
Zhang Ping is holding a mirror and is observing his own eyes.

Mutated eyes activate different abilities, and the shape of the pupil tends to be different.

But this is not absolute.

Some abilities are that the pupil shape is the same, but the pupil color is different.

So every time a new ability mutates, he will look in the mirror to see what the shape of the pupil of the new ability is.

Currently he knows the more useful abilities, they are:

Laser eye: The pupil is circular, it will gradually emit red light from the center point, which can be emitted destructive power Very strong laser.

Seeing the micro-eyes: the pupil will become a solid star shape, and accompanied by a circle of golden patterns, after opening the micro-eyes, the observation power will be greatly improved, and it has a'microscope' The effect is that you can see the small substances that were not seen by naked eye before.

Peeping eyes: the pupils will become hollow triangles. By looking at each other, you can see the true thoughts of the other person.

Purple light eye: The pupil gradually rotates to open the door, emitting purple rays of light. The external performance of the ability is not much different from the laser eye, but the rays of light emitted are purple, once it falls on the target's body The target will instantly die due to cell lysis.

Cursed Eye: There will be four small purple squares rotating around the pupil. When the target is unable to resist, look directly into the opponent's eyes to impose a curse on the target body. The greater the spirit strength it consumes, the stronger the curse effect.

Accelerating eyes: The pupils turn into an hourglass shape, and you can vaguely see the golden streamer rotating in the hourglass, which greatly increases the speed of your own reaction.

Eagle Eye: The pupil will become the same as the eye of a Falcon, with all kinds of hyperopia and dynamic vision of the eagle eye.

Strengthen eyes: The pupil is in the shape of a hollow pentagram. After activating the abilities, holding the target's hand with the hand can consume its own energy to strengthen the opponent's superpower.

Of course, Zhang Ping's mutated eyes are far more than the above.

Only the above are more useful, and there are some messy eyes, basically Zhang Ping will not use it.

For example, the ability to see through, see, and eyes.

If you don't pay attention, you will see things you shouldn't see, and he will definitely not use it often.


Zhang Ping found that his eyes had a new shape.

At this time, in the mirror, his pupils turned green, and their shape changed from a circle to a diamond.

These eyes are a new ability that only appeared when I brushed my teeth in the morning. The problem is that he didn't understand the purpose of these eyes.

"It may just be better-looking, it may not be useful."

Zhang Ping thought that he still had a lot of rubbish eyes that he didn't even remember.

He has some shining eyes that can even shimmer in colored rays of light, but those eyes are really useless. In addition to being good-looking, they also have night vision and day vision at most.

The problem is that he has the ability of nightwalker himself, so he can see clearly at night, without night vision ability.

As for Rishi...

Who can't see it during the day!

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong came back with a lot of materials.

Now he leads the investigation team and the sweeping team with two salaries, and the Gui team itself has funds for activities.

Together of the three, he is not short of money at all.

So, when he has time, he will buy various special materials for research.

After he has studied thoroughly, these materials will be put into the Material Storehouse of the Gui team. In the future, Zhang Ping can use these materials to forge weapons or armors and distribute them to other teammates.

"Zhang Ping, do your eyes have new powers again?" He saw Zhang Ping holding a mirror to observe his eyes, so he put something on the ground, sat opposite Zhang Ping and looked at Zhang Ping Asked his eyes.

Zhang Ping replied: "Well, it seems that new eyes have appeared, but for the time being, I don't know what power they have."

"You don't know if you activate it once. "Zhang Shouzhong vomited.

Zhang Ping suddenly rolled the eyes and retorted: "What if the entire Pearl City is blown up?"

"Then you don't have to roll out of the city to test!" Zhang Shouzhong foul-mouthed.

Zhang Ping lay lazily on the sofa, weakly said: "But I don't want to move. I just made more than a dozen contract gems, which is a bit tired."

"Then you see for yourself Let's do it, I'm going to study these materials." Zhang Shouzhong was helpless to complain.

Zhang Ping watched Zhang Shouzhong leave, and then picked up the mirror to observe his eyes. The pupils became diamond-shaped, like emeralds inlaid in the eyes, very beautiful.

Only a single thought, he can activate the power of this pair of eyes.

Even, he has a feeling of begin to stir.

"Why don't you try it a little bit?"

Zhang Ping thought, but he endured it again. After all, he doesn't know his abilities, so don't try it randomly in the city.

He felt that his strength was almost restored, so he got up and took out a key-shaped gem.

The gem is thrown out.

A door made of golden gems was formed instantly.

Zhang Ping stepped across the gate and came to the edge of Pearl City. He flew to the outside of the city to find a place where there was no one, and then activated his eye power.

In the blink of an eye, a green diamond mark appeared on the ground.


Zhang Ping observed and found that this mark was actually an illusory existence.

He tried to pick up the marker with his hands, but couldn't touch it at all.

"Ahu, come out."

Zhang Ping took out a deposit, and then opened the mouth and said.

In an instant, Zhao Yanhu came out of the contract and asked: "Master Zhang Ping, what's the order?"

"Can you see this mark?" Zhang Ping pointed to The green marker asked.

Zhao Yanhu looked at the ground Zhang Ping was pointing at, shook his head and said: "Master Zhang Ping, I don't see anything."

"Can't others see?" Zhang Ping whispered .

next moment, his pupils returned to their normal state, then he looked at the ground again and found that the diamond mark on the ground had disappeared, he changed his pupils back to the diamond shape again, and looked at the ground mark again Appeared.

"In other words, unless you use this kind of eyes, you can't see the mark, even myself." Zhang Ping looked thoughtful.

But what is the use of this tag?

Suddenly, Zhang Ping thought of the animation that previous life saw. Could it be the same as the thunder god in "Naruto", could he be teleported to the marked position?

He immediately distanced himself from the mark, and then activated his ability.


He did not return to the position of the mark, but a new mark appeared when his eyes fell.

In other words.

At this time, there are already two marks on the ground.


It does not seem to be similar to the ability of Flying Thunder God.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and simply activated his ability on another target, and a new mark appeared.

Next, he researched for a long time without figuring out the usefulness of this ability.

"Forget it, go back to sleep!"

Zhang Ping simply gave up temporarily and turned back to Pearl City.

When he returned to Guilou, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He closed his eyes, and the picture of the previously marked point appeared clearly in his consciousness. He had a feeling that he could do something.

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