Although the current patrol team is led by Feng Laixian, they also acknowledge the contributions made by the patrol team in the past, and at the same time reflect on why the previous patrol team was wiped out.

In order to avoid the patrol team from repeating the same mistakes.

Under the auspices of Feng Laixian, everyone met together to discuss how the patrol team should avoid the end of annihilation if alienated beasts similar to Heavenly Fox appear again.

Finally, there is a Tinder plan!

The Tinder plan is not complicated, it just separates the teams and sends signals to other teams at regular intervals.

When a team has timed out without sending a signal, whether that team is a human or an alien beast, it will kill without mercy.

It is better to kill the mistake than to let it go!

This is a very cruel plan, but it does protect the living to the utmost extent.

Bai De is slightly solemn, nodded and said: "As you bid!"

He took out a sleeve arrow, ignited it directly to the sky, and then in the sky, a red cross appeared star.

All the patrol teams in Pearl City looked up at Doji, and they all entered the state instantly. They knew very well that if they made a mistake, they would be killed by Heavenly Fox even if they were useless to replace them.

This is a plan agreed to by all members of the patrol team!

Feng Laixian looked at the doji in the sky, slightly sighed. In fact, the current situation is not so bad that the fire scheme must be implemented.

They can first control the members who may be replaced, and then ask Zhang Ping to identify them.

However, Feng Laixian knows very well that the patrol team is impossible to rely on Zhang Ping forever, so this time is a very good time to practice, so this time the patrol team must overcome the difficulties on its own.


"Zhang Ping, are there any foxes around?"

In the air, above the floating small fortress, Zhang Shouzhong looked at the ground and asked .

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "I don't know, unless these foxes are very close to me, it will be difficult for me to find them.

But one thing is strange.

Although their abilities are very similar to those of Moon Prince, I have a feeling that they seem to be used very rusty."


Zhang Ping thought about it, And denied his own statement.

He thought about it and said: "Moon Prince should have some kind of remote control ability, but it can't be distracted to control multiple foxes, so one of the invisible foxes is controlled by Moon Prince, and the rest The fox is just cannon fodder."

This is the reasoning based on the sneak attack he and Shi Jun’s cultivation of flower seeds.

at first.

At least for a moment.

Zhang Ping really mistakenly thought it was Moon Prince.

But soon he noticed the difference between the two.

Moon Prince is not proficient in remote control, so although the fox it controls is smarter, the combat is a bit stiff.

And Moon Prince does not control the cultivation of flower seeds, the action will be more flexible in combat, but it is actually very stupid, a little bit of temptation will reveal a weak spot, and then be found.

Most of the deaths of cultivating flower seeds are actually caused by their own stupidity.


That's because...

These foxes are not smart lifeforms at all!

Zhang Ping cleared his thoughts, looked at the corpse on the ground, opened the mouth and said: "I have a bad premonition. Let's do it together. To kill the fox, we must destroy the corpse and evidence! "

The purple light flashed by, and the corpse of a fox on the ground immediately dissolved, and then he looked at the second corpse...

Zhang Shouzhong also acted immediately, a lot of nano The robot flies to the ground, and once it surrounds the corpse where the flower seeds are cultivated, it immediately ejects flames and scorches the corpse.

On the back of giant lizard, Zhang Li and the others immediately followed this scene.

Nangong Shouming’s shadow turned into a thinner blade, frantically cutting the surrounding corpses, and at the same time, the tension threw a bomb, blowing the shredded corpse into ashes.

The investigation team has encountered countless strange and strange alienated beasts, so there is no need for Zhang Ping to explain anything. They can think of a lot of abilities when they see it.

For example, use the ability to resurrect a corpse and use the ability of a corpse to explode.

Zhang Ping and the others are experienced and immediately think of this kind of ability, so no matter why Zhang Ping does it, they will do it first.

I have to say that Moon Prince could not sit still because of the tacit understanding between the two parties.

In an instant, densely packed foxes appeared outside the city, and they voluntarily gave up hiding in order to attract Zhang Ping and the others' attention.

"Sure enough, Moon Prince is in a hurry, continue!" Zhang Ping smiled when he saw this scene.

The attributes for cultivating flower seeds did not show any ability to become corpses, but it does not mean that these corpses will not change. After all, Zhang Ping did not see the attributes of the tree of flesh and blood.

What if the ability is in that tree.

After all, cultivating flower seeds should be regarded as seeds. Since they are seeds, they should germinate!

On the city wall, all the foxes awakened to see covering the mountains and plains were slightly startled. Chen Weihua muttered to herself in the crowd: "This is too much."

Only preliminary visual inspection, there are more than 100,000 foxes all around, especially the mountains farther away. Almost all foxes are foxes.

Fenglaixian said with a smile: "It seems that Zhang Ping has noticed the real weakness of these foxes, and the order is passed on. Once such foxes are found, they must destroy the corpse and evidence after killing!"

Just as Zhang Li, they did not need to explain, and Feng Laixian did the same.

No matter what Moon Prince they need these corpses for, all they have to do is to destroy each other's plans.


Northern Part of City.

Countless awakened have stood on the city wall.

Although I don’t know if the danger will appear in the north, everyone is ready to fight.

Suddenly, a clairvoyant awakened cried out in surprise, quickly opened the mouth and said: "Hurry up and inform Great Captain, the living corpse is here again!"

"Living corpse !!!"

All the awakened were shocked, thinking back to the night when the living corpses attacked the city.

Too many people died that night, and there were many people who died in a daze. They still don’t know why they died, and in the end they can only be blamed on Heavenly Fox.

But many relatives and friends of the deceased knew that those people were definitely not killed by Heavenly Fox.

Suddenly, black spots appeared in the sky, and many awakened looked towards the sky one after another. The living corpses were teleported over, fell directly from the sky, and fell on the city wall all around.

These living corpses carry corpse poison, and once bitten, they will quickly be assimilated into living corpses.


The awakened watched the living corpses gradually rising from the ground, and they all clenched their weapons and launched a charge.

On the other side.

Feng Laixian quickly received a letter from Awakened. He gritted his teeth and said, "Zuo Xiangming that old bastard is here again. I will go to the north to sit in the town, Bai De. You cooperate with Zhang Ping and guard this side. "

"Yes!" Bai De nodded responded.


Floating small fortress.

Zhang Ping noticed Feng Laixian leaving, his eyes instantly turned into eagle eyes.

He looked at the Northern Part of City and noticed that the living corpse was slightly frowned, and a question arose in his mind.

This time, Situ Shibai is not controlled by Moon King. How can Zuo Xiangming dare to take action on Pearl City?

"Sister Sisi, you try to contact Captain." Zhang Ping thought for a while, looked at Liu Sishan, and said directly.

Liu Sishan nodded, then took out the badge and contacted Situ Shibai, but there was no contact for a while, she frowned: "Captain can't be contacted."

"Sure enough... something went wrong !"

Zhang Ping's heart sank slightly, watching the densely packed flower seeds rushing towards him, and realizing that the enemy might be coming towards him.

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