Northern Part of City.

Countless living corpses are fighting awakened.

After these living corpses were killed, they came back to life in a blink of an eye.

"Can't kill you?"

Zhang Ping squinted slightly, and the next moment quickly flew to the city wall of the Northern Part of City.

His eyes radiated purple light, and two light beams fell on a living corpse, and the living corpse was dissolved in an instant.

But the next second, the living corpse, which was dissolved into an unknown liquid, came back to life again.

Its body quickly reorganized, and finally changed back to its original appearance, roaring and lunging at the nearest awakened.


Zhang Ping was unbelievable and shocked.

He did not feel the living corpses have any breath similar to the undead, and the projection of the clean world is estimated to have no good effect on these living corpses.

"Why can't you kill?"

Zhang Ping simply grabbed a living corpse with his thoughts and asked.

In fact, except for humans, most creatures are very simple to communicate, like the wild big snake god, if Zhang Ping does not have the ability to communicate with all things, it must be irreconcilable, and in the end it will not punch out the brains of the other party. , Certainly won't stop easily.

But Zhang Ping has the ability to communicate, so many impossible things have become as it should be by rights instead.

Because communication is the only way to peace.

"ga ga, quack, quack."

The body of the living corpse was constantly twitching, waving and struggling with both hands from time to time, and then made a sound of unknown meaning.

Not right.

It's not a voice with unknown meaning, but it's just saying'quack'.

Zhang Ping frowned threw the living corpse down the city wall, then pulled another living corpse and asked: "Why can you resurrect?"

"Carrots, oranges, sirloin, I really want to eat rice noodles..." The living corpse shook his head and stared at Zhang Ping and said.

Zhang Ping took out an orange from the gold treasure house bracelet and stuffed it into the mouth of the living corpse, and asked, "I gave you the orange. Tell me quickly, why can you resurrect?"

"Baby, a baby!" The living corpse swallowed the orange in one bite, and then replied it.

Zhang Ping hurriedly asked: "What baby?"

"I don't know, don't let me see, the old fairy won't let me see." The living corpse replied.

Then its lifeless eyes looked at Zhang Ping eagerly, opening the mouth and said: "Carrots, sirloin, I really want to eat rice noodles..."

"Go eat the soil. "Zhang Ping simply threw it off the city wall.

Zhang Ping looked at the living corpses all around constantly resurrecting, and he already had an answer in his heart.

Lao Xian, should refer to Zuo Xiangming.

So Zuo Xiangming got the benefits of Yuju Zhu Family, so he participated in this matter?

"It seems that Zuo Xiangming must be found to destroy his... baby!" Zhang Ping thought to himself.

next moment, his mind spread, all the living corpses that climbed the city wall were caught by him and thrown down the city wall, and then he quickly flew out of the city, flying along the induction of blood splitting .

Fenglai immortal physique has his blood, so no matter where Fenglaixian is, he can find Fenglaixian.

A moment.

The temperature all around is getting higher and higher, and then a blast of flame from the far valley rises from the ground.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up slightly, and he flew over immediately.

Sure enough.

On the ground, Fenglaixian has entered the form of the Great Sun Crimson Emperor, and is fighting fiercely with more than a dozen top living corpses.

Zhang Ping flew over, and Nianli directly pressed all the living corpses into the ground. He fell next to Feng Laixian and asked: "Feng Hall Master, are you okay?"

Originally , Feng Laixian wrinkled slightly frowned when the living corpse suddenly fell to the ground.

I stretched out when I saw Zhang Ping, he held the knife in his hand, said with a smile: "It's okay, the knife is easy to use!"

"Zuo Xiangming Mastering a treasure can resurrect these living corpses infinitely. There is no point in fighting with these living corpses. You must find Zuo Xiangming and destroy his treasure first." Zhang Ping glanced at the knife and resisted turning away. Talk about the urge to talk about weapons, and then tell the information he knows.

Feng Laixian squinted his eyes and said: "I thought it was the ability of his newly acquired living corpse. It turned out to be a special equipment."

"The problem now is Zuo Xiang Mingzang. It’s very deep, we don’t know where he is." Zhang Ping helplessly said.

While speaking, he looked at a few corpses held by him. With a thought, he asked: "Who knows the location of Zuo Xiangming?"

"Lao Xian Lao Immortal, boundless mana, old immortal and old immortal, hiding in the east." a female living corpse shouted feverishly.

Another living corpse muttered to himself: "Can you not hold me down? I finally lifted the head, the old fairy said, I don't want to lower my head."

"I really want to go back to when I was a kid, there was a hawthorn tree at the door of my house, every year..." There was also a living corpse, whispered dejectedly.

Zhang Ping threw the living corpse into the distant mountain, opened the mouth and said: "There is a living corpse that said Zuo Xiangming is hidden in the east, but it may be nonsense."


"Look at it in the past and you won't know." Feng Laixian said with a smile.

To be honest, Zhang Ping is really easy to use.

No matter what the problem is.

Basically Zhang Ping can be solved right away.

Although Feng Laixian is not a reckless man, he does not like to think about overly complicated issues. It is so comfortable to follow Zhang Ping to recklessly.

Mountain range in the east.

Zuo Xiangming's face is a bit unpleasant.

He just came to assist, but he never thought of fighting Zhang Ping head-on.

In fact, his task is only to contain some of Pearl City's power, leaving Zhang Ping in a state of isolation and helplessness.

But now Zhang Ping actually came over?

You also asked his location from the living corpse?

"No, I have withdrawn!"

Zuo Xiangming looked at the green skull in his hand, and made a decision in his heart.

He cannot resurrect the living corpses infinitely. In fact, these living corpses can be resurrected because Zhu Family provided him with a large amount of corpse oil, which ignites the flames in the green skull and can continue Provide him with the power to resurrect living corpses.

Once the corpse runs out of oil, the living corpse will still die.

If the living corpse is dead, he is actually very fragile, and any soldier can pinch him to death.


Pearl City.

Zhu Wuneng looked at the mountains in the distance and sighed: "Zuo Xiangming is cautious. Zhang Ping has passed. I am afraid that the living corpses will soon escape. This plan is about to fail. I prepared it. Strength is not to be wasted in a plan that is doomed to fail."

He was also prepared to take action. The problem is that Moon Prince did it in advance, which caused everything to change.

The wheel battle was not perfectly connected, so Zhang Ping successfully advanced.

The current Zhang Ping is far stronger than yesterday’s Zhang Ping. Zhu Wuneng does not believe that the plan still has the probability of success.

"But Zhu Chengmian...should be able to cut off one's means of retreat, and fight back!"

Zhu Wu can think of Zhu Chengmian's resources, and can't help showing the expression of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

The cultivation of seeds covering the mountains and plains, do you really think you don’t need money?

All resources are exchanged!

Assume that a flower seed requires 100,000 Pearl coins.

So, Zhu Chengmian had burned hundreds of millions of pearl coins before.

Zhu family property is rich and rich, which is true.

The problem is that Zhu Chengmian’s money is not blown by the wind.

They still have to do business in Pearl City and earn a little bit of money, otherwise no one will give Zhu Family money in vain.

So much money was put into it, and finally it was lost, and no one could bear the change.

So Zhu Wu can judge.

Zhu Chengmian.

Be sure to stake all on one throw!

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