I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [028] First meeting (3700 words long chapter)

Cleanup team headquarters.

In Situ Shibai's office, Situ Shibai tapped the office with his finger, and the whole office suddenly turned black and white.

[Image space: Permanently create a special virtual space, the maximum range increases according to the improvement of mental power, can activate the images of others, form a controllable shadow man, and the shadow man can only move in the image space. ]


A shadow Chen Ming appeared in front of Situ Shibai.

Situ Shibai looked down at the map and asked: "Have you found out the whereabouts of the investigation team?"

"Captain, according to my investigation, 19 of the 22 teams of the investigation team have left Mingzhu City since April. The Shen team, Xu team, and Hai team that are still in the city have no abnormalities at present." Shadow Chen Ming replied.

Situ Shibai smiled meaningfully and said, "The absence of abnormality is the biggest abnormality. I remember that the captain of the Shen team is Xu Zheng. His ability is the sickle of death. Whenever someone dies in the entire Mingzhu City, his sickle will automatically absorb the concept of death. So many people have died in Mingzhu City during this period. Will he be indifferent?

There is also the Xu team. Wang Huashi is very smart. Even some adventurers can detect things, but he didn't notice them at all. Do you think it is reasonable?

On the contrary, the captain of the Hai team, Su Su, stayed in Mingzhu City because he was seriously injured and hospitalized. Chen Ming, go and investigate how serious Su Su's injuries are, and the last mission record, to see if there are any doubts."

The investigation team is not responsible for the safety of Mingzhu City.

Their task is to collect information data on alien beasts and wild people, especially to discover unknown alien beasts. They need to investigate the abilities and level limits of alien beasts.

As an unknown alien beast, Tianchang Fox appeared quietly in Mingzhu City. If Zhang Ping hadn't exposed this matter, it would take at least one to two months for the cleaning team to figure out the situation. By then, the opportunity would have been cold.

Therefore, the investigation team and the patrol team have an unshirkable responsibility for the invasion of Tianchang Fox.

The problem is that the patrol team has been wiped out, so the surviving investigation team seems very suspicious, especially the three teams left in the city. How did they survive and why did they not notice it?

Situ Shibai ordered Shadow Chen Ming to check these three teams after Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan met for the first time. Now it seems that there must be something wrong with these three teams.

After Shadow Chen Ming left, Situ Shibai looked at the map with a deep look.

This incident does not seem to be a beast disaster, but a man-made disaster.

His intuition is stronger than Chen Ming. He knows very well that Mingzhu City is not so easy to invade. Let alone the investigation team's activities on the periphery, it is itself a line of defense against unknown alien beasts. The patrol team alone is not so easy to infiltrate. There must be someone assisting.

"Could it be the remnants of the Zhu family?"

Situ Shibai suddenly thought of what happened two hundred years ago, and then looked out the window.

"Since Sisi is back, I should also go to the city to see the young man with unlimited potential she mentioned."

He was sitting on a chair, but his body suddenly split into two bodies. One body was still sitting behind the desk, and the other body stood up and walked out.

[Splitting Flesh Clone: ​​The body can be divided into multiple bodies, each body has equal physical attributes. The more splits, the weaker the average strength. ]

When one of them opened the door, the door was not the inside of the cleaning team, but the streets of Mingzhu City.

[Shortcut Door: Consume mental and physical strength to quickly reach the destination by opening the door, the farthest distance is no more than 100 kilometers]


At dawn, Zhang Ping and Liu Sishan set off to return to Mingzhu City.

During the two days they were away, without the interference of the Moon King, the cleaning team was able to fully monitor the situation of the entire Mingzhu City. Except for being unable to stop the Moon Prince from hunting, all the alien beasts approaching Mingzhu City were solved one by one.

Now Liu Sishan needs to temporarily take over Jin Bo's duties.

If other alien beasts invade Mingzhu City, she will be needed to lead the team to guard the safety of Mingzhu City, so Zhang Ping is free.

After bidding farewell to Liu Sishan, Zhang Ping returned to Iron Soul. Qiu Qiang did not go on a mission these two days, and happened to be taking care of Liu Tiefeng in the store. When he saw Zhang Ping coming in, he smiled and said, "Why are you back early? Didn't you say you would train for five days?"

Zhang Ping

knew that the reason Wang Jieming asked for leave for him was that the Beast King Boxing Gym arranged special training, which required closed training for a few days.

He smiled and replied, "I learn things quickly, so I ended the special training early."

As he said that, he was going upstairs to put his luggage.

But as soon as he took a step, he noticed something was wrong. He looked at Qiu Qiang and Liu Tiefeng and found that they were both motionless.

He turned around suddenly and saw an old man with white hair and beard, but few wrinkles on his face, standing outside the store with his hands behind his back, smiling, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through him at a glance.

[Relative static space-time: Pull the target into a special space, which anchors the time when the space is expanded. When the space is released, the creatures in the space will return to the anchored time point. ]

"Who are you?" Zhang Ping put down his luggage and asked cautiously.

Situ Shibai smiled and teased: "Don't you have the identification skill? You will know after the identification."

[Identification failed]

[Identification failed*6]

[Identification failed*66]

[Identification failed*666]

Zhang Ping remained silent. The identification difficulty of the old man in front of him was higher than that of the solitary testicle orb, but in fact he already knew the identity of the old man in his heart.

He had heard the other party's voice through the wind talker. It was Situ Shibai, the captain of the cleaning team!


Situ Shibai suddenly came in laughing, and Zhang Ping used appraisal techniques on him. He knew every appraisal, and because of this, he found it interesting and funny.

Most awakened people who possess the identification technique think that identification is traceless, but this is not the case in his eyes.

In his opinion, Zhang Ping's eyes continuously emitted rays to scan his whole body, but this invisible ray was blocked by his body. Therefore, no matter how Zhang Ping identified it, it was impossible to get a result.

[Information sealing energy film: It can create an energy film that is invisible to the naked eye. Any matter covered by the energy film cannot be identified or seen through. 】

"Stop identifying. I have the ability to block identification. Even if you identify ten thousand times or one million times, you still won't get any results." Situ Shibai walked up to Zhang Ping and said with a smile.

Then he passed Zhang Ping and walked upstairs. Zhang Ping was silent for a moment and quickly followed.

The two went up to the second floor and sat on chairs in the living room.

"I wonder what I should call you?"

Zhang Ping poured tea for Situ Shibai and then asked carefully.

Situ Shibai, who was opposite, stopped as soon as his hand touched the teacup and asked, "You're just being naughty. Your name is meant to be called by others. You can call it whatever you want. Do you really not know my name?"

This question is obviously a test.

Zhang Ping was testing whether he knew the secret of "Zhang Ping used the ability of the wind whisperer to learn the secrets of the cleanup team."

However, he was not interested in playing riddles with Zhang Ping, so he pointed out the matter directly.

But the very fact of saying it means that he will not ignore it.

"Mr. Situ, why are you here this time..."

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, Zhang Ping also understood what Situ Shibai meant and asked in a very cautious and respectful manner.

Although Liu Sishan had softened his attitude towards him in the past two days and got closer to him, he had not completely let down his guard.

It stands to reason that the cleaning team should not completely believe him yet.

Apart from the matter of 'Wind Whisperer's Quest', he really couldn't think of any other reason.

Therefore, he really couldn't understand the purpose of Situ Shibai meeting him in this form at this time.

"Zhang Ping, it's best not to think too much before you block other people's mind-reading abilities." Situ Shibai drank tea and smiled lightly.

[Mind Reading: Reading each other's thoughts through eye contact. 】

Zhang Ping immediately ordered himself to calm down, and at the same time ordered himself not to think wildly, and to clear all distracting thoughts in an instant.

"Do you know that there has been no infinite level ability in Pearl City for more than two hundred years since me? I even investigated whether someone was causing trouble, but it seems that my luck has really run out."

Situ Shibai didn't pay attention to Zhang Ping's change. After putting down the teacup, he spoke slowly.

【Nurture luck

Seed: A seed that can produce luck. If placed on a city, it will form city luck. If placed on a force, it will form force luck. If placed on an individual, it will form personal luck. You can know its rise and fall by observing luck. 】

"Fortunately, after so many years, a person with unlimited abilities has finally emerged. Do you think I can come and have a look?" Situ Shibai looked at Zhang Ping and smiled.

Zhang Ping already understood the reason why Situ Shibai saw him.

But because of the order just now, he remained expressionless and calm. He just picked up the teapot and refilled Situ Shibai's cup to welcome him.

Situ Shibai tapped his fingers beside the teacup a few times to express that it was enough, and then said: "And there is one thing I am very curious about, and that is whether my ability can replicate infinite abilities."

Because he was the only infinite-level ability user in the past, the abilities he copied were all abilities below the Protectorate level, and none of them were infinite-level.

He didn't know if he could copy the infinite level.

This requires Zhang Ping to cooperate with the experiment.

"Of course, my experiment will not be in vain. No matter what the result is, I will give you two thank you gifts and answer all your questions." He looked at Zhang Ping, paused and continued.

Zhang Ping had doubts and asked: "Mr. Situ, will your copying have any adverse effects on me?"

"Hahahaha, no, my copy will not hurt the other party, you can rest assured of this." Situ Shibai said with a smile.

Zhang Ping asked calmly and cautiously: "Then can I refuse?"

"Of course, but you might as well take a look at my chips first." Situ Shibai nodded and continued.

He stretched out his hand, and a black hole suddenly appeared on his right. He took out an exaggerated long-handled sickle from the black hole, and then took out a golden bracelet.

After he put the two things on the table, he introduced: "This scythe is called the Fear Scythe. It can induce fear in other creatures and has the ability to evolve itself by sucking blood. I used it to kill millions of aliens in my early years. The beast has absorbed the blood of countless alienated beasts. Its hardness and sharpness are rare in the world. It is no exaggeration to say it is a divine weapon. "

"This bracelet is called the Golden Treasure House. It is also a piece of equipment I commonly used in my early years. It is connected to a 450 cubic meter storage space. You should understand what this means."

After finishing speaking, Situ Shibai drank while waiting for Zhang Ping's answer.

Zhang Ping looked at the sickle and bracelet on the table and said that he was definitely lying if he said he was not moved.

Especially the Dread Scythe, if paired with the Dark Mist, his strength will definitely increase by a level.

"If you really can't make up your mind, why not try the identification?" Situ Shibai said with a smile when he saw Zhang Ping's excitement but holding back.

Zhang Ping's eyes lit up immediately and he started the identification.

After several failed identifications, he successfully identified the properties of the two pieces of equipment.

[Fear Scythe: This weapon can bind the user. In addition to the user, all living beings within three meters will be affected by the Fear Scythe and feel fear. At the same time, the Fear Scythe can absorb blood and continue to evolve. The more times it evolves, the more blood it needs. The current number of evolutions: 159 times. ]

[Golden Treasure House Bracelet: After wearing it, a 450 cubic meter storage space can be opened. ]

While identifying, a picture appeared in front of Zhang Ping's eyes. A burly blacksmith cast a Fear Scythe and threw dozens of people into the iron slurry. Accompanied by screams, there was even black gas pouring out of the iron slurry, forming a picture of skulls screaming in the air.

Then the picture changed, a handsome young man in a windbreaker, holding a huge sickle to kill the alien beasts, not far from these alien beasts, men and women with blurred faces seemed to be extremely terrified.

As for the picture of the gold treasury, it was even more terrifying. A woman was tied up, and then gold was melted on her body. Several awakened people stood around the woman and activated their abilities at the same time. Gradually, the woman's body was burning with flames, and the gold was burned into smoke.

After a lot of smoke dissipated, only this bracelet was left.

The picture ended.

Zhang Ping's face was not very good after watching it.

The assassination ring, the fear sickle, and the gold treasury bracelet, these three special equipment were all exchanged for human lives.

Such behavior is too cruel.

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