The terrifying erect ape didn't want to enter the tenth cell.

Because it had noticed a horrible atmosphere in the tenth cell before, it stayed in the ninth cell decisively.

But now it has nowhere to go.

It can only survive from death, and lead Zhang Ping into the tenth cell and fight to the death.

Zhang Ping was about to catch up. Who knew that Sixth Sense suddenly issued an alarm, he stopped immediately, and at the same time subconsciously broke out all the Nethermist, forming a thick shield in front of him.

next moment, a terrifying roar came from the tenth cell.

At the same time, a red light smashed the wall by the right hand of the passage, and directly landed on the Nethermist. The Nethermist that hits was madly transformed and sunken toward both sides.

The terrifying upright ape quickly ran out of the passage, clutching the broken arm, and ran out directly bypassing Zhang Ping.

Behind it, a terrifying dark green giant dragon smashed the passage, and the huge body smashed towards Zhang Ping, who was in the way, but his eyes were always fixed on the terrifying upright ape in front of him.

I have to say that the speed of the terrifying upright ape is much faster than Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping was already on guard, but was still run by the terrifying upright ape. He had no time to wrap his body with Nethermist, and then he was hit by a dark green giant dragon.

In an instant, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and the sky was spinning.

Zhang Ping felt as if he was crushed by a planet, a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth.

The defense of the metal coating, one layer is enough to make the ordinary person desperate. Now he has turned into a seven-meter Little Giant, but still can’t withstand the impact of this giant dragon. One can imagine this giant dragon What an exaggeration of physique.

At this moment, he has only a single thought in his mind: The base of Yuju Zhu Family, how could there be such a ghost?

Fortunately, the target of this giant dragon was not him. He quickly ran over him, chasing the terrifying upright ape and leaving, and didn't know what the terrifying upright ape did after running in.

"Not good, Liu Dashan and the others!"

Zhang Ping sat up, and suddenly thought that Liu Dashan and the others were still behind, whether it was the scary erect ape or the dark green giant dragon, obviously They are not what Liu Dashan can handle.

He quickly got up and quickly chased him back.

The prison here is basically impossible to lock the giant dragon, and even the giant dragon is impossible to enter through the passage.

Zhang Ping suspects that this giant dragon was born in this base, and even the cultivator used to live with the giant dragon here. Otherwise, with the ability of the Zhu Family to defend against the beast, it is basically impossible to make such a terrifying giant dragon. Locked in the base.

A moment.

Zhang Ping saw the giant dragon stop in the seventh cell. He took a deep breath and walked forward slowly.

The giant dragon is lying on the ground eating a terrifying upright ape. Its tail is very special, a bit like the tail of a peacock. It swayed when eating, and its colorful scales reflected beautiful light.

Zhang Ping saw Liu Dashan and Chen Mei through a crack.

Both of them were lying behind a rock, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

"It's okay!"

Zhang Ping saw that the two were still alive, slightly relaxed, and then looked at the giant dragon earnestly.


[Identification Successful]

[Alienated Beast: Sweep Earth Dragon]

[Race: Alienated Peacock]

[Potential: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

[lifespan: 50000]

[Level: Top Alienated Beast]

[Level: 39]

[innate talent]

[Giant Dragon's Power: Consume physical energy to wake up the Giant Dragon's Power in the body, accumulate a dragon ball every ten seconds, the upper limit is nine Pieces. 】

【Storm Blade: Consume a dragon ball, use wings to set off a storm, and split a large number of wind blades from the storm to attack all around. 】

【Scorching pupil: Consuming two dragon balls, both eyes shoot out burning rays of light at the speed of light. After activation, they consume spirit strength to continuously increase the temperature of the rays. 】

【Dragon's Might Roar: Consumes three dragon balls and sends out a roar that deter all creatures. Creatures with timid personality have a small probability of violent death directly. 】

【Cold ice shield barrier: Consume four dragon balls, use the tail to create a cold ice shield barrier, and use the spirit strength to lock the target and smash the ice shield barrier to the target. 】

【Meteor Fall: Consume five dragon balls, project the power of the Earth Element into the sky, and form a huge meteor to hit the target. 】

【Tide of Prestige: Consume six dragon balls, emit strong rays of light from the tail, and form a Tide of Prestige, annihilating all targets. 】

【Colorful Breath: Consume seven dragon balls to spray the mixed Water Element, Wind Element, Earth Element, Fire Element, Thunder Element, Ice Element, Metal Element breath. 】

【Dragon Jade: Consume eight dragon balls to condense an element jade between the two horns, emitting powerful elemental radiation. 】

【Different dimensional space: Consume nine dragon balls, pull the target into the different dimensional space full of radiation and energy bombs, and completely annihilate the target. 】


Good fellow!

This is the Earth Dragon. Although the name is a bit funny, the strength is definitely Overlord level.

And its potential is very high, give it enough time, sooner or later it can become a King-level existence.

However, this point of returning to ancestors caught Zhang Ping's attention.

In fact, just now he used his thought power to detain the terrifying erect ape, and the terrifying erect ape was unable to resist at all, but because of the analysis of his mind, he received an unexpected message, so he let go of the terrifying erect ape in surprise.

The terrifying erect apes are actually humans!

Zhang Ping at first believes that the terrifying erect apes are alienated beasts from apes or orangutans, but the result of mental power analysis is returning to ancestors.

And now he has met the ancestral peacock again.

He has reason to suspect that someone in the Zhu Family of Yuju Zhu Family is studying ancestry, otherwise they are impossible to spend a lot of time and specialize in catching this ancestor and alienated beast of nature.

During Zhang Ping's thoughts, sweeping Earth Dragon has eaten the terrifying erect apes.

It slowly got up from the ground, glanced at Liu Dashan and Chen Mei next to him, and then slowly turned around. Its body was too large. Just turning around, it cut open the metal cell next to it, countless The alienated beast had no room to escape in the cage, so the body was swept by the tail, and it was directly turned into two segments.

Originally it was supposed to want to return to the tenth cell, but it smelled the smell of blood, and subconsciously looked at the alienated beasts in those cells.

It gave a sneaky glance at Liu Dashan and Chen Mei, and then it turned sideways and ate the corpses of the alienated beasts in the cage.

"Is it afraid of humans?"

Zhang Ping saw this scene, looked thoughtful and touched his chin, and then quickly removed the metal coating.

He took a deep breath, strode forward and shouted: "What are you doing?"

Sure enough, he was shocked when he swept the Earth Dragon, and then he looked innocently. Looking at Zhang Ping, he slowly squatted down, as if he had done nothing wrong.

It saw Zhang Ping walking in stride, his body was shaking slightly, and then he made a low voice, grieving: "I didn't do anything, the monkey came in first to wake me up, and... …I’m so hungry, I haven’t eaten for many days."

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