Very strong.

Just looking at the attribute, you can actually feel the power of Zhang Ping.

But in fact, Zhang Ping’s strength is far stronger than the attributes demonstrated. His basic physical attributes have all skyrocketed by more than ten times. If he could only fight the enemy for a few hours before. Tired, so now even if he fights for a few days and nights, he doesn't need to rest.

In addition, his control of all superpowers has been further enhanced. The simplest example is that he can influence the other person's thoughts by keeping the blood in other people's bodies.

Although Zhang Ping certainly does not do this kind of thing, he does have this ability.

As for other abilities.

More or less have been strengthened.

For example, nightwalker is no longer limited to the night. In a non-combat state, he can actually stand in the shadows, and he can slightly exert the effect of nightwalker, making others subconsciously ignore his existence.

Of course, this effect is very weak, far less powerful than at night.

Zhang Ping is preparing to share his attributes with everyone.


Sixth Sense has sounded an alarm.

He immediately looked to the right hand, his eyes immediately widened.

A mountain is flying!

Not right.

It's not that the mountain flew up, but that a mountain was hit and flew.


In the next second, a terrifying shock wave swept all around, and countless people screamed and flew the shock wave.

The floating small fortress was also hit by the shock wave, rolling frantically in the air, and about to fall in front of him, Zhang Ping quickly fixed the floating small fortress with his mind.

In the second second, the sound is passed to all around.

The entire world seems to be the end of the world, crying, screaming, and screaming one after another.

Heaven and Earth overturned. In the billowing dust, a big unimaginable earth-yellow giant snake gradually appeared. Its huge body covering the heavens and shielding the sun is even bigger than Zhang Ping’s giant form To exaggerate countless times.

"What the hell is this...!" Zhang Shouzhong cried out when he saw the giant snake showing only a small section.

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva, and the next moment applied the Appraisal Technique to the super giant snake in front of him.

After countless identifications, the identification was finally successful:

[Name: Wild Serpent God]

[Race: Wild Serpent·King]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 19600]

[level: primary level king beast]


[Level: 45]

[innate talent]

[Barbarian body: It can be transformed into elemental power by devouring soil, which can continuously temper fleshy body to make The body becomes larger, the elemental power is larger, the body is larger, and the defense is stronger. 】

【The tail of the earthquake: Use the tail to inject elemental power into the earth, which directly triggers a large-scale earthquake. 】

【Rock flow rainstorm: Condensed soil elemental power, launching rock king bombs into the sky, directly forming rock flow rainstorm, attacking all targets in a wide range. 】

【Top strong: Your body is much stronger than your family, and has a strong healing ability. ]

[Characteristics of King Beast:]

[primary level-Breath of Earth Vein: When on the ground or underground, the breath of Earth Vein can restore physical strength and greatly enhance defense. 】

【King attribute:】

【Indestructible Earth: When the body dies, Spirit Physique will return to the depths of the earth and form an egg of the earth, which will be broken and reborn after ten days. 】

【King Skill:】

【Horn of God's Peak: Consume all elemental power of the earth and form a horn of God's Peak on the head that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome. 】


Zhang Ping shared the attribute with everyone, and everyone was silent for a moment.

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it no matter what I think." Zhang Shouzhong instantly widened his eyes and muttered to himself.

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie both face pale, only panic and helplessness are left, the attributes of the wild big snake god are too terrifying.

"I will deal with it, you will save people!" Zhang Ping clenching one's teeth and said at this time.

The wild big zombie got out of the ground and flew directly to the top of a mountain. At the same time, the impact also caused a terrifying shock wave. A large number of people in Pearl City were blown away by the shock wave, and even countless houses collapsed. Now There are countless people who need their help.

But Zhang Ping must face the battle, so to save lives, he can only ask Zhang Shouzhong and the others.


Zhang Shouzhong responded solemnly.

"Zhang Ping, be careful." Cheng Xuejie worriedly said.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Well, although it is big, I am not too small!"

Finally, he slightly smiled to Liu Sishan and jumped directly off the floating small The fortress, the body quickly grew bigger.

The wild big zombie instantly locks onto Zhang Ping.

In fact, it just felt the breath of Zhang Ping's breakthrough, so it appeared here.

Originally, the breath of Yanshuangguosu only made it wake up in deep sleep, while the breath of Zhang Ping breakthrough made it feel hungry.

in the past it was enshrined as a god by countless tribes.

Every ten years or so, the wild people of the tribe will hold grand sacrifices for it and enshrine countless sacrifices to it.

Although it does not need to eat people, it understands this behavior, so it devours all the sacrifices.

Finally, among the unnoticeable influence, it develops the habit of cannibalism.

All these are the choices of mankind.

Since those tribes were wiped out by other tribes, it has not eaten people for a long time, and the breath of Zhang Ping breakthrough just evoked its greedy insects.


Zhu Family.

Many Zhu Family members who were watching the surveillance screen were blinded.

They completely didn't expect to attract unexpected existence this time. Looking at the huge alienated snake covering the heavens, shielding the sun, many people showed surprised expressions.

"It's done."

Zhu Shi clenched his fist happily.

Although he doesn’t know the origin of the wild serpent god, there is no doubt that this is a powerful existence attracted by his use of salt frost fruit element. As long as this point is held firmly, no matter whether it succeeds or fails this time , He will be invincible.

No any clan member can attack him with previous failures.

Zhu Zhaotian poured cold water at this time: "Don't be happy too early. Although this snake is huge, it may not be stronger than Zhang Ping."

"Well, but I will know soon The answer is." Zhu Shi said with a smile.

At this time, the thousand-meter giant transformed by Zhang Ping in the screen collided with the wild big snake god.

In front of Zhang Ping at this time, the barbaric snake god is like a python, Zhang Ping sprints forward, hugs the barbaric snake god’s'neck' directly, and then his eyes are facing the barbaric snake god Two lasers were fired from the seven inches.

Under the laser, two small black spots appeared on the scales of the wild big snake god.

However, the wild big zombie reacted very quickly. With a twist of his body, Zhang Ping was flung out and directly squashed a small hill.

The wild big zombie reacted very quickly, and immediately curled up one of Zhang Ping's legs, and his tail rose high from the ground.

"Not good!"

Zhang Ping saw this scene, next moment his eyes locked on the tail of the wild big snake god.

In the sky, more than fifty floating cannon gems attacked at the same time.

One after another, a thick beam of light fell, directly swaying the wild big snake god's tail, and finally fell to the ground feebly, and the ground was hit with a huge crack on the spot.

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