This time, Zhang Ping did not use Nethermist to resist.

He raised his hand to catch the flying Fireball, and then activated the energy-eater to devour the Fireball's energy.

Naked eye can be seen, and the Fireball quickly becomes smaller in his hand.

In the end, it dissipated completely.

Next, Zhang Ping walked up to a trumpet flower and took a deep breath of poison mist at the moment when the trumpet flower sprayed out the poison mist.

Toxin storage is a tasteless but somewhat effective ability.

It is said that it is tasteless, it is because it can only be used through urine, and it is useful because all toxins can be stored.

However, toxin storage actually has an upper limit.

When the upper limit is reached, it will no longer have the ability to detoxify, so Zhang Ping must regularly excrete toxins with urine.

The venom sprayed from the trumpet flower just now has the effect of integrating other toxins.

Zhang Ping can balance all the toxins before inhaling the body. This process is like sorting out the warehouse so that the warehouse can store more things.

After absorbing the poison mist, Zhang Ping directly plucked the daffodil and put it in his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it in his stomach.

Although this daffodil looks like a daffodil, it tastes a bit like a jerky apple, and it also has a little orchid scent.

Zhang Ping took a little aftertaste, then looked at the red fruit next to him.

These red fruits are hung on a very short tree with a very strong trunk. They are shaped like cherries with spikes, and each spike has a spiral pattern on it. .

The big thorn cherry!

Zhang Ping glanced down at the words written on the potted plant, then reached out and picked out a big thorn cherry.

In an instant, the spikes on the surface of the cherry grew longer. If it were an average person, the spikes would penetrate the palm of the hand in an instant, but the Zhang Ping defensive power was too high, so these spikes were broken. open.

Zhang Ping put the big thorn cherry into his mouth in one bite, and many spikes broke out again, but he was chewed into pieces soon.

Even when he swallowed it into his stomach, he could feel the spikes of the big thorn cherry attacking his stomach.

Good fellow!

This is not food for humans.

Zhang Ping waited for a while, and suddenly his nose suddenly became longer. With a thought, his nose slowly retracted.

Sure enough, this big thorn cherry gave him a new ability.

[Sharp spurs: Any sharp part of the body can become longer and spur out, and the faster and harder it is during the spur.

This is actually a very strong ability.

The farther the target of the attack is, the stronger the stab attack.

The big thorn cherry itself also has this effect, but unfortunately they belong to the passive defensive ability. When in the hands of Zhang Ping, the attack range is very limited, so for the big thorn cherry, this ability is undoubtedly The ability to evolve to fail.

But this ability has become very strong in Zhang Ping's hands. As long as the distance is long enough, he can even poke all enemies to death with his fingers.

Of course, the premise is that they can hit the opponent, and the opponent does not have the tenacious life force similar to Fenglaixian.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to eat big thorn cherries.

This Fruit Tree has a total of thirteen big thorn cherries, and he eats them all, then pulls the Fruit Tree up by the roots and swallows it with his mouth open.

His body is now becoming less and less like a normal human body. His mouth can split at a 180-degree angle. At the same time, the esophagus has a powerful force. It can even compress food through peristalsis. The rock was crushed alive.

The soil on the roots of this Fruit Tree was dissipated by the projection of the clean world as soon as it was pulled out. It was countless times cleaner than the washed one. Zhang Ping quickly swallowed the Fruit Tree, deep Take a deep breath.

He sat on the edge of the pot, looking at the other plants, calculating how much time could be shortened by eating all the plants.

When the digestion was almost done, one of his fingers suddenly became longer and directly inserted into the fruitless Fruit Tree opposite. Then his fingers began to shrink, and the Fruit Tree was immediately pulled by him.

Who knew that at this time, the Fruit Tree trembled suddenly, and then the branches rushed towards Zhang Ping's face frantically.

Unfortunately, its attack did not break Zhang Ping's defenses at all. Zhang Ping next moment used Nethermist to cut the whole tree in half and ate the Fruit Tree in one bite.


Zhang Ping ate the plants in the laboratory one after another, leaving only the huge flame-like flower.

This is also the key research object of this laboratory.

Zhang Ping stepped forward and found that the flower had been cut off by him because of its roots. The temperature was not as high as before. He stretched out his hand to tear off a petal, and the flower showed no signs of counterattack.

He slowly finished eating the petals, and his body reacted immediately.

A lot of red lines spread from the abdomen to all around, and finally formed a pattern of the sun on his chest.

【Fire Element control: Can convert excess physical energy into Fire Element energy, and do as one pleases control the Fire Element energy in the body. 】

It's finally out!

After Zhang Ping's appraisal, he couldn't help laughing out of his newly added abilities.

This is not a very special ability, but it is the ability he most wanted when he got the fire eater. At that time, he hoped that he could be controlled by the Fire Element and become an expert in playing with fire.

Unfortunately, until the fire eater evolved into an energy eater, he did not have this ability.

Furthermore, fire eater has evolved into an inflammation eater. In fact, he already has the ability to control fire. Now this ability is really late.

He slightly transformed part of his physical strength, and instantly received a large amount of Fire Element energy.

This Fire Element energy is not the same as the Fire Element energy of the fire eater. The Fire Element energy transformed by the fire eater does not listen to his commands at all, and the Fire Element energy is like his hand. Exactly as an arm instructs.

He controlled the Fire Element to release into the body, and a fire wave whip was formed in a blink of an eye, and then he controlled the eater to inject more heat, so the color of the fire wave whip gradually changed from red to white.

When the whip went down, the metal table next to it was cut off in an instant, and a large amount of molten iron fell on the ground.

Attack method +1

Zhang Ping was satisfied with the fire wave whip, and then finished the flame flower.

After confirming that there were no other edible plants in the laboratory, he left the laboratory directly and walked towards the next laboratory.

These laboratories, there must be food he needs!

Although these two abilities are extremely easy to obtain, they are actually not so easy to obtain. If it is his original world, he wants to find this base, but he doesn’t know how much time and how much it will take. energy.

This is also this world.

Because Heavenly Fox captured these bases, he succeeded in picking up the leaks.

The third laboratory studies deadly viruses.

In fact, Pearl City has long known about the existence of viruses and bacteria, but the discoverers are all awakened without exception.

They just awakened the ability related to viruses and bacteria, so they can observe the existence of viruses and bacteria, which greatly improves the medical level of Pearl City.

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