In fact, this is common sense for many awakened.

It's just that Zhang Ping and the members of this squad are'not interested in mundane affairs', so they don't know the existence of such a commodity as toilet cleaner.

Five minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Yanhu opened the lid of the sewer, and suddenly his entire face glowed.

"This isn't this too ridiculous." Zhang Ping looked at the sewer and said with shock.

He didn't believe it.

But the picture in front of him made him have to believe it.

The original sewer was very dirty and smelly. If there is no way to isolate the smell, you will definitely be fainted by the smell if you stay in it for a long time.

But now the sewer is too clean.

There is only clean water in the sewers, and the original sloppy sewers have become completely new.

This is just like a new sewer that has just been constructed and has not yet been put into use.

"Sure enough, it worked very well!" Cheng Xuejie glanced inside, then nodded and said.

Zhang Shouzhong sighed: "everyone has their own field of specialisation, Pearl City has a large number of talents, and there are such crouching dragons and young phoenixes. In terms of cleaning the toilet, Zhang Shouzhong would like to call them the strongest!"

"Ahu, how much toilet cleaner did you buy?" Zhang Ping curiously asked.

Zhao Yanhu took out more than ten cans of toilet cleaning liquid from his backpack and replied: "I am afraid that one can is not enough, so I bought 15 cans!"

"Then I will make another one. Experiment!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He canceled the sewer, and then pressed it on the ground to recreate a manhole cover for the sewer.

When he opened the manhole cover, the sewer was still clean.

"I will try another location!"

Zhang Ping puts on the lid again, then walks to the other side and squats down, holding the ground to activate the power.

When he opened the manhole cover again, the whole person was shocked.

Different sewers are still extremely clean.


Zhang Shouzhong took a look forward and exclaimed.

"I don't know how long it can be kept so clean for the time being, but this is a good situation. At least we don't need to endure the harsh environment of the sewer when we wait for it!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhao Yanhu looked at Zhao Yanlong triumphantly, said with a smile: "Brother, I said this must be bought, right?"

"Well, well done, this time My judgment was wrong!" Zhao Yanlong nodded and said.

These toilet cleaners are expensive.

One can sells for almost 10,000, and the toilet cleaner alone costs more than 100,000.

Zhao Yanlong at first did not agree with Zhao Yanhu buying toilet cleaner. After all, the sewer is the ability of Zhang Ping, maybe it is like Zhang Ping's intestines, and he pours unclear things in. He is worried about Zhang Ping will be hurt.

But now the results have come out, so he did not express his concerns, but frankly admitted his mistakes.

After making sure that all the sewers were clean, the four entered the sewers again.

After Zhang Ping bid farewell to Cheng Xuejie, he slowly covered the manhole cover.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Ping was sitting in the middle of the floating boat, looking at the clean sewer, and couldn't help saying with a smile.

I have to say that superpower is indeed a very incredible power. He knows better than anyone how abnormal the sewer is. There is no source and no end, and it can be said to be infinitely long.

But the toilet cleaner can clean up the entire sewer.

Zhang Ping even suspects that at the endless ends, the toilet cleaner is still working, constantly cleaning the dirty sewers.

Compared to the first time, the four of them are obviously much more emotional this time.

After all, the sewer is clean, and it is much more comfortable to stay than the dirty and disgusting sewer before. Moreover, after the toilet cleaning liquid works, the brightness of the sewer is greatly improved.

It is estimated that the business wants to prove how clean the toilet can be after using the toilet cleaning liquid, so it has added the ability, but it becomes extremely bright in the sewer.

"Ahu, does Pearl City have a lot of such products?" Zhang Ping thought to ask.

Zhao Yanhu took out a small jar, then poured a lot of black particles into the ditch, listened to Zhang Ping’s question, replied: "Not too much, but not too few, and these products are made by one person. If it doesn't come out, at least more than ten people can use the ability to make it."

"What are you pouring into the water?" Zhang Ping saw that Zhao Yanhu was still pouring black particles, so he asked.

Although he can identify or analyze, but the question is only one sentence, so there is no need to be so troublesome.

Zhao Yanhu said with a smile: "This is a black tuna roe from a merchant who sells toilet cleaner. He said that the purified toilet water is absolutely clean, even fish can survive, so it is included. Give me the fish eggs."

"He bought more than ten cans in one go, change me, and I will give it too!" Zhao Yanlong vomited.

Normal people can buy one can for a long time. Customers like Zhao Yanhu who buy more than ten cans in one go are indeed rare.

Maybe the other party mistakenly thought that Zhao Yanhu was particularly good at pulling, and thought that Zhao Yanhu could develop into a regular customer, so he gave black tuna eggs for free.

Zhang Ping thought about said with a smile: "The problem is that even if these fish eggs hatch, it is difficult for us to return to this area. Moreover, if the water here is really so clear, what will they eat after hatching? "

"Yes, this is a problem!" Zhao Yanhu said suddenly.

Zhang Shouzhong suggested: "If the sewer can be kept so clean all the time, I think the canal can be turned into an ecological canal. Maybe in a few years, we can still eat black tuna!"

"Good idea, I will go to the city to look back. I remember that there are businesses selling similar products." Zhao Yanhu said excitedly.

There are many wealthy people in Pearl City who will build small ecological gardens at home, and please awakened to maintain them regularly to prevent this Fan from turning into alienated beasts.

Therefore, there are businesses in Pearl City that specialize in creating ecological gardens for the wealthy.

Next, the four of them chatted and landed on the ground, walking leisurely in the sewer.

Starting from the ecological garden, the topic gradually extends to all walks of life in Pearl City. There are many industries in Pearl City that require a great threshold to be able to access. Most people simply don't know that there are these industries.

For example, Pearl City turned out to have another profession called "Pet Cuter".

This is an industry run by three to five awakened, who specialize in providing pet care for some wealthy ladies.

They can make pets never grow up, and at the same time control pet endocrine, so that they gradually lose their gender characteristics.

There is also an industry called Dream Master.

They are only employed by the rich, whose role is to provide the rich with the best quality sleep and act wilfully in their dreams.

However, dreamers are often hostile by women.

Once you expose yourself as a dreamer, it often means death.

Because no woman wants to be act wilfully in other people’s dreams, dreamers belong to a hidden profession that cannot be said. Generally, only trusted acquaintances can contact the dreamers.

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