This moment.

Zhang Ping knows he is stable.

Apparently, this Earth Dragon is an alienated beast raised by the base.

Most alienated beasts, no matter how soft and cute they are when they are young, will become monsters that kill without blinking an eye once they reach adulthood.

But it sneaked a look at Liu Dashan and Chen Mei's attitude, like a brat of a neighbor's doing something wrong, Zhang Ping suddenly realized that he might be wrong.

Although the Earth Dragon is huge, it does not mean that it is an adult.

After all, the lifespan of Earth Dragon is as high as 50,000 years, maybe it is just a baby now?


This may be a very cruel and terrifying baby.

Because of being fed by humans since childhood, it is naturally close to humans. It is estimated that it will take until adulthood to become a truly cruel giant dragon.

"Now, you give me back!" Zhang Ping looked at the Earth Dragon and ordered after thinking about it.

He needs to know how much Earth Dragon accepts his orders. After all, he will have to feed Earth Dragon a contract gem after a while.

A giant dragon baby who is already a top alienated beast at a young age.

It is estimated that even Xuangui's potential is not as great.

"I'm so hungry."

Sweeping Earth Dragon and seeing that Zhang Ping was not angry, then he took a peek at Liu Dashan and Chen Mei.

After confirming that the three of them were not angry, they got up and walked to the tenth cell.

Zhang Ping took the opportunity to observe the situation of Earth Dragon.

Its body shape is similar to the western giant dragon, but it also has some characteristics of Dongfang Long. Its body is relatively long, and it is very soft, and its spine is like a big dragon. It is distorted in an S shape when walking, and it is very beautiful. .

Zhang Ping boldly walked beside it and gently touched its scales with his hand. These scales are very soft, not the kind of hard scales.

However, Zhang Ping was not deceived by this illusion.

After all, he had just become a seven-meter Little Giant, and he was still crushed by this product.

"When can I eat?" Scan Earth Dragon asked carefully at this time.

Zhang Ping replied: "Wait for you to go back and talk about it."

Then a dragon returns to the tenth cell.

The tenth cell and the cell in front are completely two styles of painting. Not only is it huge and empty, but there are also many plants planted. It is said to be a cell, and it is more like an ecological park that belongs to Earth Dragon.

It expertly walked to a sunken rock and squatted down, looking at Zhang Ping with eyesight.

Zhang Ping reluctantly took out some meat from the bracelet and put it down, many of which were Heavenly Fox meat.

"This is the smell of killing Anian!"

Sweeping Earth Dragon and seeing Heavenly Fox, he immediately got up and shouted.

"A Nian?"

Zhang Ping was puzzled, but did not ask.

He looked at the Earth Dragon and opened the mouth and said: "Hurry up and eat."

"Thank you."

Sweeping the Earth Dragon and said happily , And then ate the meat on the ground in big mouthfuls, eating the meat all over the ground in a few bites.

After eating the meat, he lay on the stone and looked at Zhang Ping eagerly, and asked: "Anian promised me that he will take me out to play when I grow up. When will I grow up? "

When you grow up, Zhu Family probably found a way to kill you or control you.

Zhang Ping complained in his heart.

He thought for a while, decided to test it out, and replied: "A-Nian has been killed by these foxes. I have helped A-Nian get revenge. Now if you want to go outside, you must Eat this!"

Speaking, he handed a contract gem to Earth Dragon.

Scan Earth Dragon and sniff the contract gem, then refused: "I don't like this stone, no!"

"You don't want to go out to play?" Zhang Ping seduced.

Scan Earth Dragon muttered: "When I grow up, I can go out to play, Anian promised me."

"But Anian is dead, now you You have to listen to me." Zhang Ping said in a tough tone.

It’s a little unhappy to sweep the Earth Dragon. It exhales a heat from its nostrils, and glares at Zhang Ping and said: "I only listen to Anian, I don’t listen to you."

"But Anian is already...."

Before Zhang Ping finished speaking, he suddenly swept Earth Dragon's head and bumped into him. He had just used Nethermist to form a shield, and the next moment even people flew upside down with Nethermist. go out.


A loud noise.

Zhang Ping hit the wall, and the wall was smashed into a big hole.

He squinted his eyes and was already thinking about whether or not to do it. Although the strength of this sweeping Earth Dragon is not weak, he does his best to shoot the Earth Dragon. It is still not his opponent.

The only thing that makes him jealous is the other-dimensional space.

But in fact, the moves to sweep Earth Dragon are very predictable.

It is surrounded by dragon balls, and based on the number of dragon balls, one can guess the skill used by its next moment.

There is really no way, then only kill!

Zhang Ping made a decision in his heart, but then saw Earth Dragon staring at him tearfully.

"I hate you, bastard!"

Sweep the Earth Dragon roar, then turned and ran into the artificial forest behind.


Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment, and then reacted with hindsight, and couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment.

He then realized that he had just made a mistake. Sweeping the'A Nian' mentioned by Earth Dragon, in the heart of Sweeping Earth Dragon, I am afraid that his status is very high.

His behavior just now was probably that he walked to a son who lost his mother and kept saying'Your mother is dead', and no one can stand it.

In fact, the main problem lies in the different perspectives of the two parties.

In the eyes of Zhang Ping, it is definitely not a good thing to scan the A-nian mentioned by Earth Dragon. The Zhu Family is a bastard per capita, and that A-nian is definitely no exception.

So he thinks'A Nian' died well.

But the perspective of sweeping Earth Dragon is different from him. In the heart of sweeping Earth Dragon, it is estimated that Anian is the best human being for it.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided to apologize.

After all, no matter what A-nian is, the dead will be the greatest.

He walked into the man-made forest, and for a moment he saw Earth Dragon lying in a small clearing, seeming to be crying.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that to Anian."

Zhang Ping walked to the side of Earth Dragon and said sincerely to Earth Dragon.


Sweeping the Earth Dragon to ignore Zhang Ping, making a dull sound.

"Then I'm leaving, I may never come back again." Zhang Ping saw that Earth Dragon ignored him, so he said quietly.

I panicked after sweeping the Earth Dragon. It hurriedly lifts the head and asked: "Where are you going? Everyone is gone?"

"Yes, everyone is gone. , No one will come here anymore." Zhang Ping nodded and said.

Sweeping Earth Dragon fell into silence. When Heavenly Fox invaded, it was still asleep, completely unaware of the existence of Heavenly Fox. When Heavenly Fox left, it saw the body of Anian.

It doesn't know what happened, only the smell left by Heavenly Fox.

Finally, it has been here and the others came, and because it was very hungry and hungry, its temper became more and more irritable, and it took longer and longer to sleep.

As a result, the terrifying upright ape ran in and hit its nose.

It was woken up.

Hungry again!

Annoying again!

It is the first time in its life to run wild.

The result is that the terrifying erect ape has become its dish of Chinese food.

Because it ate something and felt better, it didn't continue to be angry, otherwise it is estimated that more alienated beasts will be killed by it.

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