In the beginning, Zhang Ping didn't want to spend too much time with the King of Nethermist, mainly because he was afraid of revealing a weak spot.

But now he can't help it anymore.

It's almost half a month on the giant moose.

He is very worried about the friends in Pearl City, and very worried about the current situation in Pearl City.

Situ Shibai didn't show up in the end. Could it be that he was entangled by Moon Prince?

Although Moon Prince is only a top-level alienated beast, the problem is that Situ Shibai is only a top-level awakened, and he may not be able to defend Moon Prince's mind control.

Zhang Ping released Nethermist, and the next moment's body was twisted and appeared in the'land' of the king of Nethermist.

"How long will it take to go back?" Zhang Ping looked at the King of Nethermist and asked.

The king of Nethermist lay on the back of the giant moose, replied: "It will take three days."

It looked at Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping looked at it, and fell silent at the same time.

Actually, Zhang Ping and the King of Nethermist don’t have any topics to talk about. Zhang Ping is afraid that the more you talk, the bigger the weak spot, and the King of Nethermist itself is a stuffy jar, and it can’t be found. topic.

About half an hour later, Zhang Ping felt that the atmosphere was too awkward, so he silently returned to the beard knot of the giant moose. The king of Nethermist was also relaxed, and Zhang Ping felt so stressed when he was there.

In the next three days, basically nothing happened.

The alienated beasts are very restrained and basically do not fight against the giant moose.

The weak will take the initiative to avoid the strong when they see the strong, and the strong will disdain to bully the weak alien beasts. At most, they will divide their territory like the king of Nethermist, as long as they don’t enter their territory, even if Wandering around outside of their territory forever, they will also be treated as if they haven't seen it.

Three days later.

Zhang Ping and the king of Nethermist descend from the giant moose.

They quickly moved away from the moose and waited two hours before falling from the clouds to the ground.

On the ground, where the huge moose walked, one by one huge footprints formed an exaggerated valley, and the hollow valley was full of black slurry, exuding a frightening atmosphere.


The king of Nethermist didn't give Zhang Ping time to observe carefully, so he said.

Next, Zhang Ping followed the King of Nethermist to continue walking on the dark ground, and the surrounding area was still vast and bleak.

About a long time.

The king of Nethermist stopped, opened the mouth and said: "Here you can go back to your place, I will help you open the way back."

After speaking, he raised his hand !

Zhang Ping is not the first time to see the King of Nethermist condensing a physical form, but the last time he was still in space fragments, he might die at any time, so he didn't look carefully at all.

This time he finally took a closer look.

The'hand' condensed by the king of Nethermist is chubby, just like the claws of a giant panda.

It’s a real hammer!

Sure enough, the king of Nethermist is the giant panda!

At this time, the king of Nethermist's claw fell on the ground, and a crack appeared on the ground for an instant, and then the crack quickly twisted, forming a weird passage.

"Go in!" The Nethermist King urged.

Zhang Ping hurriedly jumped down, and the round eyes of the king of Nethermist suddenly widened, but it was too late.


The king of Nethermist looked at the closed passage and sighed silently for a while.

It forgot to remind Zhang Ping that it is best to release all Nethermist before entering and wrap itself to form a sphere, only this is safe enough.

But it's too late.

Zhang Ping has entered the space channel.

It can only pray now, I hope Zhang Ping will not release Nethermist in the channel, otherwise...


It dare not imagine it anymore.


In the passage, Zhang Ping felt that he was falling down quickly.

All around there are countless things similar to glass shards. When his body touches the'glass shards', bloodstains appear directly on his body.

Even if his body has been strengthened by black liquid, he still cannot resist the cutting of these weird glass.

These are all space fragments?

It’s too dangerous here too!

Zhang Ping is covered in blood, and looks like a ghost crawling out of Blade Mountain hell.

He tried to release the Nethermist in his body, but found that the speed of releasing Nethermist in this space became extremely slow, and with the release of Nethermist, the channel seemed to expand a little.

Vaguely, he has an intuition that he cannot let the passage expand.

The problem is that he has expanded the channel.

Guilty conscience!


shiver coldly!

Zhang Ping feels that he has done something wrong, but he has no chance to regret it.

Because of the slight expansion below the channel, there are two exits, one is larger and the other is smaller. There is a thin space barrier between them. The sharp barrier is like a big guillotine. .


A silky sound of cutting.

Zhang Ping's body suddenly divided into two.

The head was cut off and rolled into a small exit.

The body also rolled out from the big exit, and fell to the ground from the height of Pearl City.

There was a'pop'.

Blood splattered, Zhang Ping's body turned into a headless corpse.

Pearl City has long since returned to calm, and the corpses that suddenly fell from the sky immediately frightened many ordinary persons.

Some awakened quickly came forward, looked at the naked body, and suddenly everyone talking at once, guessing the identity of the headless corpse.

Just when someone wanted to do something on the corpse, suddenly the chest of the corpse burst open, and Ye Changchun came out of the corpse, followed by Su Qingbo, Zhao Yanlong, Zhao Yanhu and the others.

At the time Zhang Ping realized that the 8th layer building was about to explode, he immediately put the deeds of other people on his body around his heart. As long as he did not die, they would not die in Changchun.

So Ye Changchun and the others have been with Zhang Ping all the time, but they didn't come out to hold back.

Now that Zhang Ping has become a headless corpse, they naturally cannot stay in Zhang Ping's body.


On the other side.

Zhang Ping only has one head left.

He quickly transformed his head into pure water form.

"Huh, come back to life, but Senior Ye, they..."

Zhang Ping looked at the city wall in the distance and felt a little sad when he thought of losing his body.

He knew very well that Ye Changchun and the others must have gone to another space, and it would be difficult for them to meet again in the future.

"As long as you don’t die, there is always hope, don’t give up, don’t abandon, work hard!"

Zhang Ping didn’t get frustrated for too long, he quickly regrouped and quickly Dive into the nearby water ditch and quickly recover the body by absorbing water.

At this time, he noticed something was wrong. It was too quiet in Pearl City.

Zhang Ping cautiously lifted the head from the ditch, and found that the house not far away had an obvious bloodstain. The bloodstain had turned black and was stained with minced meat, which looked particularly disgusting.

"Did Pearl City be ruled by the Yuju Zhu Family?"

Zhang Ping looked at the dilapidated and desolate weather all around, secretly speculated.

Next, he released his power of thought and quickly stretched towards the surroundings. Some houses were full of dust, and many corpses had already turned into bones, scattered all around the houses.


Zhang Ping silently got up from the ditch, his body was transformed into flesh and blood, and Nethermist was transformed into clothes covering his body.

He walked on the street, subconsciously advancing in the direction of Guilou.

"Is this really Pearl City?"

Zhang Ping was walking and observing. Many of the store doors were open, but no one looked at the store, and there was no merchandise in it. Only the remains of the corpse.

From that black blood, Zhang Ping can imagine what happened at that time.

Could it be that a more powerful alien beast invaded Pearl City?

Where is Situ Shibai?

Zhang Ping continued to move forward with countless doubts.

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