Of course, what Zhang Shouzhong really means is that these people are in the sewers. When Zhang Ping needs to dispatch troops, just open the sewers to easily send members to take over the Pearl City. The highest power.

"What should I say about this idea..."

Zhang Ping thinks it’s not bad, but feels very troublesome. After all, even if he doesn’t want to take care of things, he will eventually A lot of business fell on his head.

"If you don't want to manage Zhang Ping, I can manage it for you." Su Jingyao opened the mouth and said at this time.

She knows very well how powerful this organization will be once it is established. The structure of Myriad Realms is destined to be a dimensionality reduction blow for a single world.

As the leader of the organization, Zhang Ping is destined to become an existence that transcends everything.

"I can eat contract gem!" Su Jingyao saw Zhang Ping look at herself, so she said again.

Zhang Ping frowned: "You have not eaten Zhang Ping's contract gem of this world, can you still eat it?"

"Try it and you will know." Su Jingyao said with a smile.

Zhang Ping did not do this. He said with a smile: "No, it will be bad if something goes wrong. Since you want to do it, then...try it."

Although he has no intention of power, he knows the suffering of the world.

The ordinary person in Pearl City has had a hard time. Once the various strengths in Pearl City fight each other, I am afraid that life will be even more difficult, and they will even die miserably.

Originally, he knew but couldn't help it.

He is not Divine Immortal impossible to save everyone, even if the people in this city are saved, there are endless parallel worlds waiting for him.

Seeing one save one, he didn't have to do anything at all.

But Zhang Shouzhong provided him with a new idea, that is, to create a cross-world organization and directly incorporate everything into the organization's supervision to ensure that these cities can operate well.

And there is another hidden benefit of doing so, that is, once the Pearl City of which world has a problem, it will be supported by countless other worlds.

"Since you have agreed, then we will sort the world first. Our original world is naturally world number zero, and this world is world number zero. The weird one we went to before The world is the zero two world, how about it?" Zhang Shouzhong said immediately.

Zhang Ping lazily’s lie, Xianyu said: "The sorting problem is left to you. I am only responsible for communicating with those who disagree. How to manage this organization? You think As long as the method is reasonable, I agree to it."

"Unfortunately, your sewer is still unable to determine what world is every time you open it. If you can be sure, there is no doubt that this organization will be stronger. "Zhang Shouzhong said regretfully.

Zhang Ping squinted his eyes, said without thinking: "Abilities can be evolved. Maybe when I use more, it will become spirituality. Don't worry, the future can be expected."


"That's right."

Zhang Shouzhong thought of the many changes in Zhang Ping's ability, and nodded agreed.

Maybe the capacity of the sewer can become more convenient in the future, and it may not even be wider. It is too early to draw conclusions.

Next, Zhang Shouzhong and Su Jingyao discussed the framework of the organization, and the two decided after some discussion that all members of the organization must eat Zhang Ping's contract gem to determine their loyalty.

The main reason is that this organization is too important. Once a traitor appears, it will not only harm one world, but countless worlds, and even cause irreparable terrifying consequences.

Therefore, everyone in the organization must eat the contract gem!

Such an organization, of course, is impossible only because Zhang Shouzhong and Su Jingyao decide everything. The two are just preliminary discussions. There is still a long section of the road to go before the organization is truly established.

At least until Zhang Ping returns to the zero world, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie must be recruited. At that time, the power of the organization will definitely be assigned to different people, and the organization will gradually be pulled up.

"That's it for the time being, when everything is ready, we can really decide the rules and name of the organization through the meeting!" Su Jingyao said lightly.

Zhang Shouzhong frowned: "Myriad Realms sweeping team, isn't it good?"

"In some worlds, sweeping team is under the command of Situ Shibai Captain. We stepped in, with the name They are the same, it is easy to misunderstand, if a certain world's Situ Shibai Captain also joins our organization, it may cause some bad problems, so it is necessary to change the name." Su Jingyao explained.

Zhang Ping is the leader of the organization. This is an unquestionable fact. Even if she respects Situ Shibai very much, she still does not allow Situ Shibai to share the glory of Zhang Ping.

"Understood, then change a name." Zhang Shouzhong realized what Su Jingyao meant, so nodded agreed.

Although he likes the sweeping team very much, it is true that this newly established organization is not suitable for the name of the sweeping team.


He did this as a betrayal of the sweeping team?

After all, he is now strictly speaking of which, and he can be regarded as one of the founders of this new organization.

"Do I still have the innate talent for being a second-to-five son?"

Zhang Shouzhong glanced at Zhang Ping, touched his chin, and thought to himself.

In the afternoon.

After everyone had finished eating, Zhang Ping told Zhao Yanlong and Zhao Yanhu about the new organization. Both of them were trusted objects, so there was no need to hide them.

"Long live Master Zhang Ping, I want to join the organization!" Zhao Yanhu immediately exclaimed excitedly.

They belong to outsiders in Pearl City, so they are not eligible to join the sweeping team at all. They can only serve as servants of Zhang Ping in Pearl City activities.

Therefore, they have no sense of belonging to the sweeping team.

Zhao Yanlong is relatively stable, but he is still a little excited. While applying to join, he can’t help but sigh that Master Zhang Ping’s realm is high. Sure enough, the ability is great, the responsibility is great. Now Master Zhang Ping has decided to save All Heavens and Myriad Realms, he must not be left behind!

So far, the unnamed organization has five members.

If Su Jingyao is divided into two, then there will be six people in this obscure and non-existent organization.

"Jingyao, now you tell me, how is the situation in the city?" Zhang Ping, after announcing that he was preparing to start the organization, looked at Su Jingyao with a smile, said with a smile.

Su Jingyao nodded and said: "At present, the most prestigious powerhouses in the city include the Hall Master of Dojo and several Alliance Leaders of Chamber of Commerce. The most objectionable in Dojo is the Hall Master of Dojo of Lieyang. Wu Ruoyu, he is top awakened, and his strength is considered one of the very best in Hall Master. As for Chamber of Commerce, it is a bit more euphemistic, but basically everyone... p>"What's the situation in the Beastmaster Fist Hall?" Zhang Ping thought for a while and asked.

Su Jingyao replied: "The Beastmaster Fist Pavilion suffered heavy losses in the previous battle. Hall Master Fenglaixian is missing, so there is no indication at the moment."

"Then go See that Wu Ruoyu." Zhang Ping thought for a while and decided.

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