
After lunch, Zhang Ping used his power in the living room to create a manhole cover leading to the mysterious sewer.

Zhang Ping opened the manhole cover, Nethermist wrapped his body, jumped directly from the passage, and then Zhang Shouzhong, Zhao Yanhu, and Zhao Yanlong followed.

"Damn it, it smells!" Zhang Shouzhong came in and quickly used a robot to make a mask to filter the air.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu also covered their noses, until Zhang Shouzhong made two more masks for them to wear.

"Is this the legendary sewer? I heard that there were such sewers in some big cities in ancient times. However, because of the large number of alienated beasts harbored in the sewers, many people died of alienated beasts' sneaks at home. Attack, and gradually the people in the city can only escape from the city." Zhang Shouzhong sat on the flat plate formed by the nano-robot, looking at the dirty water channel, frowned said.

Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu both showed a surprised look. They only realized with hindsight that the sewer was used for sewage.

"It turned out to be a canal hidden underground!" Zhao Yanhu whispered.

Zhang Ping opened the mouth and said at this time: "Well, everyone, come with me, let's go back first, and see if we can return to the parallel world I arrived before."

Next, the four set out along the sewer.

"It's stool, it's too disgusting, and it's more disgusting than the channel." Zhao Yanhu sat on the tablet made by Zhang Shouzhong, looked at the channel below, and suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Zhao Yanlong speechless saying: "Then don't tell me."

"This is even more disgusting." Zhang Shouzhong vomited.

He looked at Zhang Ping in front and asked: "Zhang Ping, are you sure you were in this sewer before?"

It's mainly all around, there is no reference at all, sewage There are a lot of'floating objects' in the canal, but who would take it seriously!

"Not sure." Zhang Ping replied.

He also felt that the sewer they were in was different from the previous sewer. Although it was equally disgusting, there was not much domestic waste.

Before, he relied on recognizing the text on the domestic garbage to guess something.

Now there is no household garbage. He really doesn't know what the sewer is like.

But this is very consistent with the word'mysterious'.

After all, even his master doesn't know where the sewer leads to. Isn't it mysterious enough?

It took about two hours to walk.

Zhang Ping stopped, he looked up at the top of the sewer, opened the mouth and said: "Look at the situation above, you guys pay attention to protect yourself."

Said, He floated to the top of the sewer, pressed one hand on the concrete, and a passage appeared in a moment.

He entered the passage and pushed aside the sewer manhole cover, and found that he was right in the middle of the intersection.

This familiar city.

If it weren't for no one, he would even mistakenly think that he was back to the world before crossing.

Zhang Ping crawled out subconsciously, stood on the road and looked around the buildings, and gradually recognized it.

This is the dark land!

"Zhang Ping?"

Zhang Shouzhong emerged from the sewer, watching Zhang Ping call.

"Come out!"

Zhang Ping looked at the coffee shop not far away and said directly.

When Zhang Shouzhong came up, Zhang Ping walked to the cafe, and the three hurried to follow.

"Where is this place?" Zhao Yanhu asked in a low voice.

Zhang Ping replied: "The world where the king of Nethermist is, didn't expect that the sewer can still lead to here."

He wanted to see the city here before, but at that time He was on a moose and was very worried about everyone in Pearl City, so he didn't act in the end.

Since he came here accidentally this time, he also wants to see what is going on in this city.

"It gives me a hairy feeling here." Zhang Shouzhong whispered when he saw the bones on the ground not far away.

Zhao Yanlong directly flicked his hair, next moment a large number of small poison insects flew away from him, he whispered: "I make these insects alert all around, if any creatures appear, they will alert me ."

At this moment, Zhang Ping opened the door of the coffee shop and walked in.

The coffee shop was covered with dust, and there was a strange corpse stuck in the ceiling, the bones were twisted and weird.

It can be seen from the thickness of the dust in the coffee shop that no one has come here for a long, long time, and the dead body has not been touched for a long, long time.

According to common sense, it should rot and become bones, but it did not completely rot. The corpse on 2/3/2021 still retains flesh and blood, and the exposed bones are also distorted. This kind of distortion is not caused by external forces, it is more like innate.

"Will it still be alive?" Zhao Yanhu whispered.

Zhao Yanlong glared at the younger brother, and said dissatisfied: "Close your crow's mouth."

"Don't worry, the corpse is dead, but I don’t know why it didn’t rot. There is indeed a problem." Zhang Shouzhong said lightly at this time.

His eyes have a very thin screen, which can be linked to the nano robot to collect data.

The corpse was completely cold, and there was no sign of life at all.

Zhang Ping looked at the magazines scattered in the coffee shop at this time. The text of these magazines is not Chinese, but similar to Pearl City, but a little more complicated than Pearl City.

"Fatty, come and take a look." He looked at Zhang Shouzhong and said.

Zhang Shouzhong stepped forward, simply picked up a magazine, the dust on the patted magazine, and then opened the magazine

"This is ancient text, but the content is very boring. How to guard against male affair, how to see through male affair, and how can women achieve perfect assassination of men if they have an affair," said frowned Zhang Shouzhong.

Zhang Ping was not interested in these contents. Seeing that Zhang Shouzhong recognized the words, he pointed to the corpse on the ceiling and said indifferently: "Do you think he is holding something in his hand?"

"Yes, it looks like a note?" Zhang Shouzhong took a look, then nodded and said.

Zhang Ping immediately wrapped the corpse with thought force and tried to pull the corpse out. Then he was surprised to find that the corpse was not inserted into the ceiling, but was integrated with the ceiling.


Zhang Ping floated up, looked at the interface between the corpse and the ceiling, and couldn't help but sigh.

"What's incredible?" Zhang Shouzhong followed up and asked.

Zhang Ping pointed to the interface and responded: "You know it when you look at it!"


Zhang Shouzhong studied for a while, and then The eyes widened sharply.

He immediately chipped away the ceiling of all around, and then saw the corpse falling on the ground, along with a series of spiral-shaped flesh, concrete, and bricks.

"I can imagine his experience before his death. He fell spirally from a high altitude, hitting the top of the building with one head, and then his body rotated while being entangled with the building, and stopped when he fell on the First Layer. But it has become like this." Zhang Shouzhong sighed.

Zhang Ping broke the corpse's hand with his mind and took the note off.

He spread out the note and handed it to Zhang Shouzhong. Zhang Shouzhong looked at the note and said: "Don't study the extraterrestrial slate, that will destroy the world?"

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