
After listening, Zhang Shouzhong silently looked at Zhang Ping.

"Don't look at me that way, it must be not me." Zhang Ping explained quickly.

Although he has the ability to destroy the world, it does not mean that he is the one who destroys the world in the prophecy. Maybe there is another awakened who awakens a similar ability?

Zhang Shouzhong vomited: "But I don't know why, I have a very special instinct. The person in the prediction is you!"

"It's definitely not me!" Zhang Ping is serious road.

He loves life and all kind people. He doesn't even have the heart to step on flowers and grass. How could he do that kind of crazy things.

"Well, this is the end of this topic. We have gone a long way now. Let's go up and take a look." He forcibly broke the topic and stopped.

Zhang Shouzhong vomited: "You are too blunt to talk about it!"

"Then stop talking, do you really think I'm that kind of person?" Zhang Ping speechless saying.

Zhang Shouzhong said indifferently: "I didn’t say that destroying the world must be wrong. After all, you now have this smelly sewer, which can transfer humans to other worlds, so destroying the world is not necessarily evil. Maybe just to save more people!"

"Then when the time comes." Zhang Ping blocked the topic.

He floated to the top of the sewer and directly created a channel to the ground, then went up and pushed open the manhole cover, cautiously poking his head out to observe.


The things outside the manhole cover are all dark, but the material of the item can be clearly seen.

This is a very ordinary wood house, except for the darkness, there is no difference from the usual house.

Zhang Ping thought silently, and then he saw the counter not far away. There was a photo frame on the counter. The photo in the photo frame was a little girl with a double ponytail.

She smiled very shyly, but because of the black material, her eyes and mouth are dark, shy and terrifying at the same time.

"This place...something is wrong!" Zhang Ping exclaimed.

Zhang Shouzhong pushed his leg and asked: "What's wrong? Then are we going up or not?"

"Let me see."

Zhang Ping reached out and touched the floor, and suddenly a lot of black liquid stuck to his hand.

He sniffed the liquid, then frowned and shook his hand.

This liquid is a bit like petroleum.

The problem is that it smells bad, it's the same as the black liquid he drank before.

"Safety is the first priority. It is better to have extra branches. Let's go." Zhang Ping thought for a while, but decided not to go up.

He was about to close the lid of the sewer, but suddenly felt something was wrong. He pulled the lid of the sewer hard, but he couldn't move it at all.

In an instant, his body was covered by Nethermist, and at the same time the metal coating was increased by more than ten layers.

"There is an enemy, be careful!"

He was shouting loudly, and immediately sprang out of the sewer, turning around and shooting two lasers behind him.

Sure enough, one side of the manhole cover of the sewer was grasped by a dark hand.

Zhang Ping's laser formidable power is still quite powerful, cutting off the arm in an instant, but soon he realized that something was wrong, there was only one hand?

That's not right!

He fell slowly, picking up the arm that was shot by himself.

This arm is entirely made of black material, and it feels loose to the touch, but the power that it has just exploded cannot be underestimated.

Although Zhang Ping is not known for his strength, he is actually very powerful. He never slackens in his usual physical exercises. Coupled with the blessing of super powers, even the power awakened is not as powerful as his.

The power of this hand made him unable to pull the manhole cover!

"Zhang Ping, where is the enemy?" Zhang Shouzhong came up, looked at the black hand in Zhang Ping's hand, and asked.

Zhang Ping shook his head and said: "It's gone, I only saw this arm."

"Then you can eat it and take a look, maybe you can know how its power is back. It's up." Zhang Shouzhong said directly.

Zhang Ping glanced at the black hand, frowned: "Now eat, what if something happens?"

"Then let's go back to the sewer first?" Zhang Shouzhong suggested.

Zhang Ping nodded, immediately flew into the sewer, Zhang Shouzhong followed up, and quickly put the manhole cover on.

"Hurry up, eat!" Zhang Shouzhong said expectantly.

Zhang Ping speechless saying: "You just want to watch me eat someone else's hand? What if this is human?"

"How could it be a human arm, six fingers, And there is no trace of flesh and blood, it looks like a monster no matter what, eat it quickly." Zhang Shouzhong decisively analyzed the wave.

Zhang Ping sighed, so I had to use Nethermist to cut off a finger, and then opened his mouth to swallow the finger.

He didn't even chew, he swallowed it raw.

About one minute later, he felt a little sick and uncomfortable.

"This time, something is wrong."

Zhang Ping leaned on the wall, directly identified his arm, and opened the attribute.

Sure enough, he got a new ability:

[Spirit Physique out of the body: Consume spirit strength, condense a transparent Spirit Physique, can leave the body to travel the universe. ]

The ability is normal.

Zhang Ping frowned, he feels uncomfortable, one head and two big ones.

For a moment, he shook suddenly, and his body split into two halves, half of flesh and blood, and half of Spirit Physique.

The two bodies split towards each other, and then they overlap again.

"Zhang Ping, are you okay?" Zhang Shouzhong regretted encouraging Zhang Ping to be a black hand.

Zhang Ping shook the head, and then said uncomfortably: "I'm fine, but there is a problem with the Spiritual Plane."

He roughly guessed what happened to him. The problem is that there is no way to solve it immediately, it can only rely on time to slowly run in.

"Really all right?" Zhang Shouzhong asked worriedly when Zhang Ping was shaking.

Zhang Ping shook the head. Because of the unintentional excessive strength, his head instantly twisted 360 degrees. Fortunately, Wang Xue quickly repaired his sprained neck injury, so in addition to the weirdness, this The operation is not fatal.


Zhang Shouzhong knows Zhang Ping's ability and guesses why Zhang Ping can twist his neck three hundred and sixty degrees, but the picture is true, too Horrified.

This can be used to make horror movies.

Zhang Ping gradually got used to it, and at the same time he found that after the birth of Spirit Physique, his thinking became purer.

His thoughts, the original Zhang Ping thought, he has no idea who is who, but now all memories are entirely different, he can calmly deal with all memories, and he can clearly know that he is Who.

This kind of feeling, in fact, he occasionally has it.

Especially when it comes to breakthroughs, there is often a period of clearness, but often this feeling cannot be kept for a long time.

It's probably like a certain thought at a certain moment, once the time limit has passed, it will slip away quietly.

But this time, Zhang Ping can be sure that he should have fixed this feeling.

Because everything is in Spirit Physique.

At the same time, he also knows what the black hand is.

That is also a kind of Spirit Physique.

At least it used to be!

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