Pearl City has that many people.

Several districts were eaten up by Heavenly Fox, and almost 30% of the people were lost all at once.

In this case.

Even an ordinary person can detect that something is wrong.

The problem is that an ordinary person has no way to escape. Leaving Pearl City will only die faster.

While awakened are far away from Pearl City, only a few awakened remain in the city to find a way to save Pearl City.

"How many people know about the existence of Heavenly Fox?" Zhang Ping felt very uncomfortable after listening, so he asked.

Although this is another parallel world.

But the human beings in this world are no different from him, so they are also his compatriots.

The compatriots were killed as food by the wild beast, and anyone who had a sense of justice would feel angry.

Su Jingyao replied: "Except for me, no one else knows about the existence of Heavenly Fox. They just know that there are alienated beasts, but there is no solution."

"Only you?"

Zhang Ping was taken aback, he thought he knew all the awakened who remained.

"Zhang Ping of this world was maddened by his own ability. I was the first person to find his body. I was very sad at that time, so I picked up the contract he left behind. The gem ate." Su Jingyao said in a tranquil voice.

In fact, she was crying and cursing and ate the contract gem, which was far less peaceful than now.

At that time, she was very angry, thinking in her heart, isn't it just a waste ability, what at worst is there, why would she mad at herself?

She really can’t understand, she hopes Zhang Ping can come alive, and even willing to eat the contract gem.

In the end, Zhang Ping did not wake up. Instead, she gained the ability to see through the disguise of Heavenly Fox.

However, she was absorbed by the sweep team in the second day and did not stay in Pearl City, so she did not find Heavenly Fox in time. It was not until Situ Shibai was seriously injured and Heavenly Fox attacked the sweep team headquarters. I can distinguish Heavenly Fox.

But everything is too late.

Without Peak powerhouse, even if she can distinguish Heavenly Fox, it doesn't make any sense.

After all, I can't distinguish it.

"I understand the beginning and the end of the matter. In that case... I will kill all Heavenly Fox tonight!" Zhang Ping clarified his clues and said blunt.

Heavenly Fox's food intake is amazing without restraint. Everyday all needs a lot of meat to be full. One day later means more people will die.

If Zhang Ping did not come to this parallel world, then he would not care about this world.

But since it's here.

Then certainly not stand idly by.

Zhang Ping got up and walked to Man Ni, Man Ni said indifferently: "Finally no performance? You can eat if you want, I will not be an official member of the sweeping team if I frown!"

She never believed in Zhang Ping.

Even Su Jingyao is included in the scope of her suspicion, after all, she can't tell the two people are true or false.

Zhang Ping knows very well that even if he explained it, he couldn't explain it clearly. He turned his hand into king blood, and then slightly lifted the bandage on Man Ni's neck to penetrate the king blood into Man Ni's body.

Next moment, Man Ni's eyes widened slightly, and he found that the burning pain in his body was quickly recovering completely.

After about fifteen minutes, her body, which was originally difficult to move, was able to move.

"Well, I'll wait for you outside, and come out when I'm ready, let's kill Heavenly Fox together!" Zhang Ping took back the blood of the king, said with a smile.

Man Ni sat up, feeling surprised, she was already confused.

Foreign world visitors.

Zhang Ping is still a dead waste.

Su Jingyao from another world turned out to be a ghost, and can he combine with Su Jingyao?

Those who write novels in Spring and Autumn Hall in Pearl City dare not write like this, it is too fake!

Man Ni pulled off the bandage on the other eye and found that the eye was healed. She looked at Su Jingyao complicatedly and asked: "Jingyao, are you really Jingyao? Or you Play me together?"

"Man Ni, use your little head to think about it, is Heavenly Fox that boring?" Su Jingyao said with a smile.

Man Ni remained silent, thinking about it before opening the mouth and said: "I won't tell you the location of the sweeping team training camp."

"Good good, quick Change clothes, let's watch Zhang Ping kill Heavenly Fox!" Su Jingyao said with a smile helplessly.

Man Ni tore off the bandage on her body, and then put on a colorful, green uniform similar to Zhang Ping's previous life. She put the three daggers away from her waist, opened the mouth and said: "Go Okay, I'll go wherever you go, don't think I will take you anywhere."

"Got it, let's go!" Su Jingyao said with a smile.

The two came out of the hut. Zhang Ping was already waiting in the passage. Seeing the two came out, said with a smile: "Go, do it quickly, and try to solve all problems tonight!"

"Can you really beat Heavenly Fox?" Man Ni doubted.

Even her godly Situ Shibai died in the hands of Heavenly Fox. She doubted Zhang Ping's ability to solve Heavenly Fox.

Zhang Ping replied as he walked: "Don't worry, I am professional in killing foxes!"

He has a goal.

In the original world, he was accidentally run away by Moon Prince, so in this world, Moon Prince must die.

Get out of the channel.

The three of them moved forward in the direction of City Lord's Mansion.

This world is the same as the original world of Zhang Ping. Most of Heavenly Fox lives in the City Lord's Mansion, and then radiates towards the entire Pearl City with the City Lord's Mansion as the center.

Zhang Ping and the three of them didn't go far, and a Heavenly Fox approached.

This Heavenly Fox has a human skin attached to its forehead. The human skin is a person familiar to Zhang Ping, Liu Tiefeng!

Originally, Zhang Ping came to this world and heard that Heavenly Fox killed and cannibalized. Although he was angry, he did not have a strong sense of reality. After all, in his original world, Heavenly Fox has become a thing of the past.

But seeing this scene, Zhang Ping's squinted eyes gradually opened a gap, and the scarlet's rays of light gradually lit up.

In an instant.

Two lasers swept past.

The Heavenly Fox who sneered and treated Zhang Ping and the others as prey, his legs were directly cut off by the laser.

It fell to the ground, and then it reacted with hindsight and let out a stern wailing.

Zhang Ping cautiously collected Liu Tiefeng’s human skin, and then raised one hand, Nethermist turned into a black blade and appeared in his hand. He walked to Heavenly Fox and cut off Heavenly Fox’s tail with a single knife. , Said with a smile: "I heard that the tail of Heavenly Fox is the most sensitive place. I killed Heavenly Fox too fast. I don’t know true or false. Just verify it!"

Heavenly on the ground Fox's body twitched frantically, white foam came out of the corner of his mouth, and his eyes turned white with pain.

"This won't work?"

Zhang Ping frowned, and then cut off Heavenly Fox's head with a single knife, and then cut Heavenly Fox's head in half with another knife.

After killing Heavenly Fox, he looked at Liu Tiefeng's human skin, even though he kept saying to himself in his heart that this was from another world, he still felt sad.

"Sure enough, Heavenly Fox is damned regardless of the world!"

Zhang Ping was silent for a moment, raised his head and sighed, and then said to himself.


Man Ni now somewhat believes that Zhang Ping is not Heavenly Fox.

"That human skin is an elder Zhang Ping respects very much. In another world, it can be said to be Zhang Ping's Master." Su Jingyao explained to Man Ni in a low voice.

Man Ni now understands why Zhang Ping is suddenly angry.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Ping is in a good mood, then opened the mouth and said.

He continued to move forward, some Heavenly Foxes smelled the human scent, and came from different directions.

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