"Zhang Ping's attitude is a bit strange!"

"The tone is also suspicious!"

"It shouldn't be..."


"The water tiger simply does not exist!"

Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie discussed in a low voice, Zhang Ping was suddenly shocked into heaven.

The Sixth Sense of an ordinary woman is ridiculous enough, and the Sixth Sense of this female awakened seems even more ridiculous.

He didn't actually have a guilty conscience. He just felt that it was not easy to explain after seeing a woman's big ass, so he decided to omit the past. Who knows that the two women are almost guessing.

Although Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie are familiar with him, and sometimes even a little ambiguous, because of the existence of Spirit Physique Su Jingyao, everyone has not really taken that step.

So the two women just discussed a few words quietly, and then went to Zhang Ping to prepare dinner for them.

Zhang Ping They had a big meal after taking a bath in Guilou, and then they went back to each house.

Second day, the rested people gathered in Guilou again.

Zhang Ping lay on the sofa, eating ice cream while complaining: "fatty, your nanorobot efficiency is too low, look at it, only 30 copies of itself in one night. When can I wear the clothes you gave?"

"That's because there are no suitable materials near Pearl City. You have to know that there are too many abilities in Pearl City, and there are many abilities that can remove the air. It can be said that Pearl City is the cleanest place!" Zhang Shouzhong said slowly while eating steamed buns.

Pearl City is really clean.

But this kind of "cleanliness" is not spotless, but elemental cleanliness.

For example, metals, water molecules, etc., have been awakened long ago, so it takes more time for nanobots to replicate themselves in Pearl City.

"Don't lie here lazily and get your eyes off your eyes. Hurry up and get out of the sewer." Cheng Xuejie mopped the floor with a mop. Seeing the two of them lying on the sofa, she said in disgust.

Zhang Ping spit out: "Senior Sister, you are like a mother. The first day you come back is a treasure, and the second day is not pleasing to your eyes?"

"You are a mother, Get out." Cheng Xuejie said dissatisfied.

Zhang Shouzhong sat up and said with a smile: "Zhang Ping, let's go, where are Aaron and Ahu?"

"They went to buy masks." Zhang Ping replied.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned: "This is a mask that you can't believe in me."

"They just feel sick. They use your fat masks. They always feel that they are kissing your belly. "Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Shouzhong's forehead blue veins suddenly protruded slightly, gritted his teeth and said: "Next time I use farts...Forget it, I don't want to be kissed on my ass by them."

"You are so disgusting! Cheng Xuejie immediately moved away from Zhang Shouzhong and Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping said innocently: "What the fatty said, what is my business?"

"You are jackals of the same tribe, don’t think I don’t know what a water tiger is, yesterday I guessed it when Sisi and I took a bath late." Cheng Xuejie lightly saying.

Zhang Ping rolled his eyes and didn't bother to defend himself.

Disgusting is disgusting.

Anyway, he knows how many hairs Cheng Xuejie has.

In a way, his ability is really disgusting.

At this time, Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu came back from the outside with backpacks. They felt that the atmosphere in the living room was a bit strange, so Zhao Yanhu opened the mouth and said: "We are back, this time I prepared There are many things, look, toilet paper for stool, masks that purify the air, detoxify, and protect against viruses, as well as toilet cleaners. You only need to pour it into the sewer for one minute, and all the stools will be purified. Rose fragrance."

"Okay, stop talking." Zhang Ping said with a headache.

Zhao Yanhu had to shut up and looked at Zhang Ping with eyesight.

"Good job!"

Zhang Ping also felt that he had hit Zhao Yanhu's enthusiasm, so he had to praise it again.

Zhao Yanhu smiled immediately, and immediately took out a small bubble-shaped cover, and excitedly said: "Master Zhang Ping, look, this is said to be a big bubble that can survive in outer space. We can do it when we eat. Enter the big bubble, and you can turn on the illusion function, which directly shields everything outside, so that we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature while eating."

while speaking, he presses the button, and the small cover instantly changes Cheng Da Pao, his whole body was bounced to the roof by the big bubble, and after knocking down the ceiling, he quickly fell down, and his whole body was lying on the top of the bubble. Seeing everyone looking at him, he suddenly smirked sorry.

"Wait, you bought so many things, how much did you spend?" Zhang Ping reacted afterwards and quickly asked.

Zhao Yanlong replied: "Almost five million Pearl coins."

"Where did you get the money?"

Zhang Ping widened his eyes and asked in surprise road.

Although he will give two people activity funds, it is only about 50,000 yuan, which is a few zeros away from five million!

"Ahu’s snakes can sell snake venom, and my poison insect, there is a good-looking insect, I sold it to a strong second-generation, they like to play combat insect, great insect price Very high." Zhao Yanlong replied.

Cheng Xuejie was surprised: "It turns out that you can still make money like this!"

"Good luck, no way." Zhao Yanhu deserves a beating said with a smile.

Cheng Xuejie is indeed a little envious. After all, although she has two wages now, the consumption of awakened in Pearl City is very high. She has applied for several dojos, and all her salary for a few months is included. .

"Well, now that everyone is there, we are ready to set off." Zhang Ping saw Cheng Xuejie looking at Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu, both eyes turned into the shape of pearl coins, and quickly got up opened the mouth and said .

Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said: "Yes, let's hurry up!"

Next, Zhang Ping squatted down and pressed his hand on the ground, and a manhole cover appeared on the ground for an instant.

"Master Zhang Ping, wait, don't rush in, put the toilet cleaner first!" Zhao Yanhu saw Zhang Ping open the manhole cover, so he quickly opened the mouth and said.

Zhang Ping helplessly said: "Then try it!"

He actually didn't have much hope for this. After all, the sewers are infinitely long. Could it be that the toilet cleaner can be infinite Clean?

However, Zhao Yanhu enthusiastically walked to the manhole cover and squatted down, then opened the lid of the toilet cleaning liquid, opened the mouth and said: "Pour all the toilet cleaning liquid in, and then cover it. Lid!"

After he finished it, he closed the manhole cover again, said with a smile: "Then wait five minutes."

"The toilet you bought is clean Is it reliable?" Zhang Ping asked suspiciously.

Zhao Yanhu repeatedly nodded and said: "Reliable, absolutely reliable. Many people in the city buy this to clean their own toilets."

Because Pearl City has no sewers, Therefore, every family can only build their own septic tanks, but some awakened eat a lot, and the "amount" is also very large, often the septic tanks are full quickly.

Therefore, some awakened saw business opportunities and used dozens of superpowers to cooperate with each other to create toilet cleaners.

This is a very unreasonable ability.

As long as it is in the toilet, it is often broken down and clean, so many awakened will buy it.

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