Although it is only an intermediate alienation beast.

However, the potential of this lesser dragon is not bad. If there is an opportunity, one step further, it may even evolve into a giant dragon.

Zhang Ping closed the appraisal result, and next moment a laser shot from his eyes, and the lesser dragon was cut in half on the spot, and there was no chance to resist.

He stepped forward to collect the meat of the lesser dragon, and then observed the alienated beasts in other cages.

The lesser dragon has a limited appetite, and it can take a long time without eating after one meal, so there are some alienated beasts that have not starved to death in these cages.

The adjacent cages of these alienated beasts are basically empty.

Only the blood stains prove that there were creatures in these cages that were once held.

Obviously, in order not to be starved to death.

These alienated beasts have fought, and in the end the winners survive, and the losers become food.

At this time, the alienated beasts in the cage were all staring at Zhang Ping vigilantly. When Zhang Ping glanced over, they all bowed their heads, not daring to look at Zhang Ping.

"I know you don't want to die. If you want to survive, then I will give you a chance. You can live if you eat it, otherwise... die!"

Zhang Ping smiled Looking at these alienated beasts, he slowly spoke.

next moment.

A large number of contract gems were manufactured by Zhang Ping and sent to each cage with mental power.

"As long as you eat this stone, you won't kill us?" a thin male lion asked.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, I never kill my own people, you can always trust my promise."

"Pandas will never be slaves!"

A five-meter-high alienated beast panda immediately raised its claws and roared loudly.

Other alienated beasts also have blinking eyes, obviously they don't want to eat this kind of stone of unknown origin.

"You guys like to eat or not, I'll deal with the guys inside. After I come out, if you don't eat, then stay here and wait for death." Zhang Ping glanced at the mutant panda , Lightly saying.

More than one alienated beast escaped from the laboratory, the lesser dragon is just the weakest one. There are also some powerful alienated beasts, which are probably already inside.

"Wait, unless you include food and housing!" Seeing that Zhang Ping really didn't care, the mutant panda quickly opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping figure stopped, walked forward silently, looked at the giant mutant panda, and promised: "Yes, you can eat and live, and now you eat the contract gem, I watch you eat , Don't want to be slippery!"

"The world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not ancient, do you know? Long, long ago, our panda clan was your national treasure." The mutant panda shook his head and sighed.

Zhang Ping was surprised: "A long time ago?? You should be young, how long ago?"

"Our panda clan occasionally awakens the memories of our ancestors, I see There is a memory of an ancestor long, long ago. At that time, humans were the most loyal servants of our panda clan. Not only did they need to feed us three meals, but they also had to take care of our daily lives. Even the cubs were raised by your humans. We panda clan It is definitely the most noble existence."

"I originally thought that human beings still retain the good qualities of ancient times, so I came out of the mountain. Who knows that you humans do not speak martial arts, and they lie in ambush for me. , And finally put me in this kind of cage, damn it!" said the mutant panda gnashing teeth.

After listening to Zhang Ping, I roughly guessed when the mutant panda said'a long, long time ago'.

This is most likely the time when the Waterlily Great Emperor lived, because only in that era did humans in this world regard the panda as a national treasure.

Furthermore, in this world, the reason why pandas are regarded as national treasures is actually very strange.

The matter originated from a respected observer. He observed a certain world and humans treat pandas as national treasures, and guessed that pandas might bring good luck.

So, he copied the'answer' and defined the panda as a lucky beast and named it a national treasure.

However, Zhang Ping is not going to treat this panda as a Summoned Beast, he just wants to satisfy his desire to poke a panda.

The king of Nethermist doesn't dare to paint, can't the pandas still paint?

"That's a thing of the past. My only treatment here is food and accommodation. Will you come?" Zhang Ping looked at the hesitant mutant panda and asked indifferently.

If it was before.

The mutant panda must slap Zhang Ping twice, and then scream hard, this bear will not eat wasted food.

But it is too hungry.

It hasn’t eaten anything for nearly two weeks, even if it wants to be hard, it does not raise.

Zhang Ping takes out a piece of meat from the bracelet, manipulates the flame to heat it up slightly, and suddenly smells Overflowing the entire cell, countless alienated beasts secreted their saliva crazily.

"Okay, take your time to think about it!"

Zhang Ping put the meat on the ground, and then walked to the next cell.

Hunger, I believe these alienated beasts will understand that Zhang Ping is their only savior.

Next, Zhang Ping walked from cell to cell. After killing the alienated beast that was blocking the road, he repeated the trick every time and put a piece of barbecue on the ground.

Without this piece of barbecue, it is estimated that these alienated beasts would not surrender so quickly, but with this piece of barbecue as bait, I believe these alienated beasts will soon understand what they should do.

Besides, these alienated beasts should be very clear in their hearts that Zhang Ping will not let them go.


There is only death.

In the ten cells of this base, the weakest is the outermost and the strongest is the innermost.

When Zhang Ping walked to the seventh cell, the cell was already a high-level alienated beast, and there were even two awakened.

"Help, help, big brother, help us!"

The two awakened saw Zhang Ping appear and killed the alienated beast that was entrenched in the aisle. They immediately grabbed hold of excitedly. Zhu, shouted loudly.

Two awakened, one man and one woman, both have no clothes on their bodies, and there are many scars on their bodies, their images are very miserable.

"Put on first!"

Zhang Ping took out two coats from the treasure house and gave them to them.

After the two of them got dressed, he asked, "Are you all who?"

"My name is Liu Dashan, who runs the Weapon Shop in the city. She Called Chen Mei, a mineral searcher, we accidentally ran into a group of people who passed on white clothed clothes, and then we were caught in." The man replied.

Zhang Ping froze for a moment, hesitatingly asked: "Your name is Liu Dashan? Your father Liu Tiefeng?"

"Yes, my father's name is Liu Tiefeng!" Liu Dashan is nodded and said.

Zhang Ping looked at Liu Dashan in disbelief. According to Qiu Qiang and Liu Tiefeng's description, Liu Dashan was a strong man, but Liu Dashan in front of him was thin and skinny.

He identified Liu Dashan’s attributes, and after determining the name, he cut the cage with a laser to release Liu Dashan and Chen Mei.

Then he took out a large amount of meat, grilled it and distributed it to the two.

If you are an ordinary person and have not eaten meat for a long time, it is best to eat some liquid food first, but Liu Dashan and Chen Mei are awakened, so their bodies can hold them and don't need to be so troublesome.

When the two of you are full, Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said: "You guys wait for me here first, I'll go see the situation inside."

"Zhang Ping little Brother, you better stay away. A terrifying upright ape just went in." Liu Dashan wiped his mouth and said seriously immediately.

The scary erect ape?

Zhang Ping immediately thought of humans, but soon he realized that this is not Earth.

"What kind of alienated beast is the terrifying upright ape?" He reacted, looking at Liu Dashan and asked shamelessly.

Liu Dashan solemnly said: "The terrifying upright ape is a three-meter-high humanoid ape. Their arm strength is very strong, and they have the ability to transform twice, but in more specific situations, I also not quite clear, but there is a saying in the adventurer circle, that is, it is better to meet the overlord than the terrifying erect ape. One can imagine how strong the terrifying erect ape is."

I would rather meet the Overlord level. The alienated beasts don't want to encounter the terrifying upright ape.

So, the terrifying erect ape is indeed terrifying.

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