Su Jingyao was thinking about which one they would go to to conduct a friendly'persuasion' after Zhang Ping agreed.

When she heard Zhang Ping's refusal, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she asked: "Then what do you want? As long as we have it, you can take it!"

At this moment, she finally felt the difference between Zhang Ping of the two worlds.

Although the appearance is the same, even the bloodline in the body is the same.

But this Zhang Ping from other worlds seems to be less ambitious and more open-minded than the Zhang Ping she knows.

Probably this is why Zhang Ping survived, but Zhang Ping she was familiar with was pissed to death.

"What do I want? I think about it...Actually, I don't seem to have anything special." Zhang Ping listened to Su Jingyao's question, and after thinking about it carefully, he has everything he wants , There is really no other pursuit.


He can feel his progress every day.

As long as he eats the right food and keeps using his ability, he will be able to advance to the top awakened in more than fifty years.

Furthermore, he has the ability to sleep in the dragon.

He doesn't need to think about lifespan at all, so he doesn't need to specifically pursue power.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't want stronger power, but he knows that Su Jingyao can't pay the price he wants

As for wealth.

If it is a past life, he may value money very much, but if you live a lifetime, money is enough.

Furthermore, he also impossible to get the Pearl City of this world to use in another Pearl City. Although they are all the same currency, they are definitely not in compliance.

"What about me? Do you want it?" Su Jingyao looked at Zhang Ping and suddenly asked softly.

Zhang Ping looked serious, and said seriously: "Promise me, don't use yourself as a bargaining chip, I understand your love for Pearl City, but I can help you for a while, can I help you for the rest of your life? I don’t even know when I’m leaving this time, and when I’ll come back next time. I will be backlashed after the suppression with martial power. This is the reason why I reject you!"


Su Jingyao fell silent.

This Zhang Ping is really different from the Zhang Ping she knows.

But if I really want to say, she actually likes this Zhang Ping more in her heart. Although the dead Zhang Ping is good, sometimes some small details always reveal his inner self-esteem and excitement. Ambition.

"Can't you really help us? The sweeping team can't just disappear." For a while, she looked at Zhang Ping and asked in a low voice.

At this moment, Zhang Shouzhong came down from upstairs and opened the mouth and said: "Zhang Ping, I have an immature idea."

At this moment, Zhang Ping and Su Jingyao All look at him.

"Sorry, I didn't deliberately eavesdrop on your conversation, but your voices automatically pierced into my ears, and I didn't mean anything." He explained quickly.

Zhang Ping sighed: "Let’s talk about it, what do you want to do?"

"First of all, you must determine a problem. After closing the manhole cover, does your mysterious sewer still exist? "Zhang Shouzhong said.

Zhang Ping walked to the open ground, held the ground, and directly created the manhole cover out of thin air.


Zhang Shouzhong immediately ran upstairs, and the next moment he held a bug down.

He opened the manhole cover, then put the bugs in. After covering the manhole cover, he signaled Zhang Ping to cancel the ability.

Zhang Ping canceled the ability, waited about ten minutes and turned it on again.

"Let me see, the bug is still there!"

Zhang Shouzhong released the nano robot into the sewer. After searching for about two hours, he finally found the bug.

The bug is still alive, and there is no problem at all.

"Well, the next second stage test, I will go in and you can cancel the ability!" Zhang Shouzhong said seriously.

Zhang Ping frowned: "This is too dangerous."

"I don't think the risk is big, let's get started!" Zhang Shou handed Zhang Ping an imitation of fat energy formation. Then said with a smile.

He immediately entered the sewer, and then took the initiative to cover the manhole cover.

Zhang Ping frowned, then cancel the ability, wait for the sewer manhole cover to disappear for a period of time, and then manufacture the sewer manhole cover.

In an instant, the Rubik's Cube turned into fat and the energy quickly disappeared.

Zhang Ping stood by the sewer and waited. About an hour later, Zhang Shouzhong got out of the sewer and said with a smile: "Good luck, this time I am closer."

"Let's talk about it, what do you want to do?" Zhang Ping looked at Zhang Shouzhong and asked helplessly.

Zhang Shouzhong said seriously: "Zhang Ping, have you ever thought about a question, will you come into contact with more parallel worlds in the future?"

"Think about it!"

Zhang Ping replied, he does have the idea of ​​going to other parallel worlds to inquire about news.

He can get the base coordinates of Yuju Zhu Family in parallel world A, and then get more base coordinates of Yuju Zhu Family in parallel world B.

As long as there are enough parallel worlds he travels to, he can investigate the color of the underwear of everyone in Yuju Zhu Family!

"You are very strong, there is no doubt about it, but as it is now, this Pearl City is a group of dragons without a leader. If no is strong enough to awakened to suppress everything, it is estimated that civil strife will occur soon, and even eventually return In the hands of Yuju Zhu Family, what can you do?" Zhang Shouzhong asked.

Zhang Ping looked at him and asked: "Do you want to control?"

"Do you want to watch this Pearl City fall? Although it is not our world, but people They are all living people. The purpose of the sweeping team is to'clean up all the dust and return the pearl to be bright and clean'. Seeing that this pearl is about to become dusty, I can't just ignore it!" Zhang Shouzhong said.

Zhang Ping rubbed the temple and said directly: "Okay, tell me what you think."

"Since your mysterious sewer has been there after you cancel the ability , We might as well create a new force, such as the "Myriad Realms Sweeper Team". Our goal is to attract more talents from different parallel worlds, and dominate the Heavenly Fox and Zhu Family that harm these parallel world Pearl City. Of course ...We can't take nothing, we will establish sweep team branches in these Pearl City, and then indirectly manage the city, and collect certain resources!" Zhang Shouzhong said immediately.

Su Jingyao eyes shined, agreeing: "I agree with this idea, and another Zhang Shouzhong should also agree with it."

"Wait, I am not dead in this world?" Zhang Shouzhong said in surprise.

Su Jingyao as it should be by rights said: "You in this world are only trainee members. After Captain is killed in battle, we will move all trainee members to a safe place, so you in this world do not Die."

"Too bad, he was only a trainee member. When I saw him, I must talk about him. As my second body, how can I be so inadequate!" Zhang Shouzhong said immediately. Said with a smile with a distorted face, and the only thing left in his head is how to pretend to be forced in front of the other one.

Zhang Ping asked at this time: "What does this have to do with the sewer?"

"Your sewer is wide and large, and now it’s clean and tidy. We can The headquarters is set up in the sewer, and even transformed the sewer into an ecological garden. It is completely self-sufficient. Even if you don’t open the sewer for hundreds of years, the people living in it will not starve to death.” Zhang Shouzhong quickly put away his distorted smile and gave a serious explanation. road.

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