"Actually, I don't hate you."

"Unfortunately, our positions are different. Someone is destined to fall."

Headed by The man walked to Zhang Ping who was unable to move even a little bit, looked at Zhang Ping and sighed.

Next, he turned around and took the knife handed over, and raised the knife said with a smile: "In the next life, don't fight us again, remember!"


The sharp blade slashed on Zhang Ping's forehead, but he didn't even cut Zhang Ping's skin away.

These people all showed incredible expressions.

The knife in the man’s hand is called the “Blade of the Cracked Peak”. The blade is made of the unicorn of the cracked peak rhinoceros. It has strong armor piercing ability, not to mention that Zhang Ping is not wearing any armor. , Even if you wear it, you should be able to cut it in half.

But in reality, it is impossible to cut.

The man continued to chop and chop several times, but he did not leave a trace on Zhang Ping's head.

He turned around without believing in evil, took the knife from one of his hands, and slashed towards Zhang Ping again.

Zhang Ping looked at the men and women in front of him with disappointment, helplessly said: "There are only you? I thought I could catch a big fish."

If it was yesterday, In the face of these people's attacks, he was really a bit dangerous.

After all, these people glare like a tiger watching his prey. Once he turns his body into a body of pure water, it is likely that they will evaporate on the spot instead of using the body of pure water to detoxify. This toxin is related to The combination of electric current will directly paralyze his body, making him there's no resistance.

I have to say, this move is indeed a bit insidious.

Unless he has maintained the state of the metal coating, sooner or later he will be caught.

The problem is that he has advanced.

When the toxin spreads to his stomach, the binge eater is automatically triggered, so he has a new ability:

【Toxin storage: can store all the toxins in the body In the liver, it is emitted to the body through urine when needed. 】

One ability is better than nothing.


It just happened to detoxify him.

As for why the man couldn't cut him, it was because the moment the knife hit him, he absorbed all the kinetic energy and heat energy of the blade.

At the same time, his body itself is very strong, and the defensive power is not worse than the enhanced Fleshy body awakened, so no matter how sharp the Blade of the Peak is sharp, it has no effect on him.

Next, his mind force directly fixed these people, and at the same time broke free from the shackles of hair.

His body exudes invisible bald ripples, and the man pretending to be the injured person's hair fell off quickly, and he became bald in an instant.

I am not in a hurry to interrogate these people.

Zhang Ping confined their bodies, sealed their mouths, and led them to continue to where Zhang Shouzhong was.

Suddenly, a gunshot sounded.

A bullet hit Zhang Ping's brow from a very long distance.

This bullet has been blessed with dozens of abilities, and it penetrates directly from Zhang Ping’s eyebrows, and then densely packed bullets are shot from different directions, and even the restrained men and women are hit by bullets. Through it, blood and bullets splashed around for a while.

Zhang Shouzhong’s guns, obviously Yu Beast Zhu Family also noticed.

In fact, Pearl City originally had muskets, but because the manufacturing process was troublesome and the formidable power was too weak, it was never taken seriously. When Yuju Zhu Family discovered that Zhang Shouzhong’s formidable power was extremely powerful, It's easy to figure out the principle.

Maybe their guns are slightly different from those of Zhang Shouzhong, but the formidable power is not much different.


Because they have a lot of special equipment, their guns and formidable power are better than Zhang Shouzhong.

In a blink of an eye.

Zhang Ping was pierced by bullets all over his body. He slowly fell to the ground, and the men and women who were detained by his mind power also fell one after another, all of them became corpses.

However, no one ran out of the brain this time. Instead, after a while, a large number of bullets came. Obviously, Zhang Ping would not be mashed. They were not relieved.


Zhang Ping feels their caution.

In an instant, the blood flowing out of his body quickly returned to the body. The bullets that entered the body were pushed out of the body by the blood, and all the wounds healed in a blink of an eye.

"That guy's method is really not good at all."

Zhang Ping got up from the ground, glanced at the dead men and women, and muttered to himself helplessly. .

At the beginning, the masked man who prevented him from rescuing Chen Junting also pretended to be dead, trying to lure him to touch the body, but he was not fooled at all, and in the end the other party could only self-destruct.

This time he wanted to try to lure the Yuju Zhu Family out, but the result was exactly the same as the masked man.

Facts have proved that this trick is really bad, it can only deceive fools.

Zhang Ping's perception ability is very strong, but the person who used firearms to attack him obviously has some equipment that can move the bullets, so he tried to sweep Pearl City without finding the attacker.

He simply squatted down and asked the corpse of the man who was still invincible before: "Look, maybe you are loyal to them, but they don't treat you as the same thing. How does death feel? "

"I don't want to die, save me, save me!" the man's body wailed in pain.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "But you are dead, I can only avenge you, tell me their information, and I will kill them for you."

At this time, A bullet came directly through Zhang Ping's temple, and blood sputtered out all of a sudden.

Zhang Ping is too lazy to dodge. If there is any danger, Sixth Sense will alert him. Since there is no alert, obviously the danger is not strong enough.

He pulled out the bullet with his hand and threw it on the ground. The wound was immediately blocked by blood. After the blood spiraled, the wound was directly recovered completely.

"The 8th layer building, they are the killers of the 8th layer building!" the man's corpse said bitterly.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "I see, you are also the killers of the 8th layer?"

"We are only working part-time, and we have been given equipment, poison, and said we can kill If you kill you, we can join the 8th layer from the periphery and become the killer on the 8th floor." The man's corpse was replied.

At this time, a large number of bullets came again. Zhang Ping felt a little annoyed. As soon as he was about to cover the metal coating, Sixth Sense sounded the alarm again.

Do not cover the metal coating, otherwise it will be dangerous!

Zhang Ping gave up the resistance altogether, so his body was shot through again. The negative effect of the bullet was obviously not as much as before. Zhang Ping controlled the blood and pushed the bullet out of the body, repairing all wounds in a blink of an eye.

"Do you want to use this to consume my energy?"

Zhang Ping glanced at the bullet on the ground, and then asked: "Who is the life claim?"

"Su Ming is the killer on the first floor, now the king of killers." The man's corpse was replied.

Zhang Ping's body was shot through again. He took out a bullet and swallowed it in his mouth, and asked: "How can I find the life?"

"I don't know, Suo Life appears and disappear unpredictably, but he also wants to kill you." The man's body replied.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "Alright, my question is over, rest in peace, I will avenge you and myself!"

Although these bullets It is not fatal to him, but he feels pain without being shielded, so it really hurts!

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