black earth.

Zhang Ping followed the King of Nethermist onward.

Because there is no reference, he doesn't know how far and how long he has gone.

The sky is always grey, with a faint mist surging, and the distance is pitch black.

There is clearly no light source here, but it is not dark.

At least.

Zhang Ping's nightwalker is never triggered here.

When is this going to go?

Can I still return to Pearl City?

I don't know what happened to Pearl City, did Yuju Zhu Family's offensive stop or continue?

fatty Are they okay?

Zhang Ping is very worried about the situation in Pearl City, but now he can't leave here, and he doesn't know where the Nethermist king is going to take him.

To be honest, he hasn't experienced this kind of feeling of being unable to control everything for a long time and can only drift with the flow.

The soil is dry and it feels a bit hard to settle on.

Zhang Ping has heard in the last life that the black soil represents the richness of the land. This place should be very suitable for growing vegetables.

Suddenly, Zhang Ping wanted to laugh a little. Did he trigger a passive skill of Hua Family?

Next, continue to move forward.

Probably left one day one night again, Zhang Ping finally saw something new.

To be honest, if he hadn't kept thinking about it in his head, he really didn't know if he would have mental problems if he went on like this.

This place is out of space.

Clearly moving forward, but there is a feeling of standing still.

And now a tree appeared in front, a withered, black tree.

It is blamed because it is covered with spiral-shaped branches, which are bent and twisted and look like goat horns.

"What tree is that?" Zhang Ping looked up at the King of Nethermist, cautiously asked.

The king of Nethermist replied: "I don't know."

It doesn't care what tree it is.

Never considered giving that tree a name.


It should have a name for that tree.

If a child asks it in the future, is it easy to answer?

But it doesn’t know how to name it, because it doesn’t have a name, so it is lost in thought. How should it name it?

Is it just called a tree?

The king of Nethermist kept walking in silence, Zhang Ping watched the tree get closer and closer.

In the end they passed the tree and left the tree behind.

Zhang Ping turned around and watched the tree go backwards. Suddenly behind him, the king of Nethermist opened the mouth and said: "Child, how about you call it Black Tree?"


Zhang Ping was taken aback and didn't confront the king of Nethermist on the radio wave.

The king of Nethermist thought that Zhang Ping was not satisfied with the name, so he continued to think, what name should be given to that tree?

The two sides one after the other, moving slowly in the black earth, looking down from the sky, like two one big and one small dots, they are blacker than the black earth Darker.

About twelve hours have passed.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up slightly, and he saw a large number of mountains in front of him.

These mountains are all black, and there is a mountain that is constantly smoky.

When Zhang Ping and the King of Nethermist came to the middle of the mountains, the King of Nethermist opened the mouth and said: "Child, your body is too weak and you will die when you go out. You must drink the black liquid."

while speaking, it controls the black smoke to spread the earth.

After the ground cracked, a large amount of black liquid gushed out from the ground, gradually forming a small pool of black liquid.

Zhang Ping swallowed his saliva and asked: "What will happen if I drink it?"

He didn't dare to drink it. After all, he has the ability to be a glutton, even if it is super poisonous. , He also dared to do it directly.

The problem is that these black liquids look a bit disgusting, a bit like unknown liquids emerging from piles of corpses.

"Drink the black liquid, sublimate your mist!" The King of Nethermist replied.

Zhang Ping looked at the black liquid again and asked: "How did these black liquids come from?"

"I don't know." The king of Nethermist replied.

It only needs to know whether the thing is good or not. As for how it came from, it doesn't care.


It should care about it?

The king of Nethermist has such a single thought in his mind. Looking at the black liquid, it suddenly seems a bit like knowing where they come from.

"My Hah!"

Zhang Ping is very worried about the situation in Pearl City, so even if the black liquid is water in the pit, he recognizes it.

He squatted down, watching the black liquid that kept popping up, gritted his teeth and installed the black liquid with his thoughts, and drank it.

The king of Nethermist fixedly looked at Zhang Ping, only then did he realize that he couldn't drink so much!

It was interrupted by Zhang Ping's problem. Just thinking about how the black liquid came about, should I care about this problem? I forgot to tell Zhang Ping that if I drink too much black liquid, something will happen.

Zhang Ping finished drinking the black liquid, and at the next moment, he felt as if there were countless monsters roaring in his stomach.

He covered his abdomen at the next moment, and he curled up into a ball. All blood vessels gradually bulged out and turned black.

"It seems like a mess?"

Zhang Ping gritted his teeth and thought uncertainly.

Although a bulimia is very strong, it is not without limits. If the bulimia cannot digest what he eats, he must use his body to resist.

He also thought about transforming into a body of pure water, but the king of Nethermist glare like a tiger watching his prey beside him, he was a little worried.

What if his body transforms into a body of pure water, the king of Nethermist reacts and realizes that he is a fake?

It hurts!


Zhang Ping feels a little bit of pain and wants to roll on the ground, but if he does move, he feels a lot of pain. It's better not to roll.

At this moment, Zhang Ping suddenly felt that his stomach was absorbing some power frantically, and then his skin was naturally billowing black smoke. Compared to Nethermist, this black smoke was more domineering.

What's even more amazing is that Nethermist and black smoke can fuse together perfectly, so Nethermist and black smoke merge with each other to form a more illusory power.

Black smoke is real, while Nethermist is illusory.

The two seem to have a division of labor, black smoke is like flames, and Nethermist is like flowing water.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Ping was covered by Nethermist and turned into a big cocoon.

Zhang Ping feels much better in the cocoon of Nethermist. He slowly stretched his eyebrows. He wanted to open his eyes but found that he couldn't open them. For a moment, his thoughts radiated out and he knew his own situation directly.

His body was attacked by the black liquid. Fortunately, the gluttons played a role at the critical moment, so Nethermist was updated from Nethermist 1.0 to Nethermist 2.0. Now the black liquid that eroded his body is being absorbed by Nethermist. .

At the same time, he also knows the essence of black liquid.

That is the power of substantive emotions, which is formed by the aggregation of endless creatures, possessing huge and terrifying power.

What's in the underground?

The more you think about it, the more terrifying Zhang Ping becomes. The existence of these black liquids indicates that there is something underground.

The corpse?

No, the corpse is impossible to produce emotions.

Is it a creature?

Zhang Ping has a numb scalp, and can't help but want to ask the king of Nethermist.

But now he must wait for the black liquid he swallowed to be completely transformed before he can leave the cocoon.

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