"Isn't it the setting of the novel?"

"It may be that when he fell, he grabbed everywhere with his hands and caught a novel upstairs Home setting paper."

Zhang Shouzhong does not believe that any slate has the power to destroy the world. How can the world be so big that it can be easily destroyed.

Don’t say anything else, the planet itself does not need any biological maintenance, because destroying the planet’s environment will only kill the creatures on the planet, and the planet itself doesn’t matter at all.

Even if all the lives on the planet are dead, the planet itself is fine.

Zhang Ping looked at the note silently, and then shared his attributes with Zhang Shouzhong.

"Why, show off your...fuck!"

Zhang Shouzhong at first thought Zhang Ping was showing off his ability, but when he saw the world annihilation, his eyes almost Protruding from the eye socket.

He swallowed his saliva and whispered: "Zhang Ping, how can you awaken such a terrifying ability?"

"I don't know, the unfathomable mystery is awakened. "Zhang Ping said with a bitter smile.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at the little note again, and suddenly felt that the'outside the star slate' was particularly dangerous.

Super abilities can easily destroy the world, the slabs from aliens...

What if?

He said a little bit intimidated: "We are just passing by in this world, so let’s just leave it alone. Let’s go."

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Well, let’s go. !"

He doesn't want to stay here either, after all, all this is too unimaginable.

Stones outside the stars?

Judging from the name, it may be a slate flying from outside the planet.

Maybe this world’s human research on the “extra-planetary slate” resulted in world annihilation.

Zhang Ping held the ground and the next moment made a manhole cover. After opening the manhole cover, the four quickly returned to the sewer. After the manhole cover was closed, Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong were slightly relaxed.

I don't know why, after reading that note, the two always feel a feeling ill at ease.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Ping settled down, and then continued to move forward.

"Wait, where is this place?" Zhang Shouzhong just wanted to be nodded, and suddenly frowned and asked.

Zhang Ping turned around and asked, "Is there any problem?"

"When I left the sewer, there were nano-robots in the sewer, but now those nano-robots are at least There are three million metres, and it has turned into fat and is flying towards me quickly." Zhang Shouzhong replied.

After advanced to the top awakened, he has the ability to roughly sense fat energy.

Just before leaving, he reserved a special hand.

Zhang Ping pondered: "That is to say, every time I open the sewer, I always appear in a random area, so if I reopen a manhole now, where will it lead?"

"I don't think I should try." Zhang Shouzhong said decisively.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "Let’s walk a distance and see before talking."

Next, everyone keeps going forward. After about five minutes, it has changed back to fat Energetic nano robots flew from the front one after another, and finally merged with Zhang Shouzhong.


Zhang Shouzhong and Zhang Ping stopped.

"Flying in the front, that means we are behind this time?" Zhang Ping asked.

Zhang Shouzhong shook his head and said: "No, there is a space problem in this place, I obviously feel that it is here!"

As he said, he stretched his finger to his left.

"That's not right, this is a one-way street, where's the left side." Zhang Ping frowned.

Zhang Shouzhong floated to the left of the sewer, patted the concrete with his hand, and then controlled countless nano-robots to form drill bits to exert pressure on the concrete.

But no matter how many nanobots he adds, the concrete remains intact.

"No need to try, I have tried before." Zhang Ping said lightly.

When Zhang Shouzhong heard this, he simply stopped.

Zhang Ping's attack power will only be higher than him, not lower than him. If Zhang Ping doesn't believe it, then he will be even worse.

"Your ability is really mysterious." Zhang Shouzhong thought of the name Zhang Ping, and couldn't help but complain.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "That's why it's called the mysterious sewer."

He moved on and added: "It doesn't make sense to think so much now. Let's go ahead."

"In fact, there are many super powers of unfathomable mystery, and your ability is not particularly difficult to understand." Zhang Shouzhong followed Zhang Ping, said with a smile.

Zhao Yanhu interrupted and said: "If you want to talk about the ability of unfathomable mystery, I know one."

"You are talking about the one who has never used the ability once after awakening?" Zhao Yanlong immediately realized what Zhao Yanhu wanted to say, and he asked with a smile.

Zhao Yanhu nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. Although it is pitiful, it is very funny."

"Don't play dumb riddles here, just say it quickly." Zhang Shouzhong is dissatisfied road.

Zhao Yanhu said with a smile: "There is an awakened named'Zhou Cheng' in Saint Ancestor village. He awakened his ability very early, but neither the appraiser nor he himself knew that this ability was What? He couldn't use this ability at all, until he died."


Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong were listening, Zhao Yanhu suddenly stopped, both People looked over dissatisfied.

"After he died, his relatives buried him outside the village. Later, a very large flower grew in his grave. That flower would aloud all the secrets he had heard in his life. Say it right." Zhao Yanhu's scalp numb when the two people stared at him, and he quickly finished speaking in one breath.

Zhang Ping immediately pointed out the loophole and said indifferently: "This is not funny, and if this ability is activated after death, why can't it be identified?"

"Master Zhang Ping, this ability is The name is'Secret Collector'. Any secret will be collected by it. At the same time, it also has characteristics that cannot be identified or seen through. This is the conclusion drawn by the scholar in the village of Saint Ancestor after research." Zhao Yanlong quickly added.

There are many abilities, in addition to its own effects, there will be more or less incidental functions.

For example, Zhang Ping’s nightwalker, now even standing in the shadows during the day will reduce his presence, as well as Wind Whisperer’s hearing enhancement.

These are all side effects.

Zhao Yanhu said with a smile: "The secret collector itself is really not funny, but he knows too many secrets, so he becomes funny. This kind of funny is actually very It's hard to understand."

"Fortunately, I don't have the ability." Zhang Ping vomited.

He owns Wind Whisperer and he knows too many secrets. If he has this ability, he might directly cause the Pearl City melee after he dies.

Zhang Shouzhong suddenly remembered something and asked: "Zhang Ping, the tigers come from the village of Saint Ancestor, are there any changes in the village of Saint Ancestor in the parallel world?"

"No Clearly, I solved Heavenly Fox at that time, and then went to search the base of Yuju Zhu Family, but the Saint Ancestor village didn't pay attention." Zhang Ping replied.

At this time, he also realized that the village of Saint Ancestor was also a threat.

After all, Zhu Family strength great injury, Heavenly Fox has been wiped out by him, Pearl City is even more headless, only the village of Saint Ancestor is unscathed.

At this time, Zhao Yanhu said with a laugh: "Master Zhang Ping, you can rest assured. Saint Ancestor Village does not have so many manpower.

In fact, there was a prophecy long ago. Ability, he prophesied to the village scholar before his death that in the future there will be an awakened who has the ability to destroy the world, and he will bring destruction to the world.

So the research institute of Saint Ancestor Village has one third They are all escapers. They basically don’t care about the world, they just want to find a way to escape from the world and leave this world before the world is destroyed."

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