In half an hour.

Zhang Ping broke out of the cocoon.

He raised his hand, and a black flame burst out of his palm, then the flame turned into running water, and finally became silky black gloves.

Although Nethermist is still the same Nethermist, it feels that there are completely two existences.



Zhang Ping looked at the Nethermist gloves and found that the color of Nethermist is not really black, but a sense of confusion between black and white.

Even, after watching it for a long time, it will be a little confused.

Clear naked eye looks black, but the feeling in my heart is white.

Probably this is the feeling, very strange.

Zhang Ping turns Nethermist into a robe and wears it on his body, which feels like silk, extremely smooth.

He adjusted to it for a while, then he looked at the black liquid that was still pouring out.

Now, his body strength is about three times that before drinking black liquid, and his spirit strength is also greatly increased, about 1.2 times the original.

At the same time, the Nethermist in his body exploded more than a hundred times.

These Nethermists are no longer the same species as the original Nethermist. The quality is very high, but this also means that the amount of Nethermist that he will absorb from other creatures in the future will be greatly reduced, but the quality will be greatly reduced. It will be greatly improved.

"Can I continue to drink?"

Zhang Ping thought for a while, looked up at the King of Nethermist, and asked.

These black liquids are definitely good things.

He recognized even the dung water.

The king of Nethermist looked at Zhang Ping in surprise, his mind a little confused.

Even with it, you can only drink black liquid ten times a year.

Zhang Ping is only a descendant in its eyes, it should only drink a little, if you drink too much, the body will explode.

Originally it thought Zhang Ping would explode.

As a result, Zhang Ping not only did not explode, but became stronger.

After being surprised, the king of Nethermist also became interested. He wanted to see how much black liquid Zhang Ping could drink, so he agreed to continue drinking Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping got the consent of the king of Nethermist, and then used Nethermist to form a black bowl, filled a bowl of black liquid and drank it directly.

The next second, he fell to the ground, completely dead.

The whole person is like a sheep having a seizure, the body is constantly twitching, and the blood vessels become black again, but this time the glutton may have adapted to the formidable power of the black liquid and soon began to operate.

Fifteen minutes later.

Zhang Ping got up from the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead, said with a smile: "Cool!"

Although the process was uncomfortable, the result was really cool.

His body strength has increased again, and at the same time, his spirit strength has increased a lot. If it is transformed into mind power, it should be able to compete with the top mind power awakened, and even crush the opponent.

The most important thing is that Nethermist has surged again.

Furthermore, with the explosion of Nethermist, Zhang Ping found that his control over Nethermist was also improving, which is very unscientific.

Generally speaking, the larger the number, the more difficult it is to control. On his side, the opposite is true. The larger the number, the better the control?

This is amazing.

However, Zhang Ping quickly accepted this setting, and the clothes became more refined, and even some parts of the simulated metal appeared metallic luster.

If he just said that his clothes were like pieces of paper drawn on them, now they have the feeling of real fabric.

"Come again!"

Zhang Ping looked at the black liquid fiercely.

This time he made a bigger bowl again, filled it with a bowl of black liquid and drank it straight away.

In an instant, his eyes widened, and the bloodshot eyes quickly turned black, and then the bloodshot burst, and the black spread to the white of his eyes, and the white of his eyes also turned black.

His skin quickly turned black, and even his teeth turned black.

The glutton is running frantically, but this time he is really playing too much. Even the glutton is a bit unable to function. He stiffens again, lying down like a salted fish.

The King of Nethermist felt fear for the first time.

It looked at Zhang Ping, feeling a little anxious, but didn't know how to help Zhang Ping.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Ping sat up slowly, and suddenly he burped, and a wave of Nethermist spouted from his mouth.

Can't drink anymore.

Now his body and spirit strength have reached the limit, he needs to adapt to a period of time before he can drink black liquid again.

When he was about to get up, the King of Nethermist suddenly wrapped his body and quickly moved away from the black liquid.

Obviously, the king of Nethermist also worried that he would suddenly die if he continued to drink, so he was not allowed to continue drinking.

Before the king of Nethermist needed to take care of Zhang Ping, so the speed was not fast. This time it was walking around Zhang Ping, the speed is extremely fast, and it has been far away from the mountains where the black liquid is located almost in a blink of an eye.

If Zhang Ping moved at this speed before, the skin would have to fall off by how many layers, but now he feels okay, even his eyes don’t feel uncomfortable.

all around The scenery changed drastically, and they came to a forest of bones.

Zhang Ping saw this skeletal forest, and he was even more sure that this space was not created by the King of Nethermist. It should be an existing space, but it happened to be occupied by the King of Nethermist and became the habitat of the King of Nethermist. Place.

"Where is this place?" Zhang Ping asked.

The king of Nethermist puts down Zhang Ping and replied: "I don’t know."


Zhang Ping has guessed that the king of Nethermist might do I don't know.

strictly speaking, in fact, the king of Nethermist knows everything.

But it never thought about how to describe these places, because the king of Nethermist did not have the habit of naming things.

No name.

Naturally, I don’t know the name of this place, and I don’t know how to tell Zhang Ping the answer.

Zhang Ping didn't care about it. He walked up to a bone and asked, "brother, what is this place?"

"Uh uh... uh uh... "

The bones made a very painful moan, as if the next moment was about to die.

Zhang Ping simply shifted the target, came to a skull, and asked: "My buddy, where is this place?"

"It's here, it's here, it's Brought death." Skull said in fear.

Zhang Ping frowned: "Who? Who is it?"

"It is so big, with black mist on its body, and golden rays of light from its eyes, I saw it , It also saw me, I was like a fearless mayfly, I charged towards it, then...then...then..." Skull finally seemed to be trapped in some kind of loop, and kept talking'and then, then'. .

Zhang Ping looked at the king of Nethermist, and wondered in his heart that what Skull said might be the king of Nethermist.



Skull said that the opponent’s eyes emit golden rays of light, and the king of Nethermist’s eyes are black.


Zhang Ping raised his head to look at the king of Nethermist, the more he looked at, the bigger his eyes opened.

Although the body of the king of Nethermist is pitch black, if you look directly at him for a long time, an Avatar body still feels black, but an Avatar body is clearly black, but the feeling in his head is Is white.

If you think about it again, a picture of a panda appeared in Zhang Ping's head.


Zhang Ping looked at the King of Nethermist silently, and the King of Nethermist looked at Zhang Ping incomprehensibly. Both big eyes staring at small eyes.

Isn’t it...

The king of Nethermist is actually a panda, right?

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