we quickly return to Guilou." Zhang Ping picked up the chopsticks and said with a smile.

Next, the three strong wind scattering the last clouds.

Even if Wang Jieming had no appetite, he ate three big dishes.

After the meal, everyone returned to Guilou.

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie are not in the office building, they are exercising in the backyard.

Both Cheng Xuejie and Liu Sishan have a sense of urgency. The main reason is that Zhang Ping's strength has improved too quickly. They all felt like Zhang Ping crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood last night. He is like a soy sauce player, and is already a dispensable role in the team.

In order not to become a dragger, both of them worked very hard.

Zhang Ping came to the backyard and saw Liu Sishan standing on the water, the control was purely transformed into various weapons to fight, and Cheng Xuejie was also standing on the water, with invisible biological force fields constantly attacking the lake.

"Digest after a meal!"

Zhang Ping smiled and wrapped himself in thoughts, and the next moment flew into the lake.

He happened to fall in the middle of the two women, said with a smile: "You attack me together and try your best!"


Liu Sishan Looking at Cheng Xuejie, the two of them immediately had a sharp heart, and said in the same way.

one after another The water flows into a sharp blade, stabs Zhang Ping from all directions, and at the same time Cheng Xuejie also controls the biological force field, punching Zhang Ping's head with a punch.

Zhang Ping reacted very quickly. One of his arms turned into pure water and swept all around, blocking Liu Sishan's attack just right. At the same time, he grabbed Cheng Xuejie’s ankle with his mind, and directly jumped Cheng Xuejie into the air. Threw it out.

The two offensive was directly cracked.

Cheng Xuejie fell into the water, and the next moment was like a shark, quickly approaching Zhang Ping at the bottom of the water, while Liu Sishan merged the pure water into the lake water and quickly approached Zhang Ping's feet.

The two have a very good understanding, and they attacked from underwater almost at the same time.

However, Zhang Ping had long expected that he did not use his thoughts to wrap himself up and fly, but when the two attacked, a fierce flame broke out. Both the pure water and Cheng Xuejie were pressed into the water by the flame again. Down.

This is not over yet, the temperature drops rapidly in the next second, and the entire lake is directly frozen.


This does not show the power of mountains and dews, at this time the domineering fangs are finally exposed.

Liu Sishan immediately controlled the pure water to break the ice, but Zhang Ping's eyes emitted red light and swept directly at Liu Sishan.

Of course, he was not cruel enough to beat his teammates, he just used laser to cut off the connection between Liu Sishan and pure water. This kind of cut is actually very poor, and Liu Sishan will soon be able to control it again. Pure water in the lake, but this time is enough.

Don't forget.

Zhang Ping also has a hand that turned into pure water. He pierced his hand into the ice, and the next moment he felt the pure water in the water.

Until Liu Sishan regained control of the pure water, a large amount of pure water broke out of the ice and turned into a pure water cage to control Liu Sishan.

"Look at the fist!"

Cheng Xuejie broke out from under the ice at this moment, punch towards Zhang Ping.

But now Zhang Ping's pupils have turned into the shape of an hourglass, he easily avoided Cheng Xuejie's attack, and his mind exploded with all his strength, directly restraining Cheng Xuejie.

"Okay, the discussion ends here."

Zhang Ping contact ability, and sent the two to the shore.

Whether it is Liu Sishan or Cheng Xuejie, this moment is slightly sighed.

They sat on the deck chairs on the shore, and Cheng Xuejie helplessly said: "Zhang Ping, you have become stronger again. Before, your power of thought can't restrain me at all."

"To Chun The control of the water has also become stronger, and the speed of taking over my pure water... very fast!" Liu Sishan said indifferently.

Zhang Ping stepped on the water and walked to the shore, sitting on the deck chairs beside the two of them, said with a smile: "It’s mainly the five senses that strengthened this ability and helped a lot. Don’t look at it as a passive ability. Actually However, I have greatly improved my perception ability to the outside world, and even my spirit strength has also improved a lot."

"A person with infinite abilities is good, it's almost like opening up." Cheng Xuejie was sour. Said.

Zhang Ping divided the two contract gems between them, and whispered: "Don't let the fatty find out that you eat more contract gems, you may not be able to have unlimited abilities in the future, come on!"


"Don't let me find out what, I'm behind you, Zhang Ping, you disappointed me so much that you secretly give Sisi and Senior Sister food behind my back." Zhang Shouzhong's voice was full of resentment.

Zhang Ping said with a sneer: "I just knew you were behind me, so I did that."


Zhang Shouzhong is silent When she walked to Cheng Xuejie, the next moment grabbed the contract gem in Cheng Xuejie's hand, but before she touched the gem, she was blasted into the water by Cheng Xuejie's biological force field.

"You will remember for me, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!" Zhang Shouzhong got out of the water and shouted.

Then he held back a smile and shouted: "No, I am no longer a teenager. Remember, don't bully the young man!"

"Fuck you, you are now Middle-aged." Cheng Xuejie scolded with a smile.

Waiting for Zhang Shouzhong to go ashore, Zhang Ping threw a contract gem to him, said with a smile: "In the end, people die?"

"Everyone, I seem to have... New abilities!"

At this time, Liu Sishan opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief as he watched everyone.

Everyone suddenly calmed down and looked at Liu Sishan one after another.

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