Record and write!


At this moment, Zhang Ping thought.

At one of the marking points, a large amount of dust flowed back quickly, and finally turned into an ordinary rock.

Zhang Ping looked at the rock and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He knew the power of this eye, but it was too powerful.

This ability, the exact name should be'recording reset eye', can also be referred to as reset eye, because its most important function is to reset the state of the target.

The target he saw in his mind was not reset instantly, but gradually induced.

So there is a prerequisite for this ability, that is, to complete the most basic recording.

The dust just turned back to rock.

In fact, when he left, he kicked a rock because of depression and irritation.

This rock has been marked, so it will return to its original state when reset.

Zhang Ping sat up on the sofa, and his eyes immediately turned into reset eyes. He picked up an apple and marked it first. After waiting for about ten minutes, the recording was completed.

"Faster than rocks, is it because of the quality or the time of existence?"

Zhang Ping looked at Apple and was a little puzzled. The recording time of those rocks was particularly long. It will take a long time to finish recording.

And Apple completed the recording in ten minutes.

He was holding an apple, just about to take a bite, and suddenly felt that it would not be a risk for Grand Guardian to experiment with himself.

So, he took out Zhou Qingbai's storage deed. After releasing Zhou Qingbai, he ordered Zhou Qingbai to summon the heroes in the green forest, and then let one of the heroes in the green forest eat the apple.

When the green forest guy finishes eating the apples, he decisively activates his abilities and resets!

In an instant.

The red apple returned to the table out of thin air, the fruity fragrance was alluring and undamaged.

Zhang Ping looked at the apple on the desktop in surprise, and then at the green forest hero. Three transparent circles appeared immediately in his eyes.

At this time, the body of the green forest hero became undefended.

Zhang Ping looked through the stomach of the hero in the green forest, and found no apple crumbs at all.

He picked up the apple and observed it, and finally gave up and continued thinking. He then used the mark on the green forest hero. It may be because the green forest hero is a creation of ability, so the recording time is relatively long.

In one hour.

Zhang Ping looked at the marked green forest hero, with red light in his eyes, and directly smashed the brain of the green forest hero with a laser.

After the hero of the green forest fell, his pupils became diamond-shaped, and he said lightly: "Reset!"

In an instant.

The head of the green forest hero quickly recovered, and in a blink of an eye he returned from the fallen state to the standing state.


Zhang Ping looked at the green forest hero standing in front of him, couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, because of the inflammation eater, the whole hall The temperature drops rapidly.

"This isn't this too ridiculous."

Zhang Ping got up and squeezed the face of the guy in the green forest, muttering to himself.

He forced himself to calm down. There is no conclusion yet. After all, the green forest hero is not a real lifeform, but a puppet created by Zhou Qingbai.

The extent to which resetting the eye can be done requires further testing.

He got up and walked to the backyard and caught a beetle on a tree. After he marked it with the reset eye, the recording took only half a minute, not as long as the apple.

Next, he trampled the beetle to death.


Zhang Ping looked at the trampled beetle on the ground, lightly saying.

On the ground, the dead beetle immediately began to return to its original state, looking like time is flowing backwards.

After this beetle was resurrected, it didn't seem to realize that it had been trampled to death. It turned around on the ground, and just about to spread its wings and fly away, Zhang Ping shot it exploded with laser eyes.


The beetle that had been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, with the reset of Zhang Ping, suddenly reappeared in the same place.

The beetle turns in a circle again and spreads its wings.

Zhang Ping's mind envelops the beetle that is about to fly away, directly crushes its body, and then opens the palm of the hand, using the inflammatory eater to create a fire snake to burn the beetle's corpse, and then laser The eyes completely annihilated the ashes.


Zhang Ping stared at the ground and spoke again.

In an instant, the beetle that had been destroyed the corpse and evidence reappeared on the ground, exactly where he marked the beetle.

Next, he killed the beetle again and again. After the beetle died nine times, it could no longer be reset.

And he tried to mark the beetle again, but he could no longer mark the beetle.

A goal.

Can only be marked once.

And it can be reset nine times.

Zhang Ping looked at the dead beetle on the ground and finally came to a conclusion.

Actually, Zhang Ping has roughly figured out the ability to reset eyes.

Reset the eyes: the pupil turns into a green diamond, you can mark the target, and record and write, when the recording is completed, you can reset the target.

Recording time is related to quality. The higher the quality of the target, the longer the recording time will be.

Also, there is a limit on the number of resets. After resetting nine times, the target cannot be reset, and the target cannot be marked again.

In fact, Zhang Ping still has a little doubt, that is, whether the object after reset will return to the state at the time of recording.

If it really returns to the state when it was recorded, wouldn't it be equivalent to recovering one's youthful vigor?

While doing so, there may be a risk of memory loss.


Zhang Ping suddenly opened his mind, and a bold idea came to mind.

He can record his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney separately. While he is still young, record his state first, and then reset his internal organs when he is old, so that his body will return to a young state.

This is not beautiful!

With this beginning, Zhang Ping's inspiration broke out and he thought of more ways to use it.

For example, if Nethermist is marked, when Nethermist is consumed a lot, he can use it to reset it instantly. Although it can only be used for nine times, it is definitely a big killing move.

He poured out everything in the bracelet of the gold treasure house, and then began to pick and choose.

In other words, if you mark some materials for forging, then turn the materials into weapons, and finally reset them, what will happen to the weapons?

Zhang Ping was holding a piece of white iron dug from Baitie Town, and he couldn't help but come up with a bold idea.

But this can be tested slowly, and it is not in a hurry now.

Zhang Ping actually has a lot of equipment, but with the rapid increase in strength, these equipment are also eliminated very quickly, even the fear sickle is only used occasionally.

At this time, he used the mark on the fear scythe, and then used the mark on the assassination ring, nightingale lantern and other equipment.

Although these equipment may not be useful anymore, they are not low in value. Even if they are sold, they are quite valuable.


After Zhang Ping sells it, if one day these equipment is broken and turned into garbage that no one wants, he can also recycle the equipment by resetting it.

In other words, he can sell a piece of equipment nine times and make money nine times!

Of course.

The above are just the brains of Zhang Ping.

After all, Zhang Ping is not short of money now.

Even if these special equipment cannot be used, he will not easily sell them.

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