until evening.

The special equipment is still in the recording state.

Zhang Ping can be sure that the special equipment can be recorded successfully, but nothing is known when the recording is completed.

However, it can be seen that the more complex the equipment, the longer it takes to record.

"Zhang Ping, help me mark this tote bag. I especially like this tote bag. I am afraid that it will not look good when it is old, so it is usually only used for important occasions. You can record it for me The current state." Cheng Xuejie came down from the second floor, holding a white bag in her hand, looking at Zhang Ping eagerly and said.

After knowing that Zhang Ping has reset eyes, she thought that she had a lot of things to record, which could be used repeatedly in the future.

"Senior Sister, this handbag is very ordinary, is it necessary?" Zhang Ping took the handbag, looked at it repeatedly, and then wondered.

Because Pearl City does not have the concept of'luxury goods', everyone is eager to buy practical products, even if the products are fancy and impractical, no one will buy it.

Cheng Xuejie said seriously: "This is the first birthday gift Sisi gave me. It is very commemorative."


Zhang Ping had to mark the handbag.

In fact, activating the reset eye requires the consumption of spirit strength, but in terms of the spirit strength that Zhang Ping is constantly improving, this consumption is no longer a serious problem.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door!"

Cheng Xuejie immediately turned and walked towards the door.

She opened the door, the smile on her face suddenly closed, she looked at the woman who was several heads higher than herself, and asked: "Are you... Bai Yating Captain?"

"Sorry, I took the liberty to visit, I wonder if Zhang Ping Captain is there?" Bai Yating faintly smiled, and then asked.


This damned elegance!

He was just standing at the door, obviously just faintly smiled.

At this moment, Cheng Xuejie felt that she was crushed by this woman in all aspects. In front of this woman, her proud long legs became tasteless.

This is the gap between the heroine and the maid.

No way!

Can't admit defeat!

Cheng Xuejie reluctantly said with a smile: "He is Zhang Ping, please come in."

"Excuse me!" Bai Yating said.

She came in from the door, and the whole hall seemed to be a lot brighter. The hall that was originally ordinary seemed to be different with her.

"Good evening, Captain Bai!" Zhang Ping stood up and looked at Bai Yating, said with a slight smile.

He has quietly ordered himself to calm down, so there is no fluctuation in his mood at the moment, even if Bai Yating walks towards him step by step, there is no ups and downs.

"Zhang Ping Captain, it's the first time I met, so lucky!" Bai Yating came to Zhang Ping, looked at Zhang Ping condescendingly, and said softly.

Zhang Ping has to admit that Bai Yating is really tall.

And she is not that stout type.

Obviously very high.

But it feels slim, not huge.

"Captain Bai is visiting, I don't know what is going on?" Zhang Ping shook hands with Bai Yating before sitting down and asking.

Bai Ya Ting sits opposite Zhang Ping, her white dress is slightly forked, and her long white and tender legs seem to be shining under the light. She gently smoothes the wrinkles of her skirt and looks at Zhang Ping said: "Zhang Ping Captain, let's be straight to the point, you are in a very dangerous situation now."

"Dangerous?" Zhang Ping slightly frowned.

At this moment, Cheng Xuejie poured water on the tea in the front, and then sat on the side.

She was crying silently, and she was like a maid in front of Bai Yating.

After Bai Yating thanked Cheng Xuejie, she looked at Zhang Ping and said: "I have the ability to predict the future. Although it is not 100% accurate,... With this ability, I avoid many certain death situations. In the future I foresee, once Zhang Ping Captain you die, then I will die a year later, so I hope you can survive!"

"Where does the danger come from?" Zhang Ping folded his hands, looked at Bai Yating and asked.

Bai Ya Ting frowned and replied: "I don't know, someone is interfering with all the abilities of predicting, and you are the center of the vortex. I predict my own future before I find you. "

"Since we don't know where the danger comes from, what's the use of worrying now?" Zhang Ping took a sigh of tea and said with a smile.

Bai Yating looked at Zhang Ping and said resolutely: "We can make a rough estimate based on the current situation in Pearl City.

You have a conflict with Sun Rong, Gao Yuan, and others. So the powerhouse you may be facing recently is me and Shi Jun, but because I foresee the danger in advance, I will not interfere with the new City Lord’s reform of the investigation team this time.

So, The only person who may pose a threat to you is Shi Jun."

"Shi Jun is very strong?" Zhang Ping asked.

Bai Yating nodded and said: "Very strong, and his strength is not only his ability, but also...financial power!"

"Financial power?" Cheng Xuejie couldn't help but say .

Bai Yating explained: “Shi Jun is the majority shareholder of Wanshi Chamber of Commerce. To him, the income of the investigation team is only one hair from nine oxen, so he has huge wealth that can be used to buy various This kind of equipment, as far as I know, all his wears are special equipment."

"Is the Wanshi Chamber of Commerce rich?" Zhang Ping asked unfamiliarly.

Cheng Xuejie repeatedly nodded and said: "Very rich, nearly 40% of the buildings in Pearl City are built by Wanshi Chamber of Commerce."

"so that's how it is!"

Zhang Ping understands it immediately.

To put it simply, Wanshi Chamber of Commerce is this world engaged in real estate.

After nine lives, Zhang Ping was quite confident in himself, but now he does not dare to pack a vote that he will definitely win against Shi Jun.

If those with infinite abilities are open players, then Shi Jun is the krypton gold tyrant.

Open hang is not big enough.

It is true that you may not be able to beat the krypton gold tyrant.

Zhang Ping looked at Bai Yating and asked: "So what does Captain Bai want me to do?"

"If you want to fight Shi Jun, you'd better notify me, when I the time comes will go to plunder for you, once your life is threatened, I will take action to stop the stone army." Bai Yating replied.

Zhang Ping froze for a moment.

Then he unexpectedly said with a smile: "Captain Bai, I thought you would persuade me to surrender to Shi Jun directly. It seems that I have treated the gentleman's belly with a villain's heart,"

"I'm not so arrogant that I can easily persuade a powerhouse to surrender without a fight." Bai Yating took a sip of tea, and then said with a slight smile.

This woman!

It's not just beauty on the outside, but also impeccable on the inside.

Zhang Ping and Cheng Xuejie both feel that Bai Yating is full of intellectual soft charm, and the whole person seems to be shining.

"Well, if I really have a conflict with Shi Jun Captain, I will find a way to notify Captain Bai!"

Zhang Ping can't help but be fortunate that he ordered himself to remain calm in advance, otherwise he is sure now Having lost self-control in front of Bai Yating, he nodded to agree to Bai Yating's request, and then asked: "Captain Bai, ask a digression, if you did not foresee your own danger, would you stand up for Sun Rong and Gao Yuan? "

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