After half an hour, Zhang Ping suddenly stopped eating.

He felt the power of begin to stir in his body, and immediately took out all the contract gems from the gold treasure trove of bracelets.

These contract gems are what he usually accumulates, the purpose is to quickly increase his potential before the advancement, in exchange for more powerful advanced skills.

After eating all the contract gems, there seemed to be countless bombs exploding in his body at the same time, and a horror actually erupted from him.

At this moment, everyone showed incredible expressions.

The advancement of Zhang Shouzhong was exaggerated. Now Zhang Ping’s advanced imposing manner is even scarier than Zhang Shouzhong.

The problem is that everyone remembers that Zhang Ping is only an intermediate advanced high level, but the imposing manner is more exaggerated than Zhang Shouzhong's advanced high level. Even without the help of other people, all animals and alienated beasts instinctively stay away from Zhang Ping, and dare not approach Zhang Ping, which is advancing at all.

"Zhang Ping he... is advanced!"

Cheng Xuejie took the wild boar, dripping blood in her mouth, and said in surprise.

"Well, it seems that when everyone talks about breakthroughs in the future, they will only remember Zhang Ping."

Zhang Shouzhong looked at the imposing manner on the ground, which really vaguely formed Zhang Ping with substantial pressure. Helplessly vomit.

Although he also succeeded in a breakthrough, compared with the current Zhang Ping, it is nothing short of a shame.

At this time.

The air on the ground is slightly distorted.

With Zhang Ping as the center, countless tiny dusts are really shaking like crazy.

He feels that every cell in his body is sublimating, a violent and gentle energy is slowly radiating from his chest to all around, and even his hair is moisturized by this power, becoming soft and smooth. Shiny.

If his spirit strength was a lake a moment ago, then his spirit strength is the ocean now.

Moreover, all superpowers are divided into categories like organs at this moment. They operate in his body and consciousness. Only a single thought can control these abilities more perfectly.


Zhang Ping slowly stood up, more powerful thoughts hiding the sky and covering the earth emanating, countless messages quickly The feedback came back, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, instead he had a more detailed understanding of the whole situation.

As soon as his mind moved, countless alienated beasts' necks made a crisp noise, and then they fell down stumblingly.

"Is this the difference between high level awakened and intermediate level awakened?"

Zhang Ping looked at the corpses all over the floor. Although he knew that these corpses were killed by himself, he still felt terrifying.

Of course, he knows very well that the average high level awakened will definitely not be able to achieve his level. He is an extraordinary high level awakened, which is probably thousands of times stronger than the average high level awakened.

It is mainly his basic attribute, which is higher than the overwhelming majority awakened.

Especially in spirit strength, with the blessing of the clean world, he is even stronger than the top awakened.

At this time.

He wrapped himself with thought power and flew directly to the floating small fortress.

After confirming that there is no enemy interference for the time being, he immediately used Appraisal Technique on himself.

[Successful identification]

[Summoned Beast: Zhang Ping]

[Master: Zhang Ping]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: ⭐]

[lifespan: 300]

[Level: high level awakened]

[Level: 20 】

【innate talent 】

【contract gem: can consume physical strength + spirit strength to condense the contract gem, once the target voluntarily accepts the contract gem, life, soul, and consciousness will be Sovereign Sovereign , But at the same time it also gains summoner's potential and luck blessing. After taking it for the first time, taking it again will slightly increase its potential, and there is a 10% probability of awakening a new innate talent. Remarks: Innate Ability obtained by summoner Zhang Ping's overdraft IQ, potential and luck, although very powerful, it also has some huge flaws. Too much ambition does not seem to be a good thing. ]

[Absolute Order: You have absolute sovereignty over Summoned Beast, and Summoned Beast absolutely cannot violate your order]

[Absolute obedience: You absolutely obey the summoner’s order, Summoner’s command, you will loyally execute it]

[Appraisal Technique of King’s Blood Edition: Appraisal Technique for the target can be identified, with a 90% probability of obtaining target information. The first identification is successful, and subsequent targets are directed at the same target. , The success probability of identification will be increased to 100%. Remarks: Innate Ability, born from the curiosity of Summoned Beast Zhang Ping and summoner Zhang Ping, is upgraded to Ultra Grade ability under the catalysis of the blood of the true king. 】

【Nethermist nightwalker: Obtain dark night vision, and the sense of presence at night is greatly reduced, the speed of action is greatly increased, the weight is reduced, and the body is completely invisible in the shadows. When the body is enveloped by Nethermist, the sense of presence is extremely Dropped significantly. 】

【Energy Eater: Energy can be restored by swallowing energy on the surface of the skin, and the excess energy can be converted into all-element energy and stored in the body. When all-element energy is released, it can perfectly control the energy creation.

Remarks: There is no doubt that pure calories are not enough! ]

[Wind Whisperer: Wind will bring you all kinds of news, whether you want to know or don’t want to know.

Remarks: There is no airtight wall in the world, and there is no secret that the wind does not know]

[Gluttony: When swallowing special items, there will be a 50% probability of obtaining the corresponding special physique.

Remarks: Why does this child eat everything? 】

【Body of Nethermist: It can be transformed into a manipulable Nethermist by absorbing the fear and anger of creatures.

Remarks: Nethermist's seven emotions have already won the second. ]

[Pure water body: the body can be transformed into pure water form, in the pure water form, it can absorb water to restore physical strength and injuries]

[Wang blood body: the body can be Transformed into the king's blood form, it can be integrated into the target's body to quickly recover from the injury. In the flesh and blood form, it can absorb the sun and restore the lost blood.

Note: Love what I love, hate what I hate, and leave no regrets! 】

【True King’s Blood: The body can draw strength from its own pain, the more painful the experience, the more obvious the effect.

Note: Everything that can't kill you will make you stronger! ]

[The King’s Gem: You can consume blood to make the King’s Gem, and randomly grant the King’s Gem with different abilities.

Note: This is the mark of King and the glory of King. 】

【Pure gems: Supreme gems of clean world are condensed in the center of the eyebrows, which can guide and absorb Spirit Physique contained in them, and all kinds of wonderful spirits will be born.

Note: Your heart is the world, which will affect the abilities of every spirit. 】

【Superior: Spirit strength can be transformed into mind power, and mind power has a special attribute'supersensory analysis'.

Remarks: The rose is given to others, and the hand has a lingering fragrance. 】

【Gold Swallower: It can be converted into elemental metal by continuously swallowing metal. After the idea is stimulated, the elemental metal will form a metal coating on the body surface. The metal coating has various special attributes of the swallowed metal.

Remark: Are you just... an iron-eater? 】

【Mutated eyes: Every second, the eyes have a mutation. If the same mutation occurs, the formidable power will be enhanced. All the eyes obtained from the mutation will be automatically activated according to the mood.

Remarks: Is the air so bad now? 】

【Savage body: The body becomes stronger and stronger, with the intuition of wild beast, the body can enter the state of wild beastization, which greatly improves the physical fitness. 】

【Strengthen the six senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are greatly improved, while the spirit strength becomes sharper, and Sixth Sense is born, which can be inspired by time. ]

[Communicate with everything: You can communicate with everything without barriers, even if it has no life. 】

【Baldness ripples: Consuming spirit strength, it can emit invisible ripples that make the target bald, and after the opponent is bald, the target hair follicles are forcibly closed to make the hair non-regenerating. 】

【Blood sucker: You can permanently increase your physical strength and spirit strength by drinking the blood of other creatures. 】

【Progeny spores: Expend physical energy to release an invisible progeny spore, which can parasitize in the dead and activate it for one day. 】

【Activated Fairy: Consuming physical energy can temporarily turn a dead object into a healing goblin. The more physical strength is consumed, the longer the little goblin will exist. ]

[Advanced Skills]

[Intermediate-Infinite Contract: In the process of making contract gems, you can revise the contract regulations according to your own will, and contract gems can get three kinds of Special form.

First, King Qi Gems-Wu Qi: Attack Type ability can be injected into the contract gem to increase the lethality of this ability. If used in conjunction with the King’s Gems, the formidable power will be doubled.

second, Wang Qi Gems-Bao Qi: The contract gem can be integrated into the equipment to increase the potential of any equipment and have the probability to obtain characteristics.

Third Type, Wang Qi gem-storage contract: The contract gem can reduce the item package to one micron size for storage, and the maximum storage target is one thousand cubic meters. ]

[high level-Contract power: After swallowing the contract gem, you will gain additional contract power. Any contract method, once sufficient contract power is injected, will have a strong binding force. 】


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