The screen ends.

Zhang Ping looked at the corpse of'Heavenly Fox' on the ground, slightly sighed.

Sure enough, he didn't die but was victimized. At the beginning, he should search hard and find Moon Prince anyway.

If One Doesn't Cut The Grass At Its Roots.

Now the trouble is coming.

Zhang Ping stood in place and looked around all around, then took a deep breath, shouted loudly: "Attention everyone, enemy attack!"

He was clear in the illusion after identification He saw that there were at least thousands of fruits on that tree. Although he still didn't know why the fruits could "hatched" the seeds that were exactly the same as Heavenly Fox, he knew how powerful these seeds were.

Just now, even if he and Shi Jun were fighting to the heat, they still had a sense of the outside world, but the cultivation of flower seeds was still unconsciously touching behind him and Shi Jun and launching an attack.

This is very terrifying.

With him shouting loudly, the tension on the giant lizard's back and the others use their abilities one after another.

Nangong Shouming used his left hand to create a lantern, forming a shadow spreading all around, and his eyes slightly narrowed in the next second.

Twenty meters away, a large number of shadows turned into fangs chewing wildly, and a Heavenly Fox suddenly appeared, already out of shape by the shadows chewing.

"Xiao Chenzi, send the red signal!"

Two bombs appeared in Zhang Li's hand, and he simply threw the bombs out, and then shouted to Zhang Chen.


The explosion sounded, directly forming two huge gravity anomalies.

When a Heavenly Fox approached the gravity anomaly area, its distorted body suddenly appeared within the realm of everyone.


Through loudly shouts, the abnormal gravity area was suddenly distorted, and Heavenly Fox's body was directly squashed.

On the back of the giant lizard, Zhang Chen took out the flare that the investigation team would carry when they went out, lit the red one, and shot it into the air.

This kind of signal flare, different colors represent different levels of crisis.


Request support.


Three investigation teams are required to go to rescue at the same time.


Means a dangerous city level!

It means that the investigating team that sent the signal is in danger of extinction, and at the same time there is an alienated beast that poses a huge threat to Pearl City!

In Pearl City, many awakened reacted after their consternation. They saw the dazzling red light from the flare. The fast ones have rushed to the city wall, and the slow ones are also moving.

The patrol team was not absent this time, but closed the city gate as quickly as possible. At the same time, some members of the team managed to take refuge in the shelter for ordinary people.

Five minutes later, Phoenix and the others appeared on the city wall.


In the mountains to the north of Pearl City, countless living corpses are pulling a palace slowly forward.

Zuo Xiangming was sitting in the palace drinking tea, suddenly a red light shone in from the window.

He frowned looking out the window, the red light flickering in the sky in the distance.


Zuo Xiangming smashed the teacup in his hand and scolded displeasedly.

Obviously, I said that I would do it at the same time. Now it seems that somebody will do it first.

" can only be attacked according to the second plan."

Zuo Xiangming looked through the eyes of several Avatars and watched all around covering the mountains and plains. Corpse, lightly saying.

Although their actions were exposed ahead of time because of Moon Prince's impulse, since the action has already begun, there is no reason to give up.

this time ……

Zhang Ping's corpse, he Zuo Xiangming is bound to win!

The living corpses all around have green light in their eyes at this moment, as if they have been blessed with a violent state, their speeds have skyrocketed, and they rushed in the direction of Pearl City frantically.


Zhu Family, a base somewhere.

A middle-aged man sits on a chair, staring at the front, Zhu Jiuyang sits in front of the man like a quail.


The middle-aged man slapped Zhu Jiuyang’s face and said indifferently: "Do you know why I beat you?"

"Knowing ...Know." Zhu Jiuyang nodded and said cowardly.

middle-aged man indifferently said: "I said that you are not allowed to use abilities casually. Your abilities are still useful to me. No matter what you do wrong, I can forgive you. Only you will belong to I will never be merciless about the abuse of my ability, but you obviously did not take my words to heart."

"Father, I was wrong, I was wrong." Zhu Jiuyang said in fear.

Zhu Chengmian remained unmoved and said indifferently: "You did something wrong. You abused my optimistic ability. Now I have to replace your position with a broken fox, so from now on, you have I am not qualified to be my son."

"Father, no, no!" Zhu Jiuyang backed away in horror.

The whole room, suddenly red light flashed past, and only Zhu Jiuyang mournful scream remained.

For a moment, Zhu Chengmian got up and left. The room was empty.

He walked to the door, and Zhu Shi was waiting outside.

"Cheng Mian's big brother, I tried to persuade Jiuyang, but he insisted on going his own way, and I didn't do anything." Zhu Shi shrugged and continued.

Zhu Chengmian said flatly: "It doesn't matter, everything is for Zhu Family to retake Pearl City, even if all my sons are dead, as long as they die well, that is their best destination. Take it. "

Speaking, he handed a blood crystal to Zhu Shi.

"Thank you Chengmian big brother." Zhu Shi looked down at the blood crystal and said.

a tiger will not devour its own cubs, Zhu Chengmian in front of him is the real terrifying. In order to get the Position of Patriarch, even his own son will not let it go.

However, with Zhu Jiuyang's blood crystal, their plan can also be unfolded.


The seaside.

Densely packed marine people came out of the sea.

"Your Majesty, do you really agree to the terms of Zhu Family?" Guan Hongying asked eagerly.

Li Aoxue lightly said with a smile: "I know what you think, Yuju Zhu Family...just a ridiculous clown, not worthy of our attention, but the plan they proposed does have several points of The merits, as they said, Pearl City... does not need so many infinite awakened, Zhang Ping not only hinders the way of Yuju Zhu Family, but also hinders my way."

"But Zhang Ping is not a stubborn person, we can persuade him." Guan Hongying clenched her fists slightly.

Li Aoxue looked at Guan Hongying and said seriously: "Hongying, are you questioning my judgment?"

"Dare not!" Guan Hongying hurriedly lowered her head.


Pearl City, outside the city.

The people of Team A are back to back on the giant lizard. The giant lizard is moving towards the city wall of Pearl City. Zhang Ping and they have already flown into the air. The small floating fortress of meters is making an indiscriminate coverage attack on the ground.

More and more cultivated flower seeds were killed, and a corpse was exposed to the air.

Awakened on the city wall saw a corpse that cultivated flower seeds appeared, and his face became worse and worse. After all, these creatures that resemble Heavenly Fox have the ability to be invisible, and no one knows that they are in the city now. Is there such a monster.

"Bai De, the patrol team will assign another squad to investigate in the city, and dispatch the awakened with the ability to see through and stealth." Feng Laixian said solemnly.

When Zhang Ping was appraised just now, he directly shared the attributes for cultivating flower seeds with all people with blood, so Fenglaixian and Bai De both saw the attributes for cultivating flower seeds.

"Hall Master, what if they use the power of Heavenly Fox?" Bai De worriedly said.

Except Zhang Ping, no one else is aware of the invasion of Heavenly Fox. Although Moon King is dead now, the ability to cultivate flower seeds has an attribute beyond the same level. It can be seen below the King level. Don't wear it.

Feng Laixian gritted his teeth and said: "Then take your life to fill in and enable the Tinder program!"

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