Zhang Ping actually has a bold idea.

The 8th layer of this world should not explode yet. If he detonates the 8th layer again, can he return to the world of the king of Nethermist?

If possible, wait for him to be retrieved by the king of Nethermist, and then ask the king of Nethermist to help open the channel to the original world, maybe you can go back.

But there is a loophole in this plan.

The last time the King of Nethermist appeared, it was because the King of Nethermist happened to be in the vicinity.

This time the king of Nethermist may not be guarded exactly. If the king of Nethermist is too far away from Zhang Ping, then Zhang Ping is likely to be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with the 8th layer building.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided to settle down and not use this extreme method.

After all, his probability of acquiring abilities has been greatly improved. Maybe after a period of time, he will evolve the ability to travel through time and space?

The probability of contract gem gaining abilities has increased from 2% to 10%. Many people may think that 10% is not high.

But in fact, 10% is already ridiculously high.

In the real world, the probability of biological evolution may not even be one in a billion, but there are still countless probabilities evolved, from single-cell life to multi-cell life, and then gradually form a variety of life model.

The 10% probability of Zhang Ping is actually equivalent to one person buying lottery tickets continuously, and every purchase has a 10% probability of winning.

As long as you keep buying, winning is inevitable!

In half an hour.

After everyone selected the equipment, they came out from the City Lord's Mansion together.

Under Man Ni's eager expression, Su Jingyao understood her heart and smiled and told Zhang Ping to do her own thing. She and Man Ni were going to a place where Zhang Ping couldn't go.

Obviously, even now, Man Ni still hasn't completely believed in Zhang Ping and doubted what is happening now.

It's a bit like a person has dreamed in his dream countless times, and finally wakes up in the dream. Who can guarantee that'reality' is not a dream?

Man Ni cannot prove himself, the only way is to doubt everything.

"Well, you guys be careful, I'll go to see the bases of the Zhu Family." Zhang Ping realized Man Ni's concerns, so said with a smile.

One day, Man Ni will find a way to prove that he is not in the illusion created by Heavenly Fox.

Zhang Ping can only bless silently, hoping that that day will come soon, because he suspects that everything itself is a kind of pain, and he hopes that Man Ni can get rid of this pain.

Parted ways with the two.

Next Zhang Ping flew out of Pearl City and flew towards one of the bases.

As a result, he is very idle now, the only thing he needs to do is to find a'way' to return to the original world.

Secondly, the'solution' has no clue for the time being, so he has to find something to do.


Zhang Ping has a little concern.

What if the pointer returns to the original world and fails?

Although the difference between the two parallel worlds is very small, if the props of this world cannot be used in the original world, wouldn't he be in vain.

So the best way is to personally go to the bases where the Zhu Family was destroyed by Heavenly Fox.

Wait for Zhang Ping to return to the original world.

Even if the pointer does not work, he can directly kill it himself.

Actually, the awakened that can fly in Pearl City are not too few, but most awakened that can fly do not dare to fly, for fear of encountering some particularly powerful flying alien beasts.

Zhang Ping has no such worries. Even if it is a King-level alienated beast, he is very sure to get rid of it now. He is already at the top of the food chain, so flying is extremely dangerous to him.

Flying from Pearl City to a canyon, he landed at the end of the canyon.

Pearl City is sparsely populated in the field.

He doesn't know whether this canyon has a name in the original world.

At the end of this canyon is a pool of about five meters in diameter.

all around the rock walls are full of moss, and the dark green water flows out from the moss and rocks, and finally gathers in the pool.

The deep green deep water has a feeling of bottomlessness.

Zhang Ping jumped directly into the water pool, and swiftly downstream, dozens of electric eels approached quickly, and then they were cut off by the Nethermist.

Nethermist turned into a propeller to rotate under his feet to provide power, and he soon came to the bottom of the pool.

Then he used spirit strength to activate the underwater Transmission Formation, and his body disappeared instantly.

In an instant.

Zhang Ping appeared in the gloomy, dull passage.

This passage is all around, there are cracks everywhere, and there are black blood stains in many places.

Zhang Ping walked out of the Transmission Formation and walked towards the depths of the passage. He soon saw human corpses. These corpses were highly decomposed and exuding a stench. Zhang Ping wrapped himself in Nethermist directly from the corpse Walked by.

These corpses must be members of Zhu Family, who died here because they were eaten black by Heavenly Fox. He doesn't need his sympathy at all.

Next, he entered a room on the side of the passage. Heavenly Fox just moved away some things that they thought might be useful, or things that they thought could not be left to the enemy, and there were a lot of things on paper. The information is scattered all over the place.

From these paper materials, they actually contain a lot of information.

Zhang Ping turns on the clean world projection to disperse the dust all around, and then sit on a chair and look at the information carefully.

This base is used for scientific research.

There are a total of four laboratories, and there are also more than a dozen huge cells for imprisoning experimental subjects.

Zhang Ping figured out the structure of the base, and then entered the first laboratory with ease.

He immediately saw a man with a rotten face, his body soaked in nutrient solution, because the glass of the nutrient tank had been broken, so the man’s body was covered with many small mushrooms, and some strange things Weird red plant.

【Successful identification】

【Zhu Zhaotian's corpse: A human corpse killed by Heavenly Fox, because it was soaked in nutrient solution after death, the body became the home of countless microorganisms. 】

Zhang Ping In the next second, I saw Zhu Zhaotian being beaten to half of his face by Heavenly Fox with a paw.

"Evil is rewarded!"

Zhang Ping turned and left, and continued to check other laboratories.

The four laboratories in this base study carnivorous plants, metal creatures, deadly viruses, and alienated beast control.

When Zhang Ping entered the laboratory for researching carnivorous plants, suddenly a vine swooped over from the ground, his expression changed, and the vine was directly cut off by Nethermist.

A large number of plants seemed to come alive all at once. A huge, flame-like flower bloomed slowly in the room, and the temperature all around rose rapidly.

Zhang Ping's thoughts unfolded, and his brows suddenly raised slightly.

All these plants are edible, especially those huge flame flowers, eating them can greatly reduce the time it takes for him to level up.

Good stuff!

Zhang Ping directly scanned the laser eye and cut off the roots of these plants first.

However, the life force of these plants is extremely tenacious. Even if the roots are cut off, they can still move. A large number of Fireballs are ejected from the center of the flame flower and hit Zhang Ping from a high altitude.

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