During this period, Zhang Ping gave everyone a contract gem every three to five.

Too many times.

The probability of gaining ability naturally continues to increase.


Although everyone is surprised that Liu Sishan has gained new abilities, they are not surprised.

Liu Sishan raised his right hand, and a large amount of pure water quickly appeared out of thin air, which formed a circular mirror.

There was a slight wave in the middle of the water mirror, and then a picture of the backyard of Guilou appeared in the reflection.

When everyone saw their heads, they all looked up, but they didn't see anything. When everyone looked at the screen, it turned out that the actions in the screen were completely synchronized.

Liu Sishan smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Zhang Ping in the water mirror. Zhang Ping felt that the back of his head was patted.

"Space? This ability is too cheating, right." Zhang Shouzhong was surprised to see this.

Zhang Ping directly uses Appraisal Technique on Liu Sishan.

During this time, Liu Sishan did not stand still. After experiencing countless adventures with Zhang Ping and the others, her level has risen to Level 26.

And now she has a new ability:

[Water mirror photo: can control water molecules to form a water mirror that can see everything, consumes spirit strength and can see through the water mirror In space shuttle, the location with more water molecules, the lower the consumption, and the location with fewer water molecules, the greater the consumption. 】

After reading the attribute, Zhang Ping looked at Liu Sishan and asked: "Sister Sisi, can you share it with everyone?"

"Yes, yes." Liu Sishan nodded and said.

Zhang Ping got permission, so he shared the results of the identification with everyone.

"Is this the ability of the Space Element?" Cheng Xuejie cry out in surprise.

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "It does have a taste of space."

"This ability can be used not only for detection, but also for defense, sneak attack, position transfer, and Sister Shangsisi’s Water Element control can be said to be like a tiger that has grown wings." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Liu Sishan controlled the water mirror to slowly zoom in, and the whole Guilou was reflected in the water mirror. Then she thoughts move and the picture slowly changed, moving from Guilou to other places in the city.

"The picture has become blurred." Cheng Xuejie said when she looked at the water mirror.

Liu Sishan explained: “The more water molecules there are, the clearer the picture will be, and it is also related to the distance. If the distance is too far, the picture will be affected. However, as long as the spirit strength output is increased, the picture will be It will become clearer."

She was while speaking and slightly increased the supply of spirit strength, and the picture became clear again.

"Although there are shortcomings, but it is considered a magical skill." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Zhang Ping thoughts move, opened the mouth and said: "Sister Sisi, can you move the screen to the office building of the sub-team?"

"I will give it a try." Liu Sishan said lightly.

Liu Sishan knows everything about Pearl City’s important buildings, and the office building of the investigation team is one of them.

She controlled the movement of the water mirror and gradually approached the office building of the sub-team, but the closer the image was to the office building of the sub-team, the more blurred.

"The Zilou side seems to be relatively dry." Cheng Xuejie speculated.

Liu Sishan frowned: "It's not just dry, there should be something interfering with the water mirror. I have increased the output of spirit strength, but the effect is not obvious."

"Let me contribute too." Zhang Ping said with a slight smile.

In an instant, his pupils turned into the shape of a red pentagram, and then he stretched out his hand and said: "Sister Sisi, you hold my hand."

Liu Sishan extend the hand Holding Zhang Ping's hand together, I immediately felt a powerful force pouring into my body from Zhang Ping's body, and then the water mirror image quickly became clear.

"What ability is this?" Liu Sishan asked in surprise.

Zhang Ping looked at the water mirror, said with a smile: "Strengthen the eyes, the activation condition is physical contact, and then use my strength to strengthen the abilities of other people."

"Consumption Is it big?" Liu Sishan asked.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "The consumption is the same. I will consume as much as you consume, but it will enhance your ability."

At this time, Bai Yating appeared in the water mirror , She got down from the white elk and waved gently, the white elk suddenly turned into white light and dissipated.

"Sisi, can I change the angle?" Zhang Shouzhong drooling said.

Liu Sishan glanced at Zhang Shouzhong calmly, and then continued to look at the picture of the water mirror.

In the picture, Bai Yating walked into the sub-lou, and a large number of servants bowed suddenly, as if welcoming her own queen.

"An investigation team has so many servants, isn't this too ridiculous." Cheng Xuejie said sourly.

Liu Sishan said indifferently: "The sub-team is the facade of the twelve earthly branches. It is normal to have such a platoon. Don’t you know that the higher the ranking investigation team, the more activity funds it can apply for? ?"

"Is there anything else?" everyone was surprised.

Zhang Ping said distressed: "The problem is that I like the office building of Team Gui. If we move up the rankings, should we move to the corresponding office building?"

" There is this rule." Liu Sishan nodded and said.

Zhang Ping shrugged his shoulders and said: "That's fine, the Gui team is so good, no one is fighting for no one, and the funding is enough, just enough."

" Zhang Ping, you are too unmotivated." Cheng Xuejie vomited.

Zhang Shouzhong echoed: "Yes, it's too unmotivated. We should work hard to overthrow the stone army of Team A, and then we will become the new Team A. In this case...I It's the right place with Bai Yating, hehe."

"Fatty, you are daydreaming." Cheng Xuejie despised.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "fatty, you are really swollen, what Shi Jun said is one of the very best experts of Pearl City, I may not be able to beat him, in case he does The ability is the same as we guessed. I am afraid that my giant form may not have the advantage over him, and if I go out of the giant form, other abilities may not be able to beat him."

If the ground is turned into a sea-like nature. , His giant form is fighting in the opponent's field, and it is not bad that ten percent of the battle strength can perform three achievements.

Although the body of Nethermist, the gem of the king, and the mutant eye all have good attack power, this is not the reason to underestimate the stone army.

The great man once said that strategically despise the enemy, and tactically value the enemy.

Zhang Ping does not think that he will lose to the Shangshi Army, but he will never be arrogant to think that he will win.

At this moment, Bai Yating turned around in the picture, looking at the water mirror, everyone was shocked, but as Liu Sishan shifted his perspective, a man soon appeared in the picture.

"He is Wang Huashi, Captain of the Xu team. This person is very smart. Captain once suspected that he was a member of the Zhu Family." Liu Sishan looked at the man in the water mirror and introduced to others.

Wang Huashi is about the same height as Zhang Ping. He looks ordinary. His only feature is that his nose is a bit big. He didn't squint his eyes, but at this time he looked at Bai Yating with a smile, as if to say something.

But soon the two sides seemed to froze, and Bai Yating turned and left with an indifferent expression.

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