
A lot of water drops fall.

The feet Zhang Ping saw were white and tender heels.

He looked up subconsciously, and then white flowers reflected in his pupils...


Color is emptiness, emptiness is color...

Zhang Ping retracted quietly, and then gently covered the manhole cover.

In the bathroom, the vermilion boat, who was washing her hair, heard a slight noise behind her. He immediately turned and looked back. At the next moment, he saw a manhole cover disappear quickly.

She didn't scream like other women, but there was flame burning in her eyes.

She took out the towel from the hanger beside her to wrap the snow-white lovable body, she took a deep breath, and then walked out of the bathroom with a faint smile on her face.

For a moment, two girls who had a good relationship with her followed her in, and the three of them were talking and laughing together in a bath.

Apparently she has realized that when she took a bath, it was the most defenseless time for her enemies. If the people in the manhole just tried to assassinate her, she might have become a corpse. .

Therefore, when she takes a bath in the future, she must ask two girls with good battle strength to wash together.

In the sewer.

After Zhang Ping closed the manhole cover, the face doesn't change and said: "It's very dangerous outside. There is a water tiger. Let's go out from another place."

"Zhang Master Ping, what kind of alienated water tiger is, you should let me try, maybe my blood can tame it?" Zhao Yanhu asked immediately.

His name has a tiger character. If it is not difficult to carry, he actually prefers tigers to snakes.

"Water tiger is a kind of alienated beast that men can't grasp, you should give up." Zhang Ping said in deadly earnest.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping's hair and said suspiciously: "Your hair is a little wet, smells like a woman, it shouldn't be..."

" Tiger, of course, lives by the water. It is reasonable for my hair to get wet. As for the smell of women, you have a nose problem." Zhang Ping said with a straight face.

Fortunately, this world does not have dialects such as'women are made of water, women are tigers', so Zhang Shouzhong did not realize that the water tigers Zhang Ping said were women.

Although he felt that Zhang Ping's attitude was a bit strange, he still chose to believe that Zhang Ping had closed the manhole cover after all. No matter what Zhang Ping said, he could no longer verify the authenticity.

Next, the floating boat continued to move forward.

After walking for about half an hour, the floating boat stopped again, Zhang Ping made a manhole cover, and then cautiously stuck his head out.

Blue sky, white clouds.

There are mountains in the distance.

The air is full of vitality.

The emerald green vegetation grows densely and is thriving,

Zhang Ping can't tell whether this is the original world or the parallel world for a while.

But seeing that there should be no danger here, he quickly separated from the sewer, then Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu came out first, and Zhang Shouzhong finally came out of the well with a large number of nano robots.

"Where is this place?" Zhao Yanlong observed and determined that this was an unfamiliar environment he didn't recognize.

Zhang Shouzhong quickly distributed a large number of nano-robots, said with a smile: "Zhang Ping, what about a bet? Just bet this is our original world or a parallel world."

"What do you want to bet on?" Zhang Ping asked relaxedly while observing the bushes all around.

Zhang Shouzhong thought for a while, said with a smile: "If I guess it right, ten contract gems, if you guess it right, I will give you a good thing!"

"Say something good first." Zhang Ping said lightly.

Zhang Shouzhong quickly used nano-robots to make a piece of clothing, and said, "I have basically understood the way nano-robots are made, but there is no way to provide unlimited energy, so in addition to the nano-robots made of fat energy, Other nano-robots made of special materials can’t run for a long time, and you can control the heat, so I can help you tailor a nano-cloth. As long as you have enough energy, the clothing will never wear out. We can prepare several forms for you according to your needs."

"Bet, I bet this is the original world!" Zhang Ping immediately agreed.

Zhang Shouzhong helplessly said: "Then I can only bet here...Wait, you are shameless, you must have felt thinking about them!"

"if you agree to bet you must accept to lose!" Zhang Ping said with a laugh.

Zhang Shouzhong rolled the eyes, and finally put a nano robot into Zhang Ping's hands, and at the same time opened the mouth and said: "Take you, blame me didn't expect that layer, password It is'Zhang Shouzhong is too handsome'. After activation, it will bind to you, and it will search for the materials needed in the natural world, and constantly copy itself."

"Just one?" Zhang Ping looked in the palm of his hand The tiny robot couldn't be smaller, asked silently.

Normal eyes can’t see such a small robot at all, but Zhang Ping’s naked eye can see picometer-level matter when he concentrates, so the nano robot can still use naked eye directly when he is focused. Observation.

Zhang Shouzhong explained: “It has the ability to replicate itself. As long as it has enough energy, it will collect the materials it needs from nature, and then continue to divide and replicate itself, so I say that it will never Worn."

"Then what if I squeeze it out now?" Zhang Ping curiously asked.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Zhang Ping speechlessly, and after a while he opened the mouth and said: "You can try it."

"Forget it."

Zhang Ping knows very well that this thing is actually a gift from Zhang Shouzhong, and the bet is just for the beginning.

His eyes quickly became reset eyes. After marking the nanorobot, he said with a smile: "Okay, now it is truly never worn."

"Then shall we go back to the sewer or Pearl City?" Zhang Ping saw Zhang Ping's nanorobot and asked immediately.

Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided to say: "Should you go back and rest for a while?"

"I've come back, so let's take a day off." Zhang Shouzhong agreed.

The sewer environment is too bad.

Even if they have a mask to block the odor.

Stay for a long time in that dim environment is also a great torture to the body and mind.

Next, Zhang Ping changed his head and returned to Pearl City with everyone. They came out a bit far away from Pearl City, and did not return to the city until the evening.

When they returned to Guilou, it was almost seven o'clock.

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie asked about entering the sewer this time. Zhang Ping and the others had to confess what they saw and heard obediently and honestly.

From arriving in the dark earth, learning about the extraterrestrial slabs that might destroy the world, until I come back.

Suddenly, Zhao Yanhu excitedly said: "By the way, Master Zhang Ping also saw the water tiger. It is a very terrifying alien beast, even Master Zhang Ping can't get it."

Water tiger?

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie looked at Zhang Ping one after another. Zhang Ping coughed and said indifferently: "I just went out and took a look. Since there is no fighting, I don't think it is necessary to say."

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