Zhu Family, also known as the Sun Family.

Therefore, these viruses are all related to fire, which is very reasonable.

Probably like the rotten Sun God bird, it is probably a disgusting thing made by the fanboy of the Sun King.

Zhang Ping thought for a while, opened the lid of the test tube and swallowed the flame virus in one mouthful.

Next, he couldn't help but spit out a flame.

New ability:

[Fire-thrower: consumes energy, can spray flames from the mouth. ]

Obviously, this is a garbage ability.

Zhang Ping closes the attribute, then opens the lid to burn the virus, and the virus is dried in one bite.

About half a minute later, the new ability was born again:

【Flame coat: The sweat glands secrete the phlogiston with a very low ignition point, forming a flame coat on the body surface.

This ability cannot be said to be useless.

The problem is that the secreted'phlogiston' is a bit disgusting.

It is similar to the mucus secreted on the surface of some frogs and rice field eels.

Zhang Ping secreted a little bit in his hands, and those who use energy always kept cold. After studying it, they didn't have much interest in this ability.

But... better than nothing.

The most terrifying thing for those with infinite abilities is that their abilities emerge in endlessly.

Although this ability is useless.

But it can be used as a supplementary means.

The more power you have.

The less likely it is to be restrained.

This is a truth that all awakened understand.

Zhang Ping threw the phlogiston to the ground, and the next moment the phlogiston blazed, and the ground was burned into a big pit in a blink of an eye.

The formidable power is actually pretty good.

Zhang Ping glanced at the big hole on the ground, then looked at the third test tube.

Dragon skin virus.

Zhang Ping still has certain expectations, after all, it has nothing to do with fire.

He opened the lid, and a large amount of virus spread out immediately, but he then drank the virus in one gulp, dragon scales quickly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the hand holding the test tube quickly grew disgusting scales.

This is just like a skin disease.

Zhang Ping didn't care about the impact of dragon skin virus on his body. At this time, his attention was on the stomach.

In an instant, all the viruses that were drunk were absorbed.

Then he felt that a new ability was born.

【Dragon Sleep: After activating the ability, the body forms a very hard eggshell, and enters into the dragon sleep mode. Spirit strength and physical strength are quickly restored. At the same time, every day of sleep, lifespan increases for ten days. 】

Zhang Ping suddenly opened his eyes.

This is rare to improve the ability of lifespan.

Sleep for one day is equivalent to earning the lifespan of Nine Heavens for nothing. If you sleep for one year, it will be equivalent to adding nine years of lifespan.

Good ability!

Zhang Ping thought happily.

But then he suddenly realized the problem. He is still young, so there is no need to worry about lifespan.

Think carefully.

This ability seems to be of no use to him now...

Zhang Ping sighed, looking at the remaining Fireeye virus and Explosive Virus, finally he simply combined the two The lids of the test tubes were opened together, and the virus in the two test tubes was drunk in one gulp.

At this time, the dragon scales at the corners of his mouth have spread for most of his face, but he doesn't care.

He waited for a while, suddenly red light radiated from his eyes, and two light beams shot out from his eyes.

New ability:

【Laser eye: It can consume physical strength to shoot laser from the eye. After hitting the target, it will form a laser bomb in the target body, and finally explode. 】

This is not a laser eye mutated from a mutated eye.

It's the laser eye that popped up again. In short, his abilities have overlapped.

However, the formidable power of this laser eye is actually not as good as the laser eye mutated from the mutant eye, because the mutant eye will mutate once every second. If the same mutation ability appears, the formidable power will be enhanced.

Laser eye is one of the earliest mutated abilities of mutated eye.

After numerous formidable power enhancements, it has become one of Zhang Ping's favorite abilities.

At this moment, Zhang Ping shot a laser beam against the wall.

Sure enough, only a faint burnt black remained on the wall.

But then he thought about it and found that the mutant eye could still be used, so the two laser eyes were superimposed, and the wall was quickly penetrated.

"so that's how it is."

Zhang Ping's rays of light gradually dimmed, and finally returned to the original shape.

There is still a difference between the two laser eyes. The laser eye mutated from the mutant eye has stronger penetrability, while the laser eye has a higher temperature, and this laser eye matches the laser eye of the mutant eye. Together, the mutant eye can accumulate laser bombs faster.

This ability is not bad, far more than the flamethrower and flame coat.

Next, Zhang Ping continued to dig through the cabinets again. After confirming that there were no more special viruses in this laboratory, he reluctantly left.

Although he is no longer considered a weak person, before he is truly invincible, he won't have too many abilities.

Even if these abilities are not used, he hopes that the abilities can be the more the better.

Next, he went to the last laboratory.

The last laboratory of this base, the research direction is how to control alienated beasts.

In fact, this is also the pursuit of all mankind.

After all, if the alienated beast can be controlled by humans, the human condition will be greatly improved.

Zhang Ping came to the last laboratory and found that there were indeed some alienated beasts in it, but all of them had starved to death. The corpses in the cage exuded a disgusting stench.

Something's wrong!

Zhang Ping held his breath and glanced around the laboratory, and soon he saw several huge metal cages.

These metal cages were torn apart with brute force by a certain creature, and they were scattered on the ground.

"There are alienated beasts that are not dead, and they ran out!"

Zhang Ping made a judgment, and then looked in the direction of the cell, if the alienated beasts that escaped hadn't Death, then there is only one possibility now, and that is in the cell where the alienated beast is held.

This base has more than a dozen huge cells, and each cell can hold more than one hundred experimental subjects.

If the alienated beast that escaped wants to get food.

There is no doubt.

The cell is their best choice.

Those experimental subjects were held in separate cells, like meat on the anvil, not only had nowhere to escape, but also powerless to resist.

Considering this, Zhang Ping quickly moved towards the cell.

Sure enough, the one-meter-thick alloy door of the cell has been torn open by a certain creature with strange force, and a certain creature's huge breathing sound is heard from below.

Although Zhang Ping was not afraid, but he did not underestimate it too much. He was wrapped around Nethermist and quietly entered the door. For a moment, he saw a Big Head Lizard lying on the channel hu hu sleeping.

There are cells on both sides of it. Those alloy cells are torn apart by great force. There are blood stains everywhere on the cell floor, as well as some scattered feathers.

You can imagine just looking at the blood stains on the ground.

How desperate was the alienated beast in the prison at the last moment.

Zhang Ping looked at the big lizard, thoughts move, the attributes of the big lizard suddenly appeared:

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