Xionghou Peak, located in the south of Pearl City.

Because the shape resembles a male reproductive organ, it is named'Xionghou'.

At the top of Xionghou Peak, in an antique pavilion, Zhu Chengmian is drinking tea.

He took a sip of the tea, put down the cup, and sighed: "I am incompetent and exhausted!"

flustered and exasperated?

stake all on one throw?


Zhu Chengmian is not fluxed and exasperated at all, let alone stake all on one throw.

When he discovered that Zhang Ping was easily rushing to the Northern Part of City, he knew in his heart that Zhu Wuneng had flinched.

This is as it should be by rights.

But it is stupid.

His father, Zhu Taihao, is already close to the limit. Don't look at Zhu Taihao's less and less shots, but in fact, he always sees everything about Yu Beast Zhu Family.

Regardless of the success or failure of this operation, what is most needed is the attitude, the attitude of giving everything to the family!

If you cherish your life, your life, your money, and your strength, how can you lead Zhu Family back to Pearl City?

Therefore, the most important thing in this battle is attitude.

The moment Zhu Wuneng retreats, he is already far away from the power center of Yuju Zhu Family. In the future, let alone Elder, even the position of deacon is on the verge of collapse, and may be pushed down at any time.

"Ten Xiong, if this battle allows you to go, would you dare to fight Zhang Ping a life or death?" Zhu Chengmian looked at the boy next to him and asked.

Zhu Shixiong said calmly: "father, child, dare!"

"hahahaha, it's a pity that you are too young, otherwise, being a father, I really want you to compete with Zhang Ping "Zhu Chengmian suddenly said with a big smile.

Zhu Shixiong is his tenth child and his favorite youngest son.

Of his ten sons, the first seven are dead. Although Zhu Jiuyang is not dead, it is no different from death. Only Zhu Chongba and Zhu Shixiong are still alive.

Zhu Chongba has a weird and withdrawn personality and likes to hide in the dark. Although there are a lot of'gang of scoundrels' in Pearl City and not weak in strength, it is difficult to achieve success.

Only Zhu Shixiong is most like him in ability, character, and wisdom. So most of the time, he will bring Zhu Shixiong by his side and teach him carefully.

"Who is the father going to send?" Zhu Shixiong curiously asked.

Zhu Chengmian said with a smile: "Your starling Zhu Chongba should also contribute to the family, and with the old ba's'ability', the odds of winning are actually not small."

After looking at Pearl City, he sighed for no reason, if Zhu Hunyuan was still there, it would be fine.

In fact, among all his sons, the only eldest son Zhu Hunyuan who made him devote his efforts to him was eldest son Zhu Hunyuan. Later, he was promoted to the position of Elder because Zhu Hunyuan died in battle for his family.

Among all his sons, Zhu Hunyuan helped him the most, so he couldn't help but feel grateful at the critical moment. If the boss is still there, it will be fine.

If it is still there.

Die again.

Then he will become a patriarch.


Pearl City.

Zhang Ping and Feng Laixian returned without success.

When they were all the way to the east, Zuo Xiangming had already escaped, leaving only one Avatar.

Although the two of them frustrated Zuo Xiangming's Avatar, they were inevitably a little depressed, so when they returned to Pearl City, their expressions were a little depressed.

Now Zhu Family's offensive has been suspended, but the danger has not been lifted.

Zhang Ping is going to rendezvous with Zhang Shouzhong and the others, while Feng Laixian needs to be in charge of the patrol team.

Therefore, the two separated soon after returning to the city.

There are many buildings in the city, which are dangerous buildings in themselves. They are only structurally stable due to the existence of super powers, but this kind of structural stability has an upper limit. The earthquake caused by the savage snake god had obviously exceeded the upper limit, and a large number of houses collapsed as a result.

Zhang Ping moved towards where Zhang Shouzhong and the others were, and rescued many residents who were crushed under the collapsed houses along the way. When he passed an alley, he sensed that there were people under the ruins of a house, so he was subconsciously Open the house with thoughts to save people.


In an instant, the sword light flashed past.

The speed of assassin is very fast, which makes people unable to react at all.

A clear bloodstain appeared on Zhang Ping's neck, and the blood was flowing in the next second.

He looked at the assassin and wiped the blood from his neck with his hand. All the blood quickly returned from the wound to the body, the next moment the wound recovered completely.

After the advancement, the body of the blood king is naturally strengthened.

His blood itself has the effect of the King's Blood Body, so ordinary attacks can no longer kill him.

Unless he destroys his whole person into atoms in an instant, he can only try his best to consume his physical strength and spirit strength if he wants to kill him. Only when his physical strength and spirit strength are exhausted can one strike certain. kill.

Unlimited level awakened, the more difficult it is to kill in the later stage.

Compared to the almost immortal Situ Shibai, Zhang Ping now has a similar effect, and when he advances to the top, this immortality will be further strengthened.

"I knew it, I couldn't kill you like this."

Assassin saw Zhang Ping, the wound instantly recovered completely, helplessly said.

Then he put down the sword in his hand, raised his hands and asked: "Can you surrender? I'm just an ordinary killer."

Zhang Ping just wanted to talk, suddenly Sixth Sense Raise an alarm frantically, it's dangerous!

He retreated in an instant, exploding the ruins behind him, and withdrew from several hundred meters away in the dust of the sky, and then he saw the assassin's body explode, and a drop of green blood turned into a whirl. The outlets shrink quickly.

"Is that poison?"

Zhang Ping looked at the green blood quickly dissipating after contraction, speculated in his heart.

General poisons will definitely not cause his Sixth Sense alarm. The toxins contained in the blood are probably terrifying.

"I don't know what assassin said true or false." Zhang Ping secretly sighed in his heart, and then quickly left.

There must be other assassins and assassins hidden in the city, so when he saves people, he also has a little extra caution. Come to the nearby nurse and ask the nurse to save someone.

Of course, when a nurse saves a person, his mind always hangs around the nurse. Once there is a danger, he will protect the nurse as quickly as possible.

But things are unpredictable.

Zhang Ping called a nurse. When the nurse walked by him, suddenly one hand held a syringe and injected an unknown liquid into his arm.

It's worth mentioning that this nurse has three arms. Zhang Ping didn't notice her third arm, so she was hit.

Zhang Ping immediately blasted the fake female nurse out with his thoughts. At the next moment, he felt his arms lose consciousness. He was just about to become a body of pure water, and suddenly he felt a sense of danger in his heart.

The wounded on the ground suddenly violent, and his hair turned into countless fine needles stabbing Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and backed away, a flame blasted from behind him. Although he blocked the flame with thought power, he was pierced into his body by countless hairs, and then a strong electric current flowed along the hair.

His unconscious arms, the toxins spread rapidly due to the stimulation of the electric current, and his neck lost consciousness in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, a few men and women walked out from the ruins all around, and the headed man smiled with a determined overall situation.

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