For a moment, a huge Heavenly Fox with a size of nearly four meters rushed over first.

It jumped off the roof of a house, staring greedily at Zhang Ping and the others, hoarsely opened the mouth and said: "Three human beings, and two of them are young maiden, great That's it!"

At this time, it saw the squinting man walking in the front opening his eyes slightly, those eyes emitting red rays of light.

No reason.

It suddenly felt flustered and palpitations, and it felt like a major event.


Heavenly Fox's head was directly hit by the two light beams and burst open like a watermelon.

Next, more and more Heavenly Fox appeared. These Heavenly Foxes, without exception, all died tragically under Zhang Ping's laser. No Heavenly Fox could last a second.

Five minutes later, a large number of Heavenly Fox came from different locations.

Moon Prince fell from the sky, and the human skin of Luo Shiyu on his forehead fluttered in the wind.

It looked at the corpse of Heavenly Fox behind Zhang Ping, then at Zhang Ping, hoarsely said: "Human, you...damn it!"

Following two lasers It shot in through its eyes, its head exploded on the spot, and its body slowly fell.

"Last time I was ran away by you, this time I should be a little more neat." Zhang Ping's eyes exude red light, lightly saying.

The surrounding Heavenly Fox finally felt the danger. They all showed horror, some yelled to escape, some turned and moved towards City Lord's Mansion.

However, under Zhang Ping's mind, these Heavenly Foxes were all frozen.

Following Zhang Ping's thoughts, Heavenly Fox was pulled in front of him. He turned Nethermist into a long knife, and cut off Heavenly Fox's head one by one.

"By the way, safety first!"

Zhang Ping suddenly thought of something and looked up at the moon in the sky.

He lifted the black blade that Nethermist had transformed in his hand. Next moment, the Nethermist in his body spewed out frantically, and Nethermist turned into a super long blade in a blink of an eye.

Moon King can pull all creatures into dreams unconsciously, so make sure that they are already in dreams. Safety first is to cut down on the moon.

He slashed it down, the moon burst suddenly, and the scream of Moon King was heard at the same time.

In an instant, Zhang Ping opened his eyes in the real world. Sure enough, he was still on the street, but Moon Prince ran away again, leaving Heavenly Fox, who was all around, still asleep.

"Moon King is worthy of being an old fox, the reaction is so fast!" Zhang Ping laughed, and then the force of thinking about hiding the sky and covering the earth spread out.

At the beginning, he only had a killing move of a giant formed by a metal coating, so he couldn't chase Moon Prince, but now he is not what he used to be. Both his physical strength, spirit strength, and thought power have been huge. Ascension, Moon Prince wants to escape is not so easy.

But at this time, Moon King bumped out of City Lord's Mansion, its spirit strength was obviously exhausted, but it was still awake, his body seemed to be burning, and the golden arrogance kept emerging from his body.

In fact, Moon King doesn't want to use Eternal Moon Dreamland either.

Because it consumes all its spirit strength when used, many of its abilities will be temporarily unavailable.

The problem is that he has no time to save Moon Prince.

If you don't use this move, Moon Prince will be blown to the brain by Zhang Ping's laser eye in the next second.

It can only save the real Moon Prince by using the Eternal Moon Dreamland and creating a false Moon Prince.

In the original world.

Moon King can do everything for Moon Prince.

This point has not changed in this world.

It is now burning its own blood, just to delay time, Zhang Ping feels too dangerous for it.


In an instant, Moon King slammed in front of Zhang Ping, and his tail pierced Zhang Ping's brain.


Zhang Ping easily pats Moon King's tail.

After drinking the black liquid, his physical fitness exploded. Although he could not withstand the space slash, the physical attack of Moon King level did not pose much threat to him.

It is worth mentioning that drinking black liquid, the real effect is to increase the amount of his Nethermist. The improvement of physical fitness comes from the pain that black liquid brings to the body.

The blood of the true king can draw strength from its own pain, the more painful the experience, the more obvious the effect.


Zhang Ping's body has been strengthened in all aspects.

Next, Moon King roared again and again, madly attacking Zhang Ping. Zhang Ping did not counterattack, but easily resolved all Moon King attacks.

When he saw Moon King, he suddenly had a great idea in his heart.

In the last world, the fur of Moon King has been made into a part of the recliner, but the Moon King of this world is fine, he can kill Moon King carefully, and then use Moon King fur Make a coat.

Wait to bring back the original world.

Moon Prince saw that Zhang Ping’s chair was made of his father’s fur, and the coat was made of Moon King’s fur. In case the anger burns his brain, he will come to a duel. ?

A moment.

The Moon King imposing manner began to fall.

This way of burning life and erupting is inherently unsustainable.

Zhang Ping saw the opportunity, and suddenly a Nethermist long knife appeared in his hand.

One cut.

Moon King was cut in half, leaving only the back and fur connected to the body, so it would not be completely separated.

He poured Nethermist into the Moon King's body, and immediately emptied the Moon King's flesh and blood, leaving only a beautiful fox skin.

"Okay, let's find Moon Prince next!"

Zhang Ping put away the fur of Moon King, then thought to wrap himself and Su Jingyao, Man Ni, and quickly moved towards Moon Prince chased in the direction he was escaping.

I was ran away by Moon Prince, it was because they delayed too long in their dreams.

This time he quickly realized that he might be in a dream state, so he came out very early, one after the other only about thirty seconds.

After realizing that Moon Prince had run away, Zhang Ping released his thoughts hiding the sky and covering the earth, and when he found Moon Prince, he turned his thoughts back into silk threads to lock Moon Prince.

Now that Moon Prince hasn't even run out of his detection range, he is naturally not in a hurry.

The speed of Moon Prince is very fast. Now he is far away from Pearl City and is fast shuttle in the jungle.

It also entered the Moon King dreamland just now, but was replaced by the puppet at the last moment, so it was clear that Zhang Ping had already killed it once.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Moon Prince never thought that he would run away in embarrassment like a stray dog.

But it has nothing to do except escape.

Leaving will only hinder you.

If the Moon King is killed in battle, there is no way for it to survive.

Only to escape, is it the most correct way now.

Suddenly, two laser beams came, and it felt the danger roll and avoid it, and at the same time it quickly fled to a denser plant.

But a laser beam penetrated a big tree and hit its right leg directly.

It fell to the ground, then wrapped the body with its tail, and split into six tails, moving as fast as a spider.

But it is of no use.

Zhang Ping flew behind Moon Prince, and the fear on Moon Prince turned into substantial smoke. Even if he closes his eyes, the smoke can tell where Moon Prince is.

He is not in a hurry to kill Moon Prince, but constantly shoots Moon Prince's tail with laser eyes, watching Moon Prince run away embarrassingly like a cat playing with a mouse.

"I did it with you!"

Ten minutes later, Moon Prince realized that he could not escape, and also realized that Zhang Ping was playing it.

It roared, a large number of tails wrapped around its body, and then Zhang Ping stepped into the mud with one foot. Zhang Ping turned into a giant and looked at it, said with a smile: "Want to be with me Zhang Ping Desperately? Do you have this strength?"

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