Sweeping Earth Dragon wanted to leave with Zhang Ping.

It has never left this place. If there is no one to accompany it, it dare not go.

"If...If you help me deal with the following things, I will eat that stone, okay?" It turned its head, looked at Zhang Ping and said hesitantly.


Zhang Ping was taken aback, and asked: "What's the next?"

" Anian said I can't leave here casually, because I'm here, the following things will be afraid of me, just I won't wake up from deep sleep, so I have to stay here." Sao Earth Dragon explained.

Zhang Ping narrowed his eyes and said: "You mean, there is another layer below here?"

"I don't know, Anian just said that there is something very dangerous below that needs me to suppress it. ." Sweep Earth Dragon replied.

Zhang Ping immediately looked at the ground, and after penetrating the ground, he saw densely packed black eggs.

There really is something.

He looked at Earth Dragon and asked: "If I solve the following things, would you be willing to eat contract gem?"

"Yes." Scan Earth Dragon Agreed.

This is what A-nian wants it to do. A-nian is already not in, but at least this thing must be done well!

Zhang Ping said with a slight smile: "Well, it's a deal!"

"It's fixed!" Sweep Earth Dragon nodded and said.

Zhang Ping slightly smiled, then looked to the ground.

His eyes burst into red rays of light instantly, and he drew a circle on the ground. In a blink of an eye, the ground collapsed, forming an entrance.

"I will go back as soon as I go."

Zhang Ping said to Earth Dragon, and then jumped down.

He landed on the ground on the next level, and then looked at the well-protected black eggs. These black messy shapes resembled roe, although they were very dark, they were faintly transparent. After approaching, you can see the creatures in the dark chaos.

"It's a bit like a human, but a bit like a fish..."

Zhang Ping got close to a black egg, poked his finger carefully on the surface of the black egg, and thought to himself road.

He suspects that these black eggs are the offspring of the sea people, but whether the sea people are oviparous or viviparous is not very clear to him, so he is not sure whether his guess is correct.

"Why do you think so much, let's talk about the appraisal!"

Zhang Ping laughed at himself, and then resolutely relied on Appraisal Technique to directly use appraisal on these black eggs.

After failing once, the identification is successful:

【Ancestral Egg: Yuju Zhu Family researches on the failed product made by ancestral technology, the eggs are full of abnormal fetuses Resentment, once out of the egg, it will definitely attack all creatures around. 】

Next, Zhang Ping saw the picture slowly unfolding.

A large number of scientific researchers draw blood from different alienated beasts and compare them with non-reverted alienated beasts...

But Zhang Ping can’t understand what these people are doing. , After watching for a long time, the screen just ended without seeing the clue.


Zhang Ping knows that he is not a smart person.

He looked at the returning egg, hesitated for a moment, picked up one, and swallowed it directly with his mouth open.

This egg is about the size of a melon. Fortunately, his body is very abnormal and can be swallowed without pressure.

For a moment, Zhang Ping frowned, he didn't get any abilities.

He unwillingly picked up another ancestral egg, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, swallowed it, and waited a while, but he still didn't get the new ability.

"Recently, it’s too easy to get abilities, and I have an illusion about it, as if ability is easy to get."

Zhang Ping shook the head with a wry smile, and his eyes fell. With regard to the rest of the Ancestral Eggs, he now has two options, one is to directly explode all the Ancestral Eggs, and the other is to continue eating, just in case.

He thought about it and decided to continue.

After all, eating these ancestral eggs will not do him any harm, and gaining ability is earning, so why not do it.

After making a decision, he began to eat the reborn eggs one by one.

These ancestral eggs can actually hatch long ago, but because the Earth Dragon lives on them, they dare not hatch.

Now, all have become Zhang Ping's food.

The nutritional value of the eggs of returning to the ancestors is very high. Zhang Ping simply makes various contract gems, while eating the returning to the ancestors to cure the chaos, and occasionally eats them together with the contract gems.

Unfortunately, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. He ate most of the ancestral eggs and still did not gain any abilities.

But Zhang Ping also wants to open it. The ancestral egg may indeed be extraordinary after hatching, but now it is only an egg. If the ancestor egg can gain power, he will be able to gain power every day. Isn't it possible to get the ability by eating eggs?

After all, eggs are also eggs!

But as the old saying goes, I have eaten so much, and it would be a shame to give up now.

Zhang Ping digests very fast, so I decided to stick to it till the end.

Moreover, there is no need to waste much time.

At this time, not far from Zhang Ping, in an ancestral egg, the deformed embryo slightly opened its eyes, and through the thin layer of shady, it could see Zhang Ping was eating Special eat.

It is very clear that Zhang Ping will eat it sooner or later.

In an instant, its small and long eyes were gradually filled with blue rays of light, and then the black egg broke up a little bit, and it floated from the egg.

Its head is similar to a jellyfish, with a huge umbrella-shaped afterbirth. At the same time, the upper body is thin, but the belly is round and looks chubby. At the same time, it has a very long tail with a black half at the end. Transparent fish tail.

It has short hands and feet, equally chubby, but with sharp hooks. At the same time, there is a lamprey mouth-like hole in the chest, which seems to be directly connected to the stomach.

At the next moment when the egg broke out, its eyes burst out with a blue streamer, one after another water arrow quickly condensed from all around, and shot towards Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping reacted quickly. His body was instantly covered by Nethermist. After blocking the next round of water arrows, he used Nethermist to shuttle to the back of the creature and pinched its neck with one hand.

"I was born. It is really fierce. I will attack people as soon as I was born." Zhang Ping took a look, then muttered to himself.

next moment, he used Appraisal Technique to this little fellow, frowned again.

This little fellow is called'Genetic Humans', because the overwhelming majority of his genes are all human genes, only a few genes come from other organisms, and it is through ancestral methods that all chaos The genes are melted in one furnace.

From the genetic level, he can't be regarded as a wild beast, nor can it be regarded as an existing human, but more like a genetically modified human.

But it's too small.

This little fellow is about the size of a bottle of mineral water, and a human infant is not that small no matter how small.

Zhang Ping complained, but he didn't have much killing intent.

Because this guy is very smart, his behavior was strictly speaking to save himself.

"Don't attack me again, I won't kill you!"

Zhang Ping tried hard to straighten his face, looked at the'little man' in front of him, and said solemnly.

The little man looked at Zhang Ping, and it took him a long time to release the tail that had wrapped Zhang Ping's wrist.

After it was caught by Zhang Ping, it kept cutting Zhang Ping's skin with the fish tail at the end of its tail, but unfortunately it didn't even cut the skin.

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