But we have to go.

For safety's sake, Zhang Ping covered the surface of his body with a metal coating. Then he bid farewell to Liu Dashan and Chen Mei and walked towards the next cell.

To be honest, he really didn't expect to meet Liu Tiefeng's son in this base.

It is a pity that Liu Tiefeng of this world has been killed by Heavenly Fox. Otherwise, it would be a happy thing to let the two meet again.

Zhang Ping feels very sorry, but also has some concerns.

In the original world, Liu Dashan was probably also captured by Yuju Zhu Family.

If possible, he hopes that he can return to the original world as soon as possible to see if he can rescue Liu Dashan.


Zhang Ping came to the next cell.

But the terrifying upright ape is not in this cell, only a sturdy black panther is lying in the middle of the cell.

It smelled Zhang Ping's breath, opened its eyes instantly, and then two lasers shot in from its eyes, directly penetrating its brain.

This kind of high level alienation beast is too weak for Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping's red light eyes gradually dimmed, and then he looked at the alienated beast in the cage, took out the contract gem, and tried again.

When he finished the barbecue, he immediately walked to the next cell.

In fact, these alienated beasts are not very helpful to him, and it can even be said to be useless, but if they are brought back to Pearl City and ordered to take orders from Su Jingyao, it will be of great significance.

After all, he will leave this world sooner or later, and the human Su Jingyao must stay in this world.

No one knows what will happen to Pearl City in the future.

So, he wants to leave Su Jingyao a little hole card, a little bit of confidence.

The ninth cell.

An ape-man with white hairs is sitting on the ground, eating the wings of a bird.

As soon as Zhang Ping walked in, it immediately raised its head to look at Zhang Ping, then threw its wings in his hand, and got up to make an angry roar.

"The hostility is a bit big."

Zhang Ping looked at the ape-man, and said in his heart.

next moment.

The ape man dashed forward and slammed into Zhang Ping.

It is very fast, and even produces a harsh sonic boom.

Zhang Ping’s eyes shot out lasers instantly, but the laser fell on the ape-man’s body and did not break the defense.


Zhang Ping's eyes widened, and then his body was knocked out.


A loud noise.

The alloy wall of the laboratory was knocked out of a human-shaped pit by Zhang Ping.

In an instant, the ape-man appeared in front of Zhang Ping, similar to the head of the crazy strikes Zhang Ping with the arm of the'Popeye', blasting at least a thousand punches per second.

Seeing that Zhang Ping is not dead like this, he immediately grabbed Zhang Ping’s leg from the pit, pulled Zhang Ping out of the wall pit, and madly beat Zhang Ping’s body, and finally Zhang Ping Throw it to the ceiling. When Zhang Ping fell, he kicked Zhang Ping's abdomen and Zhang Ping flew out again.

All of this happens within a second or two, and most of the fast creatures may not be able to react.

However, the ape-man did not relax. It keenly sensed that Zhang Ping's weight had increased a little bit, so when he kicked Zhang Ping into the air, he tried to catch up with Zhang Ping, and his fists were crazy. Beat Zhang Ping's whole body, directly hit Zhang Ping back and forth.

Finally, Zhang Ping landed on the ground and rubbed two dents on the ground. Only then did the ape-man stop, panting heavily.

Zhang Ping got up from the ground at this time, before he could speak, the ape-man issued angry roar, and the white hairs on his body instantly stood up, all turned into golden, and at the same time an aura of arrogance emerged from his body , Make a crackle.

In a short while, the ape-man appeared in front of Zhang Ping again.

It hit Zhang Ping in the chin, Zhang Ping took off in a straight line, and then the ape man kicked between Zhang Ping's legs, adding another force to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping hit the ceiling like a nail into steel. Before he came out of the ceiling, the ape man below jumped up, kicking him on the bottom of his feet one after another, directly hitting him Break into the ceiling.

Then the ape-man punched the ceiling, and the entire ceiling was sunken in, so that the cell was deformed.

"Is this still alive?"

The ape-man stared at the ceiling, and his heart suddenly shook.

Compared to strength.

It is never afraid of any opponent.

The Yu Beast Zhu Family was able to catch it, not because of strength over it, but by using means to control it when it was weak.

Now, after eating, it has completely recovered. Any human daring to appear in front of it will tear it apart.

"It's terrifying speed."

At this time, Zhang Ping slowly drilled out of the ceiling, and then fell on the ground easily. He looked at the ape-man in front of him and couldn't help sighing.

Too fast.

If he has no metal coating protection, no Nethermist protection, I am afraid that he will be hammered to death by the ape in front of him.

But because of the metal coating and the protection of Nethermist, the ape man did not cause any harm to him. His only feeling was that he was fast. He didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"Wait, we may not be enemies!"

When Zhang Ping saw that the ape-man wanted to do it again, he quickly spoke.

But the ape-man is obviously not ready to communicate with Zhang Ping, next moment it roars again, like a spiral pattern on Popeye's arm.

This is the third form of the terrifying erect ape, the Warhammer giant ape form.

In an instant, it appeared in front of Zhang Ping, punching towards Zhang Ping's abdomen.

But Zhang Ping quickly grew bigger and turned into a seven-meter-high giant in a flash. Instead, this fist hit Zhang Ping's knee.

"It seems that you are very brave!"

Zhang Ping looked at the terrifying upright ape, faintly opened the mouth and said.

The first time he was beaten, he admitted that he did not react, but the second time he was cherishing his talents and did not want to kill this terrifying upright ape.

And now is the third time!

There are only three things.

Although Zhang Ping wants to subdue the horrible erect apes to protect Su Jingyao, it does not mean that he will infinitely tolerate the horrible erect apes attacking himself.

At this moment, the terrifying erect ape immediately bypassed Zhang Ping's legs, turned and ran out.

Obviously it realized that it was not Zhang Ping's opponent, and only had a dead end to fight it, so it just started to retreat.

Zhang Ping's reaction is indeed not as fast as the terrifying upright ape, but as his body grows larger, his explosive power also increases.

After realizing that the terrifying upright ape wanted to escape, he turned around and exerted force on his legs and jumped directly to the back.

He surpassed the terrifying upright ape in an instant, and hit the door with his body. The entire alloy door and the walls all around collapsed, and the exit was blocked in a blink of an eye.

"If I hit me, I want to run?"

Zhang Ping turned around and grabbed the horrible upright ape with one hand. The horrible upright ape reacted very quickly and immediately turned around and ran. Just avoid Zhang Ping's hand.

"Give it to me!"

Zhang Ping's thoughts exploded, and then he reached for the terrifying erect ape.

Under the action of thought force, the running terrifying upright ape suddenly stagnated, and then quickly returned to normal. After avoiding Zhang Ping's big hand, he quickly fled towards the tenth cell.

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