In half an hour.

Zhang Ping, Su Jingyao, and Man Ni are sitting in a clearing in the woods.

They sat down around the campfire, looking at the barbecue sticking in the edge of the campfire.

High-end ingredients.

You must use low-end cooking methods.

Zhang Ping has eaten Moon King’s barbecue. Not only is it not tasty, but it also smells like body odor.

So, the flesh and blood of Moon King was finally fed to the dog by him.

This time it's finally Moon Prince's turn.

Zhang Ping picked up a bunch of smoked meat skewers, said with a smile: "Okay, you can eat it, start eating!"

On the moose, He hasn't eaten anything for three days.

The King of Nethermist never thought about this problem, he thought about it but he couldn't help it.

After the three gibbons left, they lost their food source and he was hungry for three days!

At this time, he swallowed the meat skewers in one bite, then opened his eyes wide, and sighed: "Moon King won't be given green by the old king? It is obviously father and son, how bad the taste is. That far?"

Moon King's meat is basically uneatable, but Moon Prince's meat is unexpectedly delicious.

Next, Zhang Ping started to eat a lot of food.

Su Jingyao and Man Ni couldn’t help but ate a bit. They were actually a little bit angry. After all, Moon Prince ate a lot of people. They always feel that eating Moon Prince is like eating...people .

But Zhang Ping has no such idea.

Because these wild beasts have eaten people, he even wanted A Tooth For A Tooth and ate them!

Moon Prince's meat can slightly increase the spirit strength of the eater, but unfortunately Zhang Ping's spirit strength is too high now, and this improvement is completely insignificant to him.

Have a full meal.

Zhang Ping got up and patted his stomach, said with a smile: "Okay, I will go to copy the house, I don’t know how many good things Moon King has hidden."

In his original world There are indeed many treasures in City Lord's Mansion, but they have all been confiscated by the sweeping team.

This world, Situ Shibai is dead, and the sweeping team is In name only, so he can choose some spoils of war that he can use.

At least, the investigation team can't be so cheap.

The three returned to Pearl City and directly entered the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Ping came to the storage room lightly and after opening the door, he saw many things neatly placed inside.

There are more things here than the original world of Zhang Ping. The property of the sweeping team and a part of the property of the Yuju Zhu Family are housed here by Heavenly Fox.

Heavenly Fox doesn't like foreign objects, so Zhang Ping is all cheaper now.

Zhang Ping immediately saw the gold treasure house bracelet that Situ Shibai gave him. His bracelet has been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with the 8th layer building. Didn’t expect it to be lost and recovered, although it is parallel to the world. equipment.

He put the bracelet on his hand, and then condensed a treasure to be integrated into the bracelet, and the bracelet's control suddenly became smooth and barrier-free.

"My scythe!"

Zhang Ping then saw the fear scythe, picked it up with a smile, danced a little, and put it into the treasure house.

"Don’t be polite, take whatever you like, or wait for the investigation team to come back, these things will not be your turn." Zhang Ping looked at Su Jingyao and Man Ni at this time, said with a smile.

The investigation team of this world, like the investigation team of Zhang Ping world, all fled to the city early, so theoretically there was not much loss.

I have to say that if it weren’t for Zhang Ping’s journey to that world, the investigation team’s approach would not be a problem. They at least preserved their power, and could even start anew in other places to continue human civilization.

Su Jingyao and Man Ni looked at each other, and then joined the selection.

"The ability of this necklace is good, Jingyao, try it!" Zhang Ping picked up a necklace and said to Su Jingyao with a smile after appraisal.

Su Jingyao said with a slight smile: "You put it away first."

"Okay." Zhang Ping understood what Su Jingyao meant, and nodded agreed.

He continues to choose equipment. Although he can empty everything here, he is not prepared to do so. After all, the Pearl City of this world also needs strength to guard.

Yu Beast Zhu Family was only severely injured by Heavenly Fox, but was not killed to the last one.

When the investigation team comes back, after knowing the whole story, they will definitely be wary of Yu Beast Zhu Family, but their power may not be enough to deal with Yu Beast Zhu Family, so they must leave enough equipment for them.

Of course, Zhang Ping came to this world to help kill all Heavenly Fox, and it’s not too much to take some hard work.

"This knife is good!"

Zhang Ping fancy a blue knife at this time.

He directly activates the Appraisal Technique on this knife, and the attribute will start quickly in the next second:

【Blue Steel Knife: A treasure made of blue steel, the blade touches Water flow blades are formed when moisture is present, extending the attack range of the blades. ]

next moment, the screen slowly appears.

But this time, there is no disgusting picture, just a picture of a strong middle-aged man creating a blue steel knife.

Good stuff!

Zhang Ping opened his mouth and ate the blue steel knife.

The forging process of this knife is not particularly good in Zhang Ping's eyes. The only advantage is that the materials used are extremely rare.

This is a kind of metal that has a special gravitational force on the water flow. When attacking, it can drag the water flow and cause an impact, and if it is a knife, it can cause a water-blade attack.

He eats this knife, and his attack methods are more abundant in the future.

Next he found a few suitable props.

One piece is a white windbreaker, which has a self-repairing function and can be made larger and smaller, which is very in line with Zhang Ping's needs, so Zhang Ping is directly worn on the body, and it feels quite good.

There is also a belt. In addition to slightly increasing the strength, this belt also comes with a storage space. Although this storage space is not as large as the storage space of the gold treasure house bracelet, it is not bad for daily necessities. .

In addition, he also chose a bow and a halberd, both of which are considered good weapons, and may be useful in the future.

"Zhang Ping, come here!" Su Jingyao opened the mouth and said at this time.

Zhang Ping put the halberd into the gold treasury, stepped forward and asked, "Is it necessary for me to appraise what equipment?"

"No, look at this." Su Jingyao Speaking, hand a pointer to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping took the pointer and immediately used Appraisal Technique.

For a moment, his eyes widened, and he was surprised: "There is this thing here!"

"Heavenly Fox used Zhu Zeming to destroy several Zhu Family bases. It is also as it should be by rights to seize this equipment." Su Jingyao said with a slight smile.

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes and said: "In my world, can it work?"

"It should be possible, after all, the difference between the two worlds is very small." Su Jingyao replied.

Zhang Ping puts away the pointer and said with a smile: "If it is really useful, this is probably my biggest gain this time!"

The function of this pointer is: always Point to several bases of Yuju Zhu Family.

When he returns to the original world, just follow the pointer to find the base of Yuju Zhu Family.

The only problem now is how to return to the original world.

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