I Contracted Myself

Volume 1: City of Sky Foxes [295] Wu Ruoyu

Zhang Shouzhong said at this time: "Wu Ruoyu from Lieyang Martial Arts School, I remember that he is dead in our world. He is Li Aoxue's person."

"Then it makes more sense. Li Aoxue is also eyeing Pearl City, but Situ Shibai is already dead, so she didn't make any move. It's strange." Zhang Ping said calmly.

He stood up and said: "Let's go, without further ado, let's go meet Wu Ruoyu first."

Everyone left Guilou and went directly to Lieyang Martial Arts Hall.

Lieyang Martial Arts School.

Because the Lieyang Fire Dragon Palm taught in the martial arts hall is a strong and domineering palm technique, the Lieyang Martial Arts Hall is located in a relatively remote location and has a huge square.

Every day at noon, the apprentices of Lieyang Martial Arts Hall will practice the Lieyang Fire Dragon Palm in the sun.

Some students who have practiced deeply will even put a pot of charcoal fire in front of them to use the charcoal fire to increase the intensity of the practice.

In the cabinet of Lieyang Martial Arts Hall, Wu Ruoyu met Guan Hongying secretly.

"Miss Guan, Pearl City is now leaderless. Why doesn't Your Majesty directly send troops to occupy Pearl City? If she takes action now, no one can stop her and she will surely capture Pearl City!" Wu Ruoyu asked very dissatisfied.

Guan Hongying took a slow sip of tea, and then said: "Don't be impatient, Your Majesty will naturally have her own thoughts..."

"Do you have any ideas? If it continues to be delayed, I'm afraid there will be another bloody battle in Pearl City. I have already strongly rejected the proposal of the cleaning team. I can't go back and beg them now. No... now there is only a group of freshmen left in the cleaning team. The yellow-haired boy and the yellow-haired girl simply don't have the strength to suppress all voices," Wu Ruoyu clenched his fists slightly and gritted his teeth.

He has foreseen that there will be an inevitable bloody battle in Pearl City.

"Situ Shibai and Zhu Chengmian died together. Although the Zhu family of beast control has already sunk, the head of the family, Zhu Taihao, is a difficult character to deal with. Your Majesty knows that you will be dissatisfied, so let me tell you, now... Zhu Taihao has gone crazy!

After losing Zhu Chengmian as the heir, he strongly supported Zhu Chengmian's son Zhu Chongba to ascend to the position of elder. Now he is eager to eliminate dissidents. Not only does he attack other dissenting voices within the Zhu family, but he will soon plan a shocking conspiracy. Now Whoever becomes the master of Pearl City will become his target, and he will build momentum for Zhu Chongba. "Guan Hongying said seriously.

Wu Ruoyu took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "So this is His Majesty's courage?"

"Your Majesty must conserve more power. Although she is not afraid of Zhu Taihao, she is not willing to go head-to-head with this mad tiger who is about to expire." Guan Hongying explained.

Wu Ruoyu had a gloomy face, doubting for the first time whether his choice was true.

That woman, although ambitious, has no structure.

If she takes the opportunity to settle in Pearl City now and defeat the beast-controlling Zhu family head-on, no one will question her rule.

But because he was unwilling to expend his own power, he not only wasted a great opportunity, but even watched with a cold eye as the Pearl City was about to be destroyed. It was really... disappointing!

This is not the result he wants.

At this time, a student walked outside the door and reported softly: "Master, the girl from the cleaning team is here again."

"Well, let them wait a moment, I'll be there later." Wu Ruoyu took a deep breath and replied.

Guan Hongying stood up and said: "Since there are guests, I will go back and resume my life first."

"Miss Guan, go slowly, I won't send you off!" Wu Ruoyu said with a straight face.

Guan Hongying opened the door and walked out of the cabinet. She raised her head and glanced at the sunshine. She was originally going to leave through the back door, but for some reason, she felt a little curious about who the girl from the cleaning team was, so she decided to take a look before leaving.

Lieyang Martial Arts School was open for business, and students were coming and going, so she didn't have to worry about being noticed by them.

After passing through the main square and arriving at the front hall, she happened to see Su Jingyao and others walking towards the reception room on the other side under the leadership of a student.

Zhang Ping felt familiar eyes, so he followed his gaze and looked at Guan Hongying.

The two looked at each other.

Then Guan Hongying looked away and left quickly.

Zhang Ping looked away and couldn't help but smile slightly. Sure enough, this Wu Ruoyu was related to Li Aoxue, and Guan Hongying's appearance was the best proof.

"Then let's be a little more aggressive. I believe Master Wu will understand my good intentions!" Zhang Ping entered the reception room and couldn't help but make a decision in his heart.

A moment later, Wu Ruoyu walked out wearing a red training uniform.

"Sorry, I was delayed just now." Wu Ruoyu said with a smile.

Su Jingyao was suddenly a little surprised. The last time she came, Wu Ruoyu didn't smile at her at all.

Not only did he have a tough attitude, he also looked down on her and Manny from beginning to end.

Why is Wu Ruoyu so kind and cheerful this time?

Su Jingyao couldn't help but glance at Zhang Ping. Could it be that the other person knew Zhang Ping and got scared when he saw Zhang Ping?

"Master Wu, coming here this time is the same as last time." Su Jingyao took back her thoughts and said seriously now.

Wu Ruoyu sighed: "Actually, in principle, I support you, but it's useless for me alone."


Su Jingyao was suddenly filled with questions.

What's happening here?

She thought Wu Ruoyu would still refuse, but now Wu Ruoyu actually said he was willing to support them?


Zhang Ping also looked at Su Jingyao with questions. Wu Ruoyu's attitude was wrong. He softened before he made a move?

"I don't want Mingzhu City to start another internal conflict. To tell you the truth, what we really need to deal with is not our martial arts hall, but those chambers of commerce. Although the leaders of several chambers of commerce are not weak, their hearts are no longer pure. Profits are what they really pursue. Once the chamber of commerce can become the ruler of Mingzhu City, it will be a shocking benefit. No one can resist this temptation." Wu Ruoyu explained.

He said it very sincerely.

Both Zhang Ping and Su Jingyao could feel his sincerity.

"You mean we go to the chamber of commerce first. If the chamber of commerce agrees to support, will you also agree to support?" Su Jingyao asked a little unbelievably.

Wu Ruoyu nodded and said, "I support it. You have to talk to other martial arts halls yourself."

"May I ask why you didn't agree last time, but agreed this time?" Su Jingyao was silent for a moment and asked.

The main reason is that Wu Ruoyu's attitude before and after is too different. Being rude and unreasonable and now being open-hearted are completely two extremes.

At this moment, Su Jingyao even suspected that Wu Ruoyu was schizophrenic.

"There are many ordinary people in my martial arts school. They usually have accumulated a little savings for several generations, and then come to my martial arts school to learn things, hoping to change their own destiny and the destiny of their family. I see these people every day, and naturally understand... Once there is a real internal conflict, they are the ones who suffer the most." Wu Ruoyu sighed.

He promised Li Aoxue in the beginning, in fact, he wanted to stand up for these people.

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