Whether it is the patrol team or the investigation team, they have the right to summon and command the awakened in the city in an emergency. If the investigation team and the patrol team have been wiped out, follow The powerhouse command.

This is not a law or regulation, but it is a rule recognized by everyone.

At the time when the living corpses attacked the city, Feng Laixian took over the supreme command, and now Zhang Ping is the same.

"Water Element awakened stepped forward and used its ability to humidify the ground under the city wall to create a wetland!" Zhang Ping looked at the fifty awakened left, and then arranged.

Several Water Element awakened immediately understood Zhang Ping's intentions and activated their abilities. A large amount of water fell on the ground outside the city, and the ground became muddy in a blink of an eye.

"Footprints are coming up!"

The sharp-eyed awakened immediately reminded loudly.

As soon as a few cultivated flower seeds climbed up from the city, the next moment they were attacked by fire from the awakened, and they were blasted off the city wall.

Before everyone had time to be happy, the red jade suddenly fell from the red clouds in the sky, and the awakened force quickly propped up the huge shield to keep the rain out of the shield.

Zhang Ping also propped up the mind shield, he quickly analyzed the rain, and then frowned.

The rainwater is full of salt frost fruit element, and at the same time it also comes with a super power that can magnify the effect of salt frost fruit element tens of millions of times.

Under heavy rain, the entire Pearl City is like an oversized salt frosted fruit.

"This is forcing me not to be a human being!"

Zhang Ping took a deep breath, and simply lifted the mind shield and let the rain fall on him.

He slowly fell to the ground, and then walked towards the pile of minced meat.

wild beasted state!

The hair on Zhang Ping's body quickly became full-bodied, his muscles bulged, and his height surged from 1.8 meters to more than three meters. He grabbed the ground meat and stuffed it into his mouth. I don't care that the minced meat may sprout in my stomach.

In fact, if other people eat these minced meat, there is indeed a possibility of sprouts, but he has the ability of a heteroeater, so the minced meat is eaten and directly digested.

"What happened to Zhang Ping?"

On the floating small fortress, Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping who was eating frantically on the ground and asked worriedly.

Liu Sishan frowned: "I don’t know, but Zhang Ping must have his reasons for doing this, and we should hurry up!"

While speaking, she gave up using the knife and fork and picked it up A piece of cooked meat is gnawed into your mouth.

"No matter what, it's always right to improve your strength."

Cheng Xuejie also felt Zhang Ping's madness and determination, so she picked up a piece of meat with her hand and ate it with big mouthfuls.

On the city wall, the awakened laid a few cultivated flower seeds down the city wall. However, these cultivated flower seeds seem to have learned valuable experience from the previous cultivated flower seeds. The tail became extremely fluffy, slowing down most of the impact, so that they quickly got up.

But without waiting for them to act, a thought force instantly pinched their necks and pulled them directly in front of Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping shot two lasers from his eyes, and their heads immediately landed.

Zhang Ping raised his head and opened his mouth, sipping the blood that nurtures flower seeds as if drinking alcohol, and after drinking enough, he continued to eat meat again.

New abilities:

[Blood-suckers: can permanently increase physical strength and spirit strength by drinking the blood of other creatures. 】

Zhang Ping's spirit is slightly lifted, but instead of checking his attributes, he continues to overeating.

Any cultivated flower seeds that entered the scope of his mind power were all restrained by his mind power, and finally dropped their heads one after another, and the blood became his drink.

At this moment, a few White Ape ran out of the woods in the distance.

They looked in the direction of Pearl City, their eyes turned red gradually, and they opened their mouths and roared.

next moment, they rushed to Pearl City one after another.

At the same time, various alienated beasts, even ordinary creatures, have appeared in other directions. They are all attracted by the rain, and there is not much reason.

Zhang Ping glanced at it, and then ignored it. Instead, he lowered his head and concentrated on eating meat, leaving him little time.

The alienated beasts now appearing are not even an appetizer. What he is worried about is the appearance of the overlord, even the King-level alienated beast.

Before that, he must seize the time to become stronger, even if only a little bit!

He grabbed a piece of meat, opened his mouth to bite, this piece of meat cried: "Father, why do you want to eat me, don't eat me!"

This piece of meat It turned out to be the piece of meat he communicated before!

"Child, father is not eating you, but making you return to father's body, don't you want to return to father's body?" Zhang Ping paused for a while, thinking about it and asking road.

That minced meat excitedly said: "Really? Then I want to return to father's body!"

"Good child!"

Zhang Ping smiled In the next second, he opened his mouth hideously and quickly stuffed the piece of meat into his mouth, chewed it a little, and swallowed it.

New abilities:

【Progeny spores: consume physical energy to release an invisible progeny spore, which can parasitize in the dead and activate it for one day . 】

Zhang Ping slightly frowned, next moment finger points to a rock in the distance.

As his physical strength was exhausted, the rock quickly deformed and turned into a five-meter-high rock giant.

"Father, I'm alive!"

The rock giant opened his eyes, realized that he had a new body, and said happily.

At this time, a three-meter-high White Ape crashed into the giant rock, and both sides immediately rolled towards the city wall, hitting the city wall.

"Do you dare to hit me!"

The rock giant roared immediately and directly fought with White Ape.

Actually, it does not have the ability to speak, and all the sounds it makes are terrifying roars, but Zhang Ping can only understand what it says.

"The most high-end ingredients should be eaten like this!"

Zhang Ping watched White Ape gradually fall into the wind, and finally was hit by the giant rock, and said to himself .

The piece of minced meat just now may have been eaten by him willingly, so after eating it, his physical strength and spirit strength have greatly improved, and even directly increased an ability.

The most amazing thing is that the temporarily activated consciousness has become a part of his ability!

At this time, he picked up a piece of minced meat and asked: "Child, are you willing to return to father's body?"

"The meat is meaningless at all, and you also It's not my father. It doesn't matter where I came from, but I yearn for death. Eat me. I am different from my stupid brother. I am not so foolish!" The piece of meat said sadly.


Although they are all born from the same ball, the characters of these minced meats seem to be very different.

Zhang Ping ate the minced meat directly, then picked up a piece of meat, and tried to ask again, but this time he got terrible abuse. Obviously the other party hated him very much, so he said nothing. Eat again.

After eating several pieces of uncooperative meat, he finally met a piece of'naive young woman' minced meat.

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