This question is a bit sharp.

In fact, I was questioning Bai Yating's position.

Bai Yating didn’t even need to think, she smiled and asked: "What if it were you?"


Zhang Ping suddenly fell into silence.

To be honest, if he is replaced by him, it is indeed possible for him to stand up for Sun Rong and Gao Yuan. After all, if the boss cannot support the younger brother, how can he be the boss in the future?

Next, when the two parties clicked, Zhang Ping said goodbye to Bai Yating.

Zhang Ping stood at the door, watching Bai Yating ride away on the white elk, and then closed the door for a while.

"Is Bai Yating that good-looking?" Cheng Xuejie asked sourly.

Zhang Ping closed his eyes and ordered himself to release his calm state. Next moment, his face showed the smile that Zhang Shouzhong would only show. It took a while before opening the mouth and said: "It's perfect, Senior Sister , Don’t you think Captain Bai has achieved what a woman can do? Feminine, independent, powerful, and intellectual, without any shortcomings at all."

"She is too tall, this is not a shortcoming Is it?" Cheng Xuejie retorted.

Zhang Ping sat back on the sofa with a smile, nodded and said: "It's really too high, no, I have to make myself taller."

while speaking, his legs Turned into pure water, and then stretched a little bit to change her height to two meters. Cheng Xuejie didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said, "Zhang Ping, you won't be possessed by a fatty?"

"Senior Sister, are you talking ill of me?" Zhang Shouzhong just came in through the door with a pile of materials, his eyes staring at Cheng Xuejie faintly.

Cheng Xuejie immediately looked up to sky and heave a deep sigh, and turned upstairs altogether.


Outside Pearl City, in the dense forest.

A wide-backed stone armor giant lizard is slowly advancing.

On the back of the giant lizard, several members of the investigation team are silently doing their own things.

The headed man, with a cigarette in his mouth, is squinting his eyes and looking at the towering city wall of Pearl City.

He has a particularly burly figure, a physique similar to Zhang Ping's previous life, and his movements are obviously'Jiangshan Johnson', but he has thick hair.

The tangled hair and beard make him look like a savage in the mountains.

However, except for the White Tiger leather robe draped on his back, which is slightly wild, the rest of his clothes are all tailored appropriately, giving people a feeling of'very expensive' at first glance.

"Boss, it has been several days since we received the notice. If we come back slowly like this, don't we really have any problems?" a teenager asked with some worry.

This boy is the genius Zhang Chen mentioned by Zhang Ping and Su Jingyao.

Zhang Chen is not an official member. He has not passed the test of the land of experience, but no one in the team thinks he will pass the test.

The tall and sturdy man headed by is just ten days away, the Captain Shijun of Team A.

Shi Jun heard Zhang Chen’s words and suddenly said with a smile: "Xiao Chenzi, what do you think can go wrong?"

"I don’t know, but we’re really doing this Is it okay?" Zhang Chen lowered his head and asked with some hesitation.

They left when Pearl City needed them the most. Now when he returns to Pearl City, he feels that he is a deserter.

Shi Jun took a puff of cigarette, and then said with a smile: "Xiao Chenzi, let me ask you, what team are we?"

"Team A?" Zhang Chen did not OK replied.

Shi Jun looked at Pearl City in the distance and said indifferently: "We are the investigating team. Things in the city are the task of the patrol team. When is it our turn to care?"

"But..." Zhang Chen wanted to refute, but finally gave up.

Shi Jun said with a smile: "I know what you think, Pearl City is indeed our home, so I received the call, and this will be back."

"Boss, Xiao Chenzi is still young, so teach him more." A team member said with a laugh.

Another big beard also said with a smile: "It is estimated that there is a girlfriend in Xiaochenzi's school. He is worried about his girlfriend."

"I don't have one, Big Brother Zhang, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Chen blushed.

Shi Jun burst into laughter, and then said: "This Alienated Beast incident is not that simple. I am afraid that some Stinking Insect hidden in the ditch is secretly making a ghost. The investigation team should not be held responsible. , But... Now Pearl City airborne a new City Lord who even I am unheard-of, and this is Interesting."

"The boss thinks the new City Lord will take us at the operation?" Beard tension Asked.

Shi Jun nodded and said: "The entire patrol team is annihilated. I am afraid that they are now all the people of the new City Lord. They don’t have no foundation. They don’t need to rely on you and me, even if It is not necessarily to reshuffle the entire investigation team."

"so that's how it is, the boss has a long-term view. Is this trying to delay time and think about how to break the trick?" Zhang Chen's eyes widened, one Face admired.

Shi Jun smiled without answering, just looking at Pearl City.

He didn't even think of any tricks, he just didn't want to go back and wrestle with the other party.

But he knows very well that as the head of the ten days, once he returns to Pearl City, he will inevitably enter the center of the vortex.

At this time, a flying bird landed on the back of the giant lizard.

Zlili immediately took off the note on Feike's feet, and when he opened the note and read it, he squinted his eyes and immediately handed it to Shi Jun.

"Good guys, Sun Rong and Gao Yuan have been beaten up, this new kid is really strong, Xiao Chenzi, do you know this guy named Zhang Ping?" Shi Jun took the note After reading, then said with a smile.

Zhang Chen was taken aback, and immediately nodded and said: "I heard that I was like a classmate from the next class. I used to be a genius, but my awakening ability was useless. When I left school, I've heard that he is crazy."

"Useless level? Hahahaha, God fucking useless level, can one useless level convince the Captain of two investigation teams?" Shi Jun suddenly said with a big smile, and at the same time pass the note to Zhang Chen.

After reading the note, Zhang Chen's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

"hahahaha, don't you think it, Xiao Chenzi, you have to keep working hard, this strength is far from enough!" Seeing Zhang Chen's face, Shi Jun said with a big smile boldly .

Zlili said with a smile: "Captain, what should we do?"

"How do you say that the Gui team is also one of the ten days, as the boss of the ten days, of course it is good Talk to that little fellow!" Shi Jun said with a smile.

Zhang Li eyes shined, said with a smile: "Understood!"

"Big Brother Zhang, what does the boss want to do?" Zhang Chen asked in a daze.

Tension said with a big smile: "Just watch the show!"

"Just the distance is about the same, then start from here!" Shi Jun stood up and said with a loud voice big smile.

For an instant, the earth shook crazily, and then tossed like waves, the giant lizard's huge body was like a flat boat on the tossing earth.

"Oh, Captain, I'm going to ride a wave!" A thin, long-haired man screamed, took out the surfboard behind his back, and jumped directly off the giant lizard.

On the churning ground, he stepped on a surfboard and quickly approached Pearl City.

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