


Suddenly, there is no Cultivation seeds that had time to destroy the corpse and evidence made their noises.

However, no one else can hear these voices. Only Zhang Ping can hear them because of his ability to communicate with all things.

In fact, many things are talking, but most of them are non-objectionable nonsense.

For example, the ground will say: "Dong-dong, dong-dong, dong dong!"

Even if Zhang Ping's ability can translate the words on the ground, it is still'dong-dong', basically Pointless.

So Zhang Ping ignores most of the sounds as noises.


Zhang Ping startled, the next moment thinks of a probability.

With a wave of his hand, all the flame elements gush out from his palm, and the ground instantly turns into a fire sea.

Those cultivated flower seeds that have not been destroyed the corpse and evidence suddenly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the flame.

However, his inflammatory elemental energy is limited after all. Suddenly, a cultivated flower seed that has not been affected by the flame suddenly burst from the abdomen, and a huge red branch grows quickly, turning into a height of more than ten meters in a blink of an eye. Huge weird tree.

The thick trunk of the strange tree revolved fiercely, extinguishing all the flames spreading to it.

Then it continued to grow upward, and countless tails like Moon Prince quickly grew from the main trunk, one after another eyes quickly opened from the tail.

Zhang Ping saw this scene, his eyes suddenly emitted purple light, he shot two purple light beams at the strange tree, but the strange tree seemed to know Zhang Ping purple light eyes are powerful, two tails blocked In front of the purple light, crazy reproduction.

The purple light beam collided with the two tails, and the flesh and blood of the tail melted away, but as the tail melted, new tails were growing crazily at the same time.

It probably feels like confronting waves.

If Zhang Ping stops, the two tails will instantly skyrocket and rush toward Zhang Ping in a straight line. If Zhang Ping continues, they will stalemate with the tail.

Damn it!

Zhang Ping cursed secretly, next moment thoughts move, and the floating cannon gem in the sky was activated immediately.


When the two light beams fall, they shoot through the tail of the strange tree directly.

next moment, Zhang Ping’s purple light crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, shoot through the strange tree directly.

"Zhang Ping, we are in a big trouble, so many foxes, it is not difficult to kill, but I want to destroy the corpse and evidence, I am afraid it is not easy." Zhang Shouzhong witnessed Zhang Ping solve the strange tree. , At this moment, watching the fox charging from covering the mountains and plains, said worriedly.

At this time, the fox running in the front is close to the position of the giant lizard. Thousands of foxes shot at the same time. The densely packed tails are all rapidly getting longer, and they stab at the tension on the back of the giant lizard. the others.

But at this moment, the ground shook suddenly, and all the foxes sank into the ground in the next second, and their bodies were twisted and sprayed out.

Shi Jun slowly appeared from the ground, his injuries have been completely recovered.

He gloomily looked at the fox all around, gritted his teeth and said: "Very well, I almost killed Lao Tzu, you are dead!"

while speaking, he beckoned, the eight million whale-cutting knives that sunk into another location in the ground quickly got out of the ground, and the hand was just in his hand.

This time, instead of turning the entire ground into lava, he formed a lava river. The lava river quickly swallowed all around the cultivated flower seeds, killing the corpse and evidence at the same time.

"Boss, I knew you were okay." Giant Lizard took the initiative to lean in and looked at Shi Jun said with a smile.

Shi Jun grinned, gritted his teeth and said: "Almost, fortunately, the life-saving spiritual medicine I bought before is not a fake, otherwise I would really be planted this time."

Zhang Ping was fighting fiercely. He really didn't notice how the fox was getting close. It was too late when he found out.

So his injury was really injured, but after diving into the ground, he actually took out the life-saving spiritual medicine and took it very quickly, so the injury healed very quickly.

However, he did not appear immediately. Instead, he observed the situation first. After clarifying the situation, he came out of the ground.

Since these foxes are afraid of fire, then he is not afraid.

At the same time.

In the distant mountains, Zhu Zeming put down the monocular telescope, he frowned: "Shi Jun really did not die, one plan failed, and the second plan started."

Originally, the first plan It was shot at the end of Zhang Ping's battle with Shi Jun.

At that time, Zuo Xiangming and Li Aoxue will also be deployed. All means should be launched at the same time, but Moon Prince saw that Shi Jun had injured Zhang Ping, so he couldn't help but directly intervened in the fight.

Although this disrupts the deployment, the difference itself is not particularly big. If the Shijun is killed, then a plan will advance one after another, Zhang Ping will inevitably fall into desperation, and eventually die in them. Hands.

Now that Shi Jun is still alive, he can only give up the first plan and implement the second plan.

In the cave, Moon Prince and the Tree of Flesh have become one.

At this time, a servant whispered: "One plan failed, implement the second plan!"

"Got it!"

A tree of flesh and blood in the shape of a fox There was a hoarse and thick sound, and more fruits came out of the branches.

Under the tree of flesh and blood, countless people are carrying animals and alienated bead corpses into a large pit with a diameter of nearly ten meters. The tree of flesh is constantly absorbing into the large pit. The nutrition is used to multiply more cultivated flower seeds.

Suddenly, the tree of flesh and blood grew a huge flower, and an invisible energy immediately radiated from the tree of flesh and blood.

The tree of flesh and blood has two reproduction modes.

First is the mulching mode. By cultivating a large number of flowers and seeds to occupy a large area of ​​land, a forest of flesh and blood is formed. Absorb the flesh and blood of creatures that strayed into the forest.

Second is the mode of aggression. All cultivated flower seeds sacrifice themselves, and finally cultivate the highly aggressive cultivated Kao, then push all living things like a hob, and finally get the land where they can thrive.

If Shi Jun is dead.

Then relying on the absolute number advantage, they can slowly consume Zhang Ping until the final strike certain kill.

But now Shi Jun is not dead.

The first mode will only be cracked by Shi Jun with no difficulty. After all, Shi Jun’s sea of ​​earth and eight million whale knives are simply natural extinctions, even if the cultivation of flower seeds is extremely tenacious. Can't stand the heat of lava.

So now the plan is changed, and the Flesh Tree orders all cultivated seeds into invasion mode.

Outside Pearl City, the foxes that originally came on the ground suddenly fell to the ground. All those who were preparing to fight were taken aback. The next moment they saw their bodies explode, and branches of flesh and blood came from These foxes grow rapidly in their bodies.

Shi Jun saw this scene, and immediately coldly snorted, manipulating the lava river to sweep across all the foxes.

His response is not unpleasant. The problem is that there are too many seeds for cultivation.

After many cultivated flower seeds have grown, the next moment will begin to crazily involute.

Inner volume!

This is not a metaphor, but a real scroll!

Countless flesh and blood branches crazily rolled together, and finally formed a huge sphere. At the same time, densely packed branches drilled out of the gaps to form teeth, mouths, and claws of various shapes.

When the lava river approached, the huge sphere turned, ignoring lava, and rolled in the direction where Shi Jun was.

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