"Are you really my father?"

The voice of this piece of meat is a little soft.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "If there is no me, there will be no you, because I have you, rounding up, you can really say that."

"It seems right, Then father, why do you want to eat everyone?" Minced Meat asked innocently.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "It is not to eat everyone, but to let everyone appear in a new form, just like your big brother. Look, isn't it good?"

While speaking, he pointed to the rock giant who was fighting with White Ape.

Mixed Meat said happily: "Then you can become a big brother like that when you return to the father's body?"

"Yes, it must be!" Zhang Ping nodded and said.

The minced meat said urgently: "Then father, eat me, eat me!"


Zhang Ping smiled and opened his bloody mouth Wide open like a sacrificial bowl, swallow the minced meat directly.

His mouth has been modified so that it can be cracked to the root of his ears. The picture of eating meat is quite scary.

When he swallowed this piece of meat, he immediately felt that the time to advance was shortened by a large amount, and at the same time he gained a new ability:

【Activated Fairy: Temporary death due to physical exertion It turns into a little fairy with healing ability, and the more physical energy it consumes, the longer the little fairy exists. 】

Zhang Ping extend the hand Point to the ground, and a piece of dust immediately turns into a little fairy with four transparent wings.

"Father, I am out!" the little fairy exclaimed in surprise.

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "father, please give you a name."

"Okay, does the big brother have a name?" The little fairy flies around Zhang Ping Fly around, asked lively.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Before you have time to name it, let me give it to you first. You can call it Yaoyao."

"Yaoyao? Me? It's Yaoyao, okay, I have a name!" The little fairy Yaoyao immediately landed on Zhang Ping's hair, and said with a smile happily.

Zhang Ping glanced at the rock giant who was fighting White Ape, opened the mouth and said: "Your big brother probably can't beat that Big Monkey. Go and help."

"Oh, then I will treat that Big Monkey. When Big Monkey kills the big brother, I will be the first eldest sister." Yaoyao flew up and said happily.

Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, this little fellow cut is black, right.

However, whether it is Yaoyao or the rock giant, they are actually dependent on abilities, and it can even be said that they are abilities themselves.

So even if they are dead, as long as Zhang Ping uses the power again, they will come back to life.

Only when Zhang Ping is dead, they are considered real deaths.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to flick the minced meat, but the minced meat is not so good. They have a variety of personalities, even some of the minced meat is extremely hostile, so they greet Zhang Ping father and mother. .

Zhang Ping would not be polite, and immediately swallowed the minced meat.

In fact, many alienated beasts have appeared all around, but these alienated beasts were fired by bullets from the floating small fortress before they got close to Zhang Ping, and finally they avoided the location of Zhang Ping and charged straight. To the city wall.

But after a long time, there will always be alienated beasts that ignore bullets.

When Zhang Ping swallowed a piece of minced meat, a giant wild boar rammed it over. Zhang Ping shot two lasers from his eyes, which happened to be shot in from the wild boar's eyes.

The wild boar wailed, and its huge body fell on the side of the minced meat, rubbing a long scratch.

Zhang Ping's thoughts were swept away, the next moment's eyes lit up slightly, and the wild boar was unloaded immediately with a laser.

He grabbed a wild boar leg and threw it at the floating small fortress vigorously, and loudly said: "fatty, catch it, this Senior Sister can strengthen the biological force field by eating it!"


Zhang Shouzhong controlled the nanorobot to catch the wild boar's thigh in mid-air, and landed on the floating small fortress after unloading the force.

"By the way, eating raw is better!" Zhang Ping's voice came from underground.

Cheng Xuejie, who had been fed up with those weird meats, just thought about how to improve his taste. When she heard these words, her expression suddenly became embarrassed.

But for the sake of strength, she still gritted her teeth, took out an imposing manner that looked like death, and cut the pork raw with a knife and fork.


Zhang Ping continues to eat and calculates the time he needs to advance.

Originally, it took him more than a year to advance to high level awakened, but after just overeating, the time was directly shortened to three months.

As long as you continue to eat, you should be able to advance today!

This is also the real purpose of his overeating.

Since the enemy dares to target him, he must have investigated his strength. The best way to break the game is to advance!

Once he becomes high level awakened, his strength will inevitably be greatly improved. No matter what crafty plots and machinations the enemy has, he can crack it with his strength.


Zhu Family base, in the laboratory.

Zhu Zhaotian and Zhu Shi both frowned and looked at the monitoring screen. Zhang Ping was eating meat crazy in the screen, which gave them a very bad feeling.

"Zhang Ping's thought power has analytical attributes. Those flesh and blood may be of great benefit to him, and he must find a way to destroy those flesh and blood." Zhu Zhaotian analyzed.

Zhu Shi frowned: "Why didn't anyone notice this beforehand?"

"Those foxes are Zhu Chengmian's handwriting, what are you in a hurry? Even if something really goes wrong, they will be pushed to Zhu Chengmian will be fine." Zhu Zhaotian lightly said with a smile.

Zhu Shi sighed: "I know, if it really fails, I will definitely do it, but... if you don’t fail, it’s better not to fail. I don’t mind giving the credit to Zhu Chengmian, but Zhang Ping must die!"

He wants to kill Zhang Ping!

Situ Shibai and Zhang Ping, the two infinite abilities must die one, otherwise he will have to worry about entering Pearl City in the future, let alone holding Pearl City again.

"Who didn't think so, but Zhang Ping was too cautious. He must have guessed our ideas now and used his own ability to brute force to crack them. What do you think is our chance of winning?" Zhu Zhaotian's eyes fell on The rock giant and Yaoyao's body, then asked.

Zhu Shi looked at the monitoring screen silently, and finally sighed for a long time.

Yesterday, they sent someone to sneak into Pearl City to appraise the attributes of Zhang Ping, but now Zhang Ping uses two more abilities that did not appear in the appraisal before!

Obviously, these two abilities are new abilities that Zhang Ping has acquired today.

The most troublesome place for people with infinite abilities is that they have too many abilities, and new abilities may be added anytime and anywhere. In fact, the threat level of Situ Shibai is far from the evaluation of Yuju Zhu Family. Not as threatening as Zhang Ping.

Because the potential of Situ Shibai has been exhausted, but Zhang Ping has unlimited potential.

They can wait or consume until Situ Shibai is dead.

But there is no way to deal with Zhang Ping, because no one knows whether Zhang Ping will gain the ability to immortalize in the future.

To copy the abilities of other people, after all, you need a target that can be copied.

Zhang Ping’s ability comes out of thin air, and there is no need to copy anyone. Therefore, abilities such as imprisonment may be used to deal with copy ability, but it cannot deal with Zhang Ping.

This is also the reason why Yuju Zhu Family made up his mind to kill Zhang Ping at all costs.

Compared to Situ Shibai, Zhang Ping is too terrifying.

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