The four were in the sewer, chatting and eating snacks, and another day passed unconsciously.

Everyone felt that the distance was almost the same, so Zhang Ping got up and held down the top of the sewer, and directly opened the manhole cover.

He looked up and saw another foot. Fortunately, this foot was wearing shoes, and it was huge.

"Who you are, why did you appear in my house?"

The owner of the feet is a man who is more than 3.5 meters tall.

He is fat but strong. After discovering Zhang Ping, he immediately asked, his voice was thick and loud as a bell.

Zhang Ping looked at the man, said with a smile: "I cleaned the sewer, sorry, you have cleaned it up."

"What is the sewer?" The man held it. A bowl with a big washbasin was curiously asked while eating a strange smell.

Zhang Ping came out of the sewer and explained: "This is the sewer, used to deal with dirty things."

He found that although the man is an adult, his eyes are pure as young. Child, the tone of speech is also like a child, and may be mentally defective.

"Sun Jingfan?" Zhang Shouzhong emerged from the sewer at this time and was slightly surprised when he saw Big Fatty.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong, astonished and asked: "Do you know him?"

"Well, his name is Sun Jingfan, nicknamed Jingfan King, and his ability is fat armed. Because my ability is the same as my fat ability, so I know his information specially." Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said.

Sun Jingfan looked at Zhang Shouzhong and said with a smile: "The sewer is so amazing, and a fatty pops up."

"You are fatter than me, what face calls me fatty. ?" Zhang Shouzhong was immediately unhappy.

He actually lost weight for a few days after he advanced, but through eating and drinking, he regained the fat. If all the nano-robots are turned back to fat recovery, he may be more than Sun Jingfan. Fat, but now that most of the fat is taken out, he is definitely thinner than Sun Jingfan.

"Mother told me that I am not fat, I am strong." Sun Jingfan was not happy.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Ping and asked in a low voice: "Is he?"

"Well, I had a fever when I was a child, and my family didn’t pay attention. It was too late when I found out. , So he is not very smart." Zhang Shouzhong nodded and said.

Sun Jingfan did not refute, but repeatedly nodded to agree.

If someone says he is stupid, he will slap him to death, but he admits that he is not smart.

Zhang Shouzhong has investigated Sun Jingfan’s intelligence, so he knows what to say and what not to say, so he won’t make Sun Jingfan angry for no reason.

"Where is your mother?" Zhang Shouzhong asked when he looked at Sun Jingfan.

Sun Jingfan replied: "Many days ago, my mother said to go shopping, and then she didn’t come back."

"This is the parallel world, fatty, the original world, Sun What's the situation with Jingfan?" Zhang Ping immediately realized that Sun Jingfan's mother might have been killed by Heavenly Fox.

Zhang Shouzhong whispered: "In our world, Sun Jingfan died. His mother was eaten by Heavenly Fox first, and then he said that his mother was not his mother, so he attacked Heavenly Fox who impersonated his mother. In the end, Heavenly Fox fled outside the house. Many awakened thought he was crazy, and finally besieged him to death. He didn't attack other awakened until his death, but chased Heavenly Fox. Many people in the city knew about this. "


Zhang Ping looked at Sun Jingfan, only then did he discover that the big washbasin held by Sun Jingfan was full of stinky scum. It's no wonder he just thought the mushy smell in that basin was so strange.

He couldn't bear to ask: "Sun Jingfan, where did the food in your pot come from?"

"Mother made it." Sun Jingfan took another bite.

Zhang Ping sighed: "Stop eating, I'll buy you barbecue, how about it?"

"Really? Good!"

Sun Jingfan's eyes immediately lit up, and immediately threw the big washbasin, and said with a smile happily.

Obviously, he didn't like to eat that thing either, but he couldn't help it when he was hungry, so he went to eat those weird mush.

Zhang Ping took out the hind leg of an alienated goat from the bracelet, and after a moment the energy eater activated it, and a steamed roast leg of lamb was ready.

He said with a smile: "Give it, eat."

"Thank you, the big brother who kindly cleaned the sewer!" Sun Jingfan took the roast leg of lamb, no Forgot to thank Zhang Ping.

He obviously remembered what Zhang Ping said just now, thinking that Zhang Ping really cleaned the sewers.

Zhang Ping said with a smile: "My name is Zhang Ping, and he is Zhang Shouzhong."

"My name is Zhao Yanhu, and there is a big brother named Zhao Yanlong below me!" Zhao Yanhu Climb out of the sewer, said with a laugh.

After Zhang Shouzhong came out of the sewer, he emerged from the sewer. He just kept listening to Zhang Shouzhong and forgot to come up.

"What is under me? I am your brother, I am above you!" When Zhao Yanhu came out, Zhao Yanlong appeared and said dissatisfiedly.

Zhao Yanhu smiled and said: "You were under me just now, I'm just telling the truth!"

"Are you all cleaning the sewers?" Sun Jingfan ate and grilled Leg of Lamb asked vaguely.

Zhang Ping nodded and said: "Yes, we are a sweeping team, specializing in cleaning up the filthy things hiding in the sewer!"

"Yes, cleaning the sewer is our mission !" Zhang Shouzhong eyes shined, didn't expect the sweeping team could explain this way, so he agreed with a smile.

After Zhao Yanlong came out, Sun Jingfan immediately lay down beside the sewer, poked his head into the sewer, and then cry out in surprise: "Wow, so clean!"

"Yeah It was originally dirty, but with our sweeping team, it will definitely become clean!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

After looking at the sewer, Sun Jingfan didn’t seem to be interested in anything else, and simply sat on the ground, eating roast leg of lamb each minding their own business.

He doesn't know how to take care of other people's feelings, instead he eats leisurely.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong and asked: "He is at home alone, I am afraid he won't live for a few days."

"Do you want to take him? No, you can ask around at most People who are here, see if anyone is willing to take care of him. Although he is very strong, he doesn't have any combat experience. He used to help people with hard work at most." Zhang Shouzhong said in a low voice.

Sun Jingfan’s nickname is more derived from his unimaginable appetite. He can eat food equivalent to one meal for hundreds of people by himself, so he is called the King of Jingfan .

The actual battle is actually equivalent to a meat shield at most, and there are still meat shields with various defects.

"I want to send him to us. Someone should be willing to take care of him. If it doesn't work, let him live in Guilou." Zhang Ping considered.

Zhang Shouzhong thought: "This is not impossible. Many people in our world regret killing Sun Jingfan by mistake. Although it is not this Sun Jingfan, it is at least the same Sun Jing in the parallel world. Fan, someone should be willing to take care of him, and he is actually very profitable, at most it only takes care of his daily diet."

Don’t think Sun Jingfan is not smart, but he is very strong and defensive. The power is very high. I used to do odd jobs in Shijun’s Chamber of Commerce, specializing in transporting huge stones.

Building a house, he certainly can't.

But when it comes to moving bricks, he does a better job than the overwhelming majority.

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