Zhang Ping's clean world has an oppressive force on all Spirit Physiques.

If the black hand is Spirit Physique, then it will definitely be detected by the clean world and suppress it.

It's not that he hasn't identified the arm, and it's not that he hasn't used his mind to analyze it, but the result is all: the psionic arm.

So it used to be Spirit Physique, but now it has become some kind of strange existence that is not even Spirit Physique. Maybe it has something to do with the world, but Zhang Ping doesn't plan to go back and study it.

It took about half an hour before Zhang Ping got used to the Spirit Physique in his body.

Actually, with his spirit strength, once he dies 100%, he will become Spirit Physique, but because he hasn’t died yet, he didn’t produce Spirit Physique.

The ability of Spirit Physique to emerge from the body itself consumes spirit strength to condense a temporary Spirit Physique, but Zhang Ping spirit strength is too strong, and Spirit Physique is already born under the influence of the ability without being activated. .

The problem is that this kind of birth is not really'natural', but is affected by ability.

Because Spirit Physique is too powerful and the sense of presence is too strong, the body does not adapt to it for a while, so the body first develops discomfort and feels headache, nausea, and uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Zhang Ping's body is very strong, and his adaptability is far beyond that of ordinary people, so he recovered after a short period of discomfort.

"Go ahead, I'll just lie down for a while!"

After Zhang Ping felt less uncomfortable, he said to Zhang Shouzhong next to him.

"Really all right?"

Zhang Shouzhong asked with some worry.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Zhang Ping said ill-humoredly, and then fell asleep quickly.

This time he slept, he used the ability of dragon sleep, but the set time was very short, only two hours of sleep.

When he fell asleep, a golden film quickly appeared on his body, and then the film quickly hardened, turning into a golden egg in a blink of an eye.

"Master Zhang Ping has become an egg!" Zhao Yanhu said in surprise.

Zhang Shouzhong has seen Zhang Ping's previous attributes, and immediately guessed that this ability should be Dragon Sleep, so he opened the mouth and said: "Don't worry, Zhang Ping is not a big problem, just don't disturb him."

After finishing speaking, he controlled all the nano robots to create a floating boat to carry everyone forward.

"Is this how Spirit Physique feels after getting out of the body?"

A few minutes later, Zhang Ping’s Spirit Physique got out of the eggshell and looked at Zhang Shouzhong and Zhao Yanhu. I thought to myself.

Normally, after using Dragon Sleep, he should not be able to perceive anything, and his consciousness will fall into deep sleep completely, but I don’t know why, he wakes up after only one second of sleep, and then goes to Spirit Physique. Out of the hole.

He walked to Zhang Shouzhong and sat down, stretched out his hand and patted Zhang Shouzhong's forehead, but Zhang Shouzhong did not notice his existence at all, and his hand passed through Zhang Shouzhong's forehead.

"There is something in this state!"

Zhang Ping immediately realized that his Spirit Physique is different from the normal Spirit Physique.

Generally speaking, even Spirit Physique is composed of energy, and it can definitely interfere with the outside world, but the degree of interference is very low, unless Spirit Physique continues to condense and finally becomes a high-energy body.

The Spirit Physiques in the clean world are all becoming stronger. In fact, their energy is getting higher and higher. If they are placed in the natural world, they will be discovered by means of detecting energy.

With the spirit strength of Zhang Ping, Spirit Physique impossible cannot interfere with the outside world, so it must be due to ability.

Zhang Ping followed another experiment. As expected, no matter what he did, he couldn’t interfere with reality, and Zhang Shouzhong, Zhao Yanlong, and Zhao Yanhu were completely unaware of him. He was like a quantum ghost, no Exist in the world.

"By the way, I am in this state, I don’t know if I can penetrate the sewer?"

Zhang Ping felt boring after playing for a while, sitting on a boat and looking ahead, probably After another share, an idea popped into his mind.

Since he does not exist in the real world now, can he pass through the sewer?

He left the floating boat, and for a moment his body penetrated the concrete of the sewer.


Zhang Ping looked out of the sewer, his eyes widened.

Lines of sewers appeared in front of him. These sewers were laid in the void, and exist and disappear from time to time, all in a state of vagueness.

"That's weird!"

"Look again!"

Zhang Ping exhausted his eyes, only to see the sewers in the distance.

In the end, I can only sighed and choose to give up.

He finally knows why Zhang Shouzhong would mistake the direction of fat energy.

These sewers are probably part of the sewer where they are located.


There is no source and no end.

Zhang Ping returned to the floating boat, sat cross-legged on his own egg, couldn't help but diverge, thinking, "This is really something that can be done by super power? isn't this too ridiculous. "

This is definitely more exaggerated than destroying the world.

After all, there are countless ways to destroy the world.

And this sewer is not exhausted. It can go on forever, there is no end, and back there is no source.

Although Zhang Ping wanted to leave the sewers and observe them from different angles, he felt that doing so was extremely dangerous, because after careful consideration, he gave up this tempting idea.

When his strength becomes stronger in the future, he will eventually know what these sewers are.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Ping Spirit Physique returned to the body, and the next moment broke out.

Originally, he still wanted to taste the taste of his eggshell, but the moment he broke out of the shell, all the eggshells quickly turned into golden energy and dissipated. He just grabbed a piece of eggshell, next moment hand The eggshells inside spread out instantly.

"Is it better?" Zhang Shouzhong asked back.

Zhang Ping sitting on the boat, nodded and said: "I have fully recovered, and I feel very good."

No Spirit Physique is in the body of normal people, so all information is needed The brain processes it, and the brain is affected by various hormones, and occasionally makes very irrational actions.

And he is now equivalent to the dual-core operation of the brain and Spirit Physique.

If there is a problem with the body, there is a Spirit Physique layer that can be restrained, so he does feel very good.

"Okay, stop, let's go up and take a look, now it should be a long way away." He looked at the garbage in the sewer, suddenly his eyes lit up, and immediately Opened his mouth and said.

Zhang Shouzhong was nodded, and the next moment controlled the floating boat to stop.

"I'll go up and see!"

After Zhang Ping finished speaking, he flew directly to the top, and then used his power to create a manhole cover.

This ability is actually still subject to his subjective influence. In his mind, the sewer leads to the ground, and there is often a concrete passage, so there will always be concrete passages before.

But after seeing the scenery outside the sewer, he knew it didn't need to be so troublesome.

He can directly manufacture and export!

Open the manhole cover.

He immediately poked his head out and looked out, just to see a foot.

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