But it's also a success and a failure.

Because of the existence of these awakeneds, people in Pearl City have a superficial understanding of viruses and bacteria. In the eyes of most people, viruses and bacteria are no different from nature's flowers and grass.

They will not study these things, they will only concentrate on their own abilities.

Except for a few awakened with related abilities, no one cares about bacteria and viruses in the air.

Zhang Ping doesn’t really understand. He was only a member of the rescue team in his previous life, and he was not very interested in this aspect, so the only thing he knew was that the virus is very deadly and the virus can cause various diseases. Allow it to develop and even destroy human society.

If he doesn't have any ability, he will never go to the laboratory to study the deadly virus, but now he is strong enough to deal with the danger of the overwhelming majority, so he has only curiosity, not fear.

Ten minutes later.

Zhang Ping came to the deadly virus laboratory.


He felt a'dangerous' breath.

This laboratory is the only laboratory with a closed door.

The doors of the two laboratories he entered just now were open.

"Will not open the door, a bunch of zombies are coming out?"

Zhang Ping stood in front of the door and couldn't help but mutter.

For safety, he quickly covered a few 10th layer of metal coating on the body surface, and then released Nethermist around the body all around, forming an airtight black armor.

After taking safety measures, he pushed the door open.

In an instant.

Two men threw themselves out of the room at the same time, shouting in unison: "Die to the Lord!"

The two men are burly bodies, and their bones have grown out of the flesh to form a The sharp-rooted fangs are as powerful as an adult male wild boar.

Unfortunately, Zhang Ping is much faster than them.

The two came by flanking, but Zhang Ping could pass through the gap where they flanked, and then spread both hands to grab their necks and twist them off.

Ka-cha sounded.

Two more corpses were on the ground.

"I was scared to death, terrifying!"

Zhang Ping looked back at the two corpses and couldn't help but patted his chest.

These two men are humans, not zombies.

They hid in the door and heard Zhang Ping's footsteps, so they prepared to wait for Zhang Ping to come in and sneak attack Zhang Ping.

It's a pity that Zhang Ping simply didn't completely unprepared, and easily killed them both in a flash.

【Successful identification】

【Zhu Tianhao's corpse: Intent to sneak attack Zhang Ping, but his strength was too weak, he was eventually killed by a counter-attack, and his neck was twisted to death. 】

【Successful identification】

【Zhu Zhaohai's corpse: Intent to sneak attack Zhang Ping, but his strength was too weak, he was eventually killed, his neck was twisted and he died. 】


"It turned out to be from Zhu Family!"

After Zhang Ping's appraisal, it suddenly became clear to my heart.

This base belongs to the Zhu Family, and it is normal to hide the remnants of the Zhu Family.


According to Su Jingyao's intelligence, this base should have no survivors, so the two Zhu Family members should be outsiders.

They came back secretly to fetch important things. Who knew they happened to be hit by him, so they wanted to kill him.

That's right.

Zhang Ping squatted down, fumbled on the two of them, and quickly found two test tubes.

There is a purple liquid in the test tube.

I don't know what deadly virus Dao Accumulation contains.

He shook the test tube, and then applied the Appraisal Technique to the test tube, and at the same time, Nianli covered the two test tubes to analyze the liquid in the test tube.

About five minutes later, the authentication was finally successful.

【disciple virus: it can gather in the brain of organisms to greatly increase the spirit strength of organisms, but at the same time it will gradually change the behavior of organisms and eventually become the puppet of the virus. 】

"No idea!"

Zhang Ping finished reading curl one's lip, then opened two test tubes and got bored.

He thought it would be Revelation virus, black light virus, Genova virus, etc. Who knew it was just controlling the human brain, which would be too shabby.

When he drank the virus, the next moment he burped, and a purple mist sprayed out of his mouth.

He could feel the virus burrowing into his brain, but he was quickly killed by Wang Xue.

Sure enough.

After waiting for about ten minutes, he felt that he had acquired new abilities.

Although he thinks the virus is terrible, in fact the virus is not weak, he just met him.

Most awakened will become puppets if they are parasitized by the discipline virus.

Once the number of puppets reaches a certain level.

Disciple virus can control all living things unconsciously.

It's a pity that they were drunk by Zhang Ping before they could spread.

【Activate virus: Consume spirit strength to temporarily activate the virus in the air to form a more powerful lifeform to assist the user in attacking the enemy. 】

Zhang Ping can’t help but feel disappointed after checking his abilities. It is really a tasteless ability.

Although his attack methods are becoming more and more abundant, in fact, he only likes to use only a few abilities. The metal coating formed by the gold swallower, the Nethermist produced by the body of Nethermist, and the mutant eye are mutated. Laser eye.

At present, he really thinks that these three are really easy to use. Other abilities are also used occasionally.

The ability he really wants now is the ability of Space Type.

"Try it!"

Zhang Ping thought for a while, and then used the ability to use all around viruses. Suddenly one after another, the virus suddenly became bigger. The visible size becomes the size of a ping pong ball.

They are floating in Zhang Ping all around, and they all grow eyes, constantly observing the situation all around.

In an instant, a lot of pictures appeared in Zhang Ping's mind, and he could receive all the pictures seen by the eyes of these viruses.

"Interestingly, this ability turns out to be so useful!"

Zhang Ping controls the viruses to be arranged in a neat row, and then the eyes emit red light slightly, and suddenly two of the viruses are on the The eyes shoot out laser light.

These viruses have only auxiliary effects and have no battle strength themselves, but Zhang Ping can transfer part of its energy to the virus and then use it.

Now, his laser eyes are more difficult to defend.

He can drop the virus to different locations, and then shoot a laser from the blind spot at the enemy from time to time.

Unless there is no virus in the space, this move is definitely you can't guard against it.

After the test.

Zhang Ping releases the ability, and those viruses that have become larger have become smaller and return to their original state.

He walked into the laboratory and started looking for things that he could use.

Although the people of Yuju Zhu Family only took the discipline virus, it does not mean that there is only one virus in this laboratory. There must be other viruses.

He flipped through the boxes and quickly found several test tubes of different colors from a refrigerated cabinet.

【Flame virus: It usually absorbs the temperature of the natural world, and once the invading organism's body will burn the target's fat, it will form a human-shaped torch. 】

【Incineration virus: can ignite carbon-based life, and eventually burn out. 】

【Dragon Skin Virus: It attaches to the skin of creatures, and gradually forms scales similar to dragon scales, and finally wraps the creatures and digests them. 】

【Fire Eye Virus: It can be spread through the eyes, the eyes are scorching like fire, and finally burns from the eyes. 】

【Broken virus: Once infected, it will form a burning tumor, and will continue to absorb the heat of the target until it explodes.

After some identification.

Zhang Ping knows the names and functions of these viruses.

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