Zhang Ping and Zhang Shouzhong made a plan after a discussion.

They decided to bring Sun Jingfan first. If someone in this world is willing to take care of Sun Jingfan, then they will entrust Sun Jingfan to the other person. If no one in this world is willing to take care of him, then they will take Sun Jingfan. Take the meal back to their original world, and then deal with it according to the situation.

"Then how do we explain to him that his mother is dead?" Zhang Shouzhong then hesitated and asked.

Zhang Ping was also frowned and glanced at Sun Jingfan, who was concentrating on roasting lamb shanks, and said: "speak frankly?"

"What if he doesn't believe it?" Zhang Shouzhong Asked.

Zhang Ping took a deep breath and decided to say: "Speak frankly first. If he doesn’t believe me, take him outside to see. The situation in Pearl City is much worse than ours. There is enough evidence. Let him believe the facts."

"But this is too cruel, he is just a child!" Zhang Shouzhong said helplessly.

Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong speechlessly and couldn't help but vomit: "A three-meter-seven child?"

"I mean his spiritual age." Zhang Shouzhong retorted. .

Zhang Ping knows this of course, but he has to make things clear, otherwise it will become a hidden danger sooner or later, and it is good for everyone to say it earlier.

"Then you go talk!"

Zhang Shouzhong turned around and decided to wait outside the house.

Outside the house, sun shone brightly.

Zhang Shouzhong leaned his back against the wall and couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Although he has long been accustomed to parting with death, what he fears most is not the deceased, but the family of the deceased.

For a moment, he heard the sound of Sun Jingfan crying in the house, and then he suddenly heard the vibration, his face changed involuntarily, and he quickly controlled the nano-robot to fly with him.

The wall he was leaning against was hit by Sun Jingfan in the next second.

Sun Jingfan hurriedly ran to the vegetable market, but did not see anyone along the way, and the whole community was empty.

This community is basically eaten up by Heavenly Fox, but he has been at home honestly, so he didn't notice the situation.

Zhao Yanhu stood at the door of the room, said curiously: "It's weird, why didn't Heavenly Fox eat Sun Jingfan alone?"

"Even Heavenly Fox didn't want to eat a piece Iron bumps, Sun Jingfan’s defense is passive!" Zhang Ping glanced at the house sunk into by Sun Jingfan, lightly saying.

Actually, there are many awakened in Pearl City. The only reason for not being hunted by Heavenly Fox is that the defense is too high.

The ordinary Heavenly Fox couldn't bite, and Moon Prince and Moon King didn't bother to eat, so these people survived. Only Sun Jingfan was killed by humans because of Heavenly Fox.

About three hours later, Sun Jingfan returned with a look of disappointment. His eyes were red, and he couldn't help crying again when he saw Zhang Ping.

"Mother is really gone." Sun Jingfan cried.

Zhang Ping stepped forward to comfort Sun Jingfan again. Zhang Shouzhong and Zhao Yanlong also helped to comfort them. It took Sun Jingfan to accept the fact that his mother was killed by Heavenly Fox.

At this time, the time was approaching evening, so Zhang Ping took out more ingredients and cooked a luxurious meal at Sun Jingfan's house, hoping to temporarily let Sun Jingfan forget his grief.

Sun Jingfan sat at the dinner table, looking at the table full of food, after a moment of silence, he looked firmly at Zhang Ping, opened the mouth and said: "Zhang Ping big brother, I want to avenge my mother , I want to kill and eat all the foxes!"

"But you can't fight!" Zhang Ping persuaded.

He doesn't want Sun Jingfan to be too entangled in hatred, after all, the Heavenly Fox of this world has been killed by him.

strictly speaking, Sun Jingfan no longer has any revenge. Heavenly Fox is Heavenly Fox, and other foxes are other foxes. They can’t blame all foxes for their hatred because Heavenly Fox has eaten people.

"I...I can kill a fox!" Sun Jingfan whispered.

Although he has never had a fight throughout his childhood, it’s not that he has never seen other people fight. After all, there are a lot of arenas in Pearl City. Get together and learn from each other.

Under the influence of ears and eyes, Sun Jingfan at least knows that his physique can kill overwhelming majority creatures.

"Well, let's go to the ring to have a try. If you can beat me, I will promise you and take you to kill the fox!" Zhang Ping thought for a while and said simply.

It's not that he doesn't want to reason with Sun Jingfan, saying that he can't transfer his anger or hatred.

The problem is that he is not Sun Jingfan.

He can't take the place of Sun Jingfan to bear the pain of losing his mother.

Don't persuade others to be kind without the hardships of others.

At this time, he insisted on talking about some shit, that was going to be struck by lightning.

Although Sun Jingfan lacked confidence, under the blessing of hatred, he still nodded agreed.

Everyone came to the nearby ring.

Zhang Ping stepped onto the ring and watched Sun Jingfan said with a smile: "Come on, don't say hit me to death, as long as you can hit me, I will even win!"

"Then Zhang Ping big brother, I am here!" Sun Jingfan climbed onto the ring, and then said seriously.

Next, he was loudly roared, closed his eyes and rushed towards Zhang Ping, and ran into Zhang Ping fiercely with his shoulder.

But because he closed his eyes, he didn’t even know the moment he rushed over, Zhang Ping had already easily shifted his position, so Sun Jingfan rushed out of the ring and stomped away. The whole person slammed to the ground like a bomb, then rolled to the next ring and blasted the next ring.

Countless rocks flew all around, Zhang Shouzhong hurriedly used the nano-robot to form a shield to block the rocks, but other directions were not so lucky.

A big tree was hit by a rock, and the main trunk burst open, and countless sawdust flew around.

The wall was also smashed by rocks and collapsed, making a loud noise.

This scene is very exaggerated.

One minute has passed before the dust settles.

"This physique is really exaggerated. It's no wonder that in the original world, hundreds of awakened can't kill him in seconds." Zhang Shouzhong looked at Sun Jingfan, who was squatting in the big pit with his eyes closed and holding his head. She sighed.

Actually, even if it is a few hundred awakened, it is still difficult to kill him.

His death was mainly because he didn't fight back and didn't run away, so he gave those awakened the chance to kill him.

This is like a big boss in the game that will not attack the player. Even with the high defense and the thicker health bar, the player will eventually be worn to death.

A moment.

Sun Jingfan got up and found that he had run outside the ring, and quickly got up and returned to the ring.

"Zhang Ping big brother, I ran out of bounds." He said a little sorry.

Because he has seen other awakened competitions, he knows the rules, and he will lose if he leaves the ring.

"It's okay, don't you have five lives? So you can run out of bounds five times!" Zhang Ping said with a smile.

He discussed with Sun Jingfan not to win Sun Jingfan, but to give Sun Jingfan a chance to vent his grief.

If he really wants to win Sun Jingfan, just one move is more than enough.

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