A Heavenly Fox drags a human corpse along the street, looking all around from time to time.

It has an old human skin attached to its forehead. Because the human skin is too broken, there are even many holes. Through the holes, you can see all around.

"Human smell."

It put the corpse in his hand on the ground, his tail slowly turned up, and his nose kept sniffing the air.

The corner ahead.

Zhang Ping is walking forward, his eyes are on the Kuilou on the left front.

His thought power also followed to the left, so he did not find a Heavenly Fox on the right.

But at this moment, suddenly an arm took his clothes and dragged him into a smaller alley while covering his mouth with one hand.

Actually, Zhang Ping can pinch the opponent to death in an instant, but when his thought power falls on the opponent, the whole person is dumbfounded.

Su Jingyao wore black tights and was frowning at Zhang Ping. After making sure that Zhang Ping did not make a rash and resisted, she turned around and made a'follow up' gesture, and then quickly moved forward. go.

At the other end of the alley, Su Jingyao quickly removed a rock, revealing a tunnel.

Pearl City has no sewers, only drains on the surface, so Zhang Ping was slightly surprised, and then followed Su Jingyao's ass and quickly got into the tunnel.

After re-covering the rock, the two walked through the tunnel.

Su Jingyao's ability is divine sense power, so even if the tunnel is dark, she can detect the way forward through thought power, and there is no problem in walking.

"It's over, I'm here in the parallel world..."

Zhang Ping followed Su Jingyao, thinking wildly, happy that Su Jingyao is not dead yet, but also clear He knew that Su Jingyao he knew was still in the clean world, and Su Jingyao in front of him was just another peer of the parallel world.

As a transmigrator, Zhang Ping quickly accepted his setting of coming to a parallel world.

After all, in common sense, the big exit in the space channel should be his original world, and the small exit is the one that appears after he has used Nethermist to support it.

To put it simply, he should have left the big exit, but his head fell into the small exit.

So the body went back, but the head came to the parallel world.

At first, he didn't think about the parallel world.

After all, if an alien beast invades, it can cause the same situation, but when he saw Su Jingyao, he realized the problem.

This world, Su Jingyao is not dead.

What about'Zhang Ping'?

Zhang Ping followed Su Jingyao's butt with curiosity, and soon came to a basement.

The basement area is not large. Zhang Ping followed Su Jingyao in. Su Jingyao immediately closed the door and stuck a piece of special equipment on the door.

The light in the basement is dim, there are only three wooden beds, one of which lies on a mummy-like woman.

This woman was bandaged all over her body, showing only one eye.

She saw Su Jingyao appear with Zhang Ping, her one-eyed eyes widened fiercely, her body trembled slightly, as if thinking of something bad, her eyes were full of fear.

"Man Ni, he is human." Su Jingyao opened the mouth and said at this time.

Zhang Ping's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the mummy on the wooden bed in disbelief.

This is the legendary Man Ni?

He knows that there is a girl named Man Ni in the sweeping team, and she is a good friend of Liu Sishan, and she is also a powerful Formation Master.

The phantom light curtain built by Man Ni and others made Zhang Ping an eye-opener and startled.

"Jing Yao, you have been deceived, Zhang Ping is already dead, he is definitely Heavenly Fox, don't hesitate!" Man Ni opened the mouth and said hoarsely.

It was Zhang Ping's death that stimulated Su Jingyao, so Su Jingyao's spirit strength skyrocketed overnight, and the'heartache' attribute was born from the divine sense force. Any creature that encounters her will be inexplicable. Heartache, so painful.

Because of this, Su Jingyao was discovered by the sweeping team the second day and was absorbed into the sweeping team.

Because of the absence of Zhang Ping, the sweeping team of this world only realized the existence of Heavenly Fox very late. When they acted, they were attacked by Zhu Family, Situ Shibai and Jin. Bo and other backbones died in battle, and the sweeping team In name only, Zhu Family also strengthened great injury, but it made Heavenly Fox cheaper.

Su Jingyao is very calm, she said quietly: "I know, he just looks like Zhang Ping, but not Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping is dead."

"Uh …Actually, I am Zhang Ping."

Zhang Ping couldn't help but opened the mouth and said. When Su Jingyao and Man Ni came over, they suddenly smiled.

He used Nethermist to build a chair, and after sitting down, he explained: "But I am not your Zhang Ping of this world. How should I put it? Actually the world..."

" Parallel to the world?" Man Ni interrupted.

She did not believe Zhang Ping's rhetoric, but she did not continue to show hostility.

"Yes, I come from a parallel world, Su Jingyao of my world died, but I survived." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

While speaking, he lightly touches the jewel on his brow, and then Su Jingyao’s Spirit Physique comes out of the jewel.

Spirit Physique Su Jingyao and human Su Jingyao saw each other, suddenly big eyes staring at small eyes, dumbfounded.

"Jingyao, don't be deceived."

Man Ni still doesn't believe it, but is even more suspicious of Zhang Ping, even guessing that Zhang Ping may be the king of the Heavenly Fox clan.

However, at this time the thought powers of the two Su Jingyao blended together, and Spirit Physique Su Jingyao slowly merged into the body of the human Su Jingyao, and the two unexpectedly merged into one strangely.


At this moment, Zhang Ping also opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and he looked at Su Jingyao in surprise.


Man Ni also widened his only eye, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Man Ni, Zhang Ping is telling the truth, this guy accidentally came to our world because he died by himself, but that’s good, at least we have hope in this world." Su Jingyao He opened his eyes and said with a smile.

Zhang Ping hesitantly said: "Su Jingyao, who are you...... now?"

"Just temporarily merged into one. When you leave, we will release the fusion ." Su Jingyao replied.

Because Spirit Physique Su Jingyao and human Su Jingyao are homotopes, they are completely compatible with each other, so they can merge into one when necessary.

But this integration is not permanent.

For example, if two people have different ideas about the same thing, they will separate again.

The advantage of this fusion into one is that the strength is doubled, and the abilities of both sides are perfectly integrated into one, and when Spirit Physique Su Jingyao and human Su Jingyao are separated, each will get benefits.

Spirit Physique Su Jingyao will get the attribute of human Su Jingyao's thought power, and human Su Jingyao will also get the spirituality of Spirit Physique Su Jingyao.

Next, Su Jingyao told Zhang Ping what happened in this world.

Compared with Pearl City with Zhang Ping, this Pearl City without Zhang Ping is a hell on earth.

Heavenly Fox has lost the constraints of the Zhu Family, and has completely respectless of the law and of natural morality.

They slaughtered in the city and feasted on them.

Although Pearl City is not so empty, there are also several urban areas that have become ghost districts, and everyone has been eaten up.

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